The Chapel or the Blessed Mother's House in Naju, where the Blessed Mother's statue is enshrined, is open to pilgrims every day. On certain days, many Korean and foreign pilgrims come to the Chapel and the Blessed Mother's mountain for overnight prayer meetings (about 6 p.m - 5 a.m. next morning). These days are:

  1. First Saturday of each month
  2. Holy week, March or April
  3. May 16, Anniversary of the First Eucharistic miracle
  4. June 30,  Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping tears
  5. August 15, Anniversary of the descent of Our Lord's Precious Blood
                         and the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  6. October 19,  Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping tears of blood
  7. November 24,  Anniversary of the first exuding of fragrant oil /Descent of the Eucharist
  8. December 8,  Feast of the Blessed Mother's Immaculate Conception
  9. December 31 ~ January 1, Year-end/New Year Special Overnight Prayer Meeting

                  On every Thursday evening - Holy Hour prayers (8 -10 p.m.)