Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul


April 19, 2014 Easter Vigil
Excerpts from a testimony of Julia Kim

Our Lord wants us to do 'Turning our Daily Lives into Prayer'
Which allows us to offer up everything continuously


Julia Kim giving her testimony on April 19, 2014


Jesus and the Blessed Mother grant abundant graces when we walk the Way of the Cross on Good Friday on the Blessed Mother’s Mountain. (Translator’s footnote: Many lay Catholics and religious orders were personally healed of their spiritual or physical infirmities after participating in their journey with the Lord and mother Mary on The Way of The Cross.)

Fr. Frado from Indonesia who had a prostate cancer in 2006, attested to the miracle of healing from God. His cancerous cells spread aggressively all over his body and even into his bone marrow. Because of his infirmity, he had to be carried by several people. He even prepared for his fatality by planning to give away his clothes and stuffs.

‘Let’s go to Naju for the one last time before I die’. He came to Naju during the Holy Triduum in 2006 and he was healed of his cancer. He came back again in full remission in 2008.

Similarly, Fr. Aloysius from Indonesia who had prostate cancer came to Naju during the Holy Triduum. On that Good Friday, I received severe suffering of the scourging and whipping and blood kept gushing out from scars on my right thigh. I wiped my oozing blood with my handkerchief and gave it to Fr. Aloysius. On that night, he slept with the handkerchief tugged in his underpants. He found that he was miraculously healed.

My Dear Children of God! What would Our Lord want for the world that is in danger of extermination, and filled with sins? He wants us to ‘Turn Our Daily Lives into Prayers’, which allows us to offer up everything continuously at anytime and anywhere in this urgent time. Because of this urgent need for prayer, we can offer up prayers from the moment we wake up until we go to bed without neglecting even a single second in our daily life.

We are not going to be saved by just sitting idly and reciting the formalized prayers. We can offer up our entire life through “Turning Our Daily Lives into Prayers” without wasting a cubit of it if we remain awake prayerfully. I have been exclaiming about this prayer in America and other countries, they were really happy to hear that. For example, when we are mopping, we can joyously pray by saying “Jesus, we have a lot of bad habits that we are blinded to. Help us by wiping away those bad habits from us completely.”

We could easily miss out on a fart. If someone farts, people often laugh and ask each other mischievously “who is it?” However, how beautiful the prayer would be if we offer it in prayer by saying “Oh, Jesus, someone released toxic gas out of his/her body, but let all the bad stuff and filthy habits be similarly released out of our souls.”

We can’t image how many prayers we could offer up when we go to a hair salon or barbershop. Every time when a patron’s hair is trimmed and cut, not just mine, how beautiful prayer it could be if we pray “Jesus, cut out my filthy habits, cut out someone’s and all others as well”

All people are negatively ingrained with filthy habits. No matter how great a person is, everyone has had habits. I didn’t realize it before, but I know now because Jesus has shown me. That is why we have to offer more prayers for priests and religious. In spite of their religious foundation, through “filthy habits” they inevitably and unknowingly keep nailing Our Lord Jesus deeper and deeper into His Cross to perpetuate His suffering and pain.

If we arm ourselves with the Prayer of the Life every day and every minute, and by being fully armed ourselves with the Five Spiritualities of the Blessed Mother of Naju, bad habits and devils within us will be driven out.

The Lord and the Blessed Mother who appeared and present with us in Naju have shown unprecedented miracles in many occasions. Therefore, you can understand how they want us to live by reading the “Messages of Love”.

The Messages of Love
from the Blessed Mother is a ‘Commentary of the Bible’.


Sometime before the “Messages of Love” was published in form of a booklet former Bishop of Incheon diocese, Fr. William J. McNaugton showed me of a worn-out booklet of the ‘Messages of Love’ that he always carried in his pocket and read every day. He proclaimed that to him, the “Messages of Love” from the Blessed Mother is a ‘Commentary of the Bible’.

I gave him a piece of cotton soaked with fragrant oil obtained from the place where it was placed under the foot of Mother Mary’s statue. By his deep reverence for Mother Mary, he put that cotton soaked with Mother Mary’s fragrant oil into the book. Later, the book was soaked with the lingering fragrant oil.

Jesus of Divine Mercy appeared in front of me for more than ten times. However, throughout His appearances, He did not at anytime, instructed me to recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as He had to Saint Faustina. Some people blamed me “Why the Shrine of the Blessed Mother in Naju does not practice the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy?” Even before the Blessed Mother appeared to me, I had been offering the Chaplet two times a day, one at 3 A.M and another at 3 P.M, for seven years. Jesus would have told me to carry on this practice as part of His Naju message to the people if we needed to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

To this end, I must also avoid a misnomer by emphasizing that I am not implying that the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is not good or important. I had recited that prayer two times a day for every day for seven years because I liked it. The reason why I did not include praying the Chaplet is because the Lord and the Blessed Mother asked me to proclaim the Messages of Love and the Prayer of Life from Naju by arming ourselves with the Five Spiritualties.

In order to be saved, we have to become sanctified ourselves because God’s patience with the world is urgently waning. To appease God, everybody has to put the Prayer of the life into practice fervently. How could this world be saved if people just recite memorized prayers and offer them up meaninglessly without repenting their sins?

We who say that we know Our Lord should be always awake, and arm ourselves with the Five Spiritualities, through consecrating ourselves first, and then lowering ourselves to be more humble and transforming ourselves as little souls.

Do not stand on the same page with Judas or Cain. We can go straight to Heaven if we follow the Messages of Love from Jesus as it is. The Blessed Mother said, “Even if you are not in this world, the messages you have received and the works will remain forever.” In fact, Naju is the last hope of God’s salvation.

At this very moment, the right hand of God is already highly raised. Furthermore, the Cup of Wrath that is held on the right hand of God is full of oil. If He releases the cup, the world will be covered with sea of fire. Moreover, the people who haven’t repented their sins won’t be saved at all. However, when it happens, all of you who believe in God and follow the Messages of Love from the Lord and the Blessed Mother who appeared and have shown their presence in Naju will go straight to Heaven.

Many disasters have happened all over the world. The Blessed Mother deplored and said, “When snow falls and cold wind blows, you know winter is beginning. When new buds sprout, you know it is spring. Then, why do you still not understand that these disasters are the signs of the beginning of great calamities?” Many people complacently live their lives that the many large-scale disasters that occur everywhere are just natural disasters.

We have to be awake because we don’t know when God will end our mortal lives. This is the best chance to repent our sins. Let us completely entrust ourselves to God by driving away the bad friends within each of us, and in doing so, let Jesus make His home in our hearts.


