The Naju Water of Graces

The Signs of Love from Our Lord and Our Lady through
Miraculous Water from the Blessed Mother's Mountain in Naju, Korea (Youtube link)


Fragrant oil floating on the surface of the Blessed Mother's
water of graces on May 16th,2009.

The Mother's milk and fragrant oil floating on the water of grace on February 7th,2009 durimg the first Satursay prayer meeting on the Blessede Mother's Mountain.

The fragrant oil floating on the water of grace on August 1st.2009

 On February 6th,2010 ,the water inside the vynil chapel jars for the  pilgrims , various icicle-like shapes were beautifully formed on the surfcae  of the Naju Water of Graces.

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The Fragrant oil floating on the miraculous water in the bucket of the shower room on the Blessed Mother's Mountain.

The Mother's milk floating on the miraculous water in the Jar of the mountain Chapel.  ( January 7th,2012)


The miraculous water, in the basin, squirting up and raised spray.

The Fragrant Oil floating on the water during the Holy Week



The Naju Water of Graces in the plastic jar that was brilliant in different colors (May 5th,2012)


The Fragrant Oil on the Naju Water of Graces.(July 7th,2012)


The colorful Fragrant Oil floating on the surface of the Naju Water of Grace were moving itself. (August 4th,2012)


    The Fragrant Oil floating on the surface of the miraculous water.                      ( August 13-15,2012 during the youth retreat)


The colorfull Fragrant Oil on the sirface of the water

"Tremors and waves" - (October 6th,2012)


The scene of the Fragrant Oil that was gushing out from deep in the water was witnessed by the priests,Sisters and volunteer helpers.(October 19th,2012)

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