Relic of St. Andrew Kim, a first priest in the Korean Church




 Fr. Augustine from India giving his testimony

 Beloved sister Julia Kim and dear friends.

Thank you very much for the warm welcome that you have given me and the prayers said for me. I am happy to be here at the feet of Our Mother in Naju. It is the providence of God that I am here. I'm a Roman Catholic priest of the diocese of Kumbakonam, India, a pilgrim who, out of love for the Blessed Mother, taken this pilgrim journey with the help of my bro. Rock Paul.

I came to know about the signs from heaven in Naju from him. He handed over some copies of the ¡®messages of love¡¯ to my sister Caroline to be distributed. She gave me a book and some pictures. It was in 1999, br. Rock Paul brought me a statue of Our Blessed Mother from Naju, which I was keeping it in my room.

In 2002, we had a Marian convention. To prepare the parish of Michael Patti for this convention, along with Fr. E. Adaikalasamy, Assistant, we planned to take the statue of Our Mother to each home, keep her for 24 hours and make the home aboard by Our Mother. The suggestion was welcomed by the people. To welcome

Our Mother, every house was decorated, invited the near and dear ones to their home to pray for the whole day and night. During her visit to the houses, she gave abundant blessings to all the family members. The people experienced her loving presence.

On the first day of her visit to a house, she began her ministry of healing. A small child of 6 months had to be operated on the following day. The parents were afraid and they brought the child and placed him in front of Our Mother's statue and remained there for the whole day praying for the miraculous touch of Our Mother. Next day the child was taken to the hospital, and the doctor was

astonished to see that the child was healed. This message of healing of Our Blessed Mother spread far and wide and all the families of the parish wanted to invite Our Blessed Mother to their homes. Hence we approached the Carmelite Convent in Kumbakonam, received another statue of Our Blessed Mother which was in their Chapel. With two statues of Our Blessed Mother, we were able to cover more than 300 families, 10 substations and 15 parishes of the vicariate.

In one house till midnight, prayer was conducted. They wanted to rest a while, that they might rise again at 3 a.m to pray while the woman was still awake, she saw Our Blessed Mother walking inside the house visiting all the rooms blessing the home. In another house Our Blessed Mother turned her head towards a woman and smiled at her.

A son of a widow was lost for more than two years and she did not know where about, and even gave up searching for him. When we had taken Our Blessed Mother's statue to her home, she asked me to pray for her son that she might see her son soon.

After the prayers I told her that she would have a message from her son within two days. Next day she rushed to inform me that she had received the message from her son.

There were so many other miraculous happenings during her visit to the houses. Due to her visit a spiritual renewal was given to the parish.

1. Many of the broken families were brought to reunion.

2. Earlier there were many suicides in the Parish. After Our Blessed Mother's visit in six years there was only one suicide.

3. A man who was drinking illicit liquor for more than 18 years, stopped drinking from the day of Our Mother's visit. This is just one example of many such changes.

4. Through our preaching, we made our people understand that abortion is to kill a  person and go against God¡¯s plan.

5. Most of the families enjoyed Our Blessed Mother's real presence.

6. The Marian convention was conducted in a grand manner. It was attended by more than 7,500 people from all over the vicariate for three full days. Teaching on Mary, the Rosary, the adoration and Eucharist celebration were part of the daily programme. The whole parish involved in all the programme.

7. Everything was due to Our Blessed Mother.

In short, the whole parish enjoyed peace and serenity thanks to the Blessed Mother's visits to their homes.

Ever since I read the messages of love, I began to love Our Lord in the Eucharist ardently and love Our Mother as her Son would have love her.

Fr. Augustine.

Ariyalur - DT, TN, India


 Our Lady of Naju put in the Madonna Retreat Center in India

 Fr. Augustine brought a chasuble with
an image of  Our Lady of Naju as a gift to Naju.

 The Precious Blood came dowm on a pilgrim's clothes.

  The Precious Blood came dowm on a pilgrim's clothes.

  The Precious Blood came dowm on a pilgrim's clothes.

  The Precious Blood came dowm on a pilgrim's toe.

  The Precious Blood came dowm on a pilgrim's clothes.

  The Precious Blood came dowm on a pilgrim's clothes.

  The Precious Blood came dowm on asister's veil.

  Golden-color fragrant oil came dowm on a pilgrim's clothes









