The First Saturday overnight prayer meeting in Naju —  June 5, 2004

Praised be Jesus and Mary

June is the Month to commemorate the Sacred Heart of Jesus that poured out all drops of His Blood and Water completely and also is the refuge for all the sinners on earth.

When the Blessed Mother gave her first message on July 18, 1985 in Naju, she asked us, "Do you know how the Heart of my Son Jesus is being torn apart? His Heart is being torn apart continuously, as human sins multiply and disorder spreads. Make reparations." And Jesus poured even lumps of Blood and bloody water out of His Sacred Heart on August 15, 2002 and screamed loudly, shedding bloody tears, "Who will sew up My Heart that has been torn apart? I ask that at least you, who know Me, sew My torn Heart."

Remembering the above words of Jesus and the Blessed Mother, at least we, who know the Lord and the Blessed Mother, should quit perfunctory prayers and try to be the tailors of love who sew up the torn Hearts of Jesus and Mary through sacrifices, reparations, and prayers filled with love and devotion.

"Make known to everyone the fact that the devotion of turning your lives into prayers offered up with the whole heart and whole strength to sew up the torn Hearts of My Mother and Me everyday and at every moment becomes a great consolation to My Mother and Me and a merit for yourselves.  Also, keep in mind that the devotion of turning your lives into prayers is a prayer of salvation that can lead souls to Heaven, and pray without ceasing so that numerous souls may come out of the swamp of sins." (The Way of Love for the Lord, Feb 14, 1987)

"Make it known to all the people the fact that I am always with them even when they groan with spiritual and internal drought, if they practice the devotion of turning their lives into prayers with their whole hearts and strength and with unchanging love, so that they make a new start." (The Way of Love for the Lord, Feb. 25, 1990)

Our Lord and Our Lady of Naju helped us to realize the true meaning of consecration by letting us know how to turn our lives into prayers, which had never been taught before in the world, so that we may pray anywhere and anytime without ceasing. At least we, who know Our Lady of Naju, should not spend or waste any little things or trifles, but try to offer them up gracefully by turning them into prayers so that we may be the dutiful children who sew up the torn Hearts of the Lord and the Blessed Mother and achieve triumph in the war against the three enemies (the devil, the flesh and the world)

Responding to the anxious pleas of the Lord and the Blessed Mother, around 1,500 pilgrims visited the Blessed Mother’s mountain and the Chapel to sew up and console the torn Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

The Blessed Mother exuded fragrant oil on the First Saturdays of April and May this year.  A plastic cover was laid to preserve the place where the fragrant oil had descended on the Blessed Mother’s mountain. It’s quite amazing that the fragrant oil came down again on the First Saturday of June and penetrated the plastic cover, making the little stones under the cover wet, which we believe is a marvelous mystery.

Smelling an intense fragrance coming from the oil, most pilgrims were delighted like innocent children as they realized once more the unchanging love, friendship and presence of the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Asking for the grace of repentance, they prayed earnestly that the Precious Blood of Jesus and the fragrant oil of Mary might wash away the dirt of their souls.

It was such a hot day that everyone sweated even when not moving. Before we knew the Lord and the Blessed Mother, we were just secular people getting easily irritated by, complaining of, and resenting such weather. But since we have learned the true consecration through the devotion of turning our lives into prayers, we could offer it up gracefully, praying “Lord, let as many sinners as the number of sweat I shed be saved. And also let me be the handkerchief that wipes away the Lord’s blood and sweat even if I’m unworthy. Amen.

Plus, we can offer up the heat for the souls in Purgatory. There is an episode of Julia offering it up for the souls in Purgatory as follows.

On a very hot summer day, Julia was very busy serving others, sweating much outside. Mr. Rufino said to her, “The sunshine makes the skin smart, doesn’t it?” Julia said, “Yes, it does. I also would like to listen to the sermon inside. But if I don’t do this, somebody else should do. So, I am offering the heat and drops of sweat for the souls who are suffering in the fire of Purgatory.” Mr. Rufino said he had felt ashamed at this. Then, Julia told him that it would be ok if he might make a fresh start.

Remembering the words of Jesus, “I will grant you whatever you ask truly for My sake, but perfunctory prayers cannot move My Father, My Mother, or Me.”(Jun 11, 2002) and the words of the Blessed Mother, “Even the smallest thing can become a great good work for you, if it is done with love.”(May 8, 1991), let us offer up our whole lives to Jesus through Mary by turning them into prayers. Then, we could be the tailors of love who sew up the torn Hearts of Jesus and Mary and our prayers and sacrifices would become sacrificial offerings in reparation for other souls’ sins as well as ours and be offered on the altar of God’s Justice.

The pilgrims offered up candles and roses to the Blessed Mother with their earnest hopes and intentions. And then, singing praises to the Lord and the Blessed Mother with a childlike heart, they drank the water of graces giving off the fragrance of roses and washed themselves with it.

At 3 p.m., the pilgrims began the Stations of the Cross meditating on the words of Our Lady of Naju, “The path that leads to my Son Jesus is a narrow and rough one of the cross. The human race can be saved by this path, but many do not come near it. Combine your forces. Pray without ceasing for the souls that are not turning away from the road that leads to their perdition.”(Sep. 15, 1986). They repented their past faults that they had tried to lower the cross whenever it was heavy. They have made up their minds to climb and climb the Mt. Calvary carrying their crosses and to live a life of reparation by following Jesus who was offered as a living sacrifice for the salvation of human race and Mother Mary who suffered intense pains in her Immaculate Heart as the Co-Redemptrix.

The Lord and the Blessed Mother showed the miracle of sun as a reward to the sacrifices, reparations and prayers offered gracefully by them, which means the boundless love and graces of Jesus and Mary. We believe that the following words of Our Lord are being realized as told, “I, Who created you in your mothers’ wombs and let you be born in the world, will invigorate your souls and bodies that have become arid. Therefore, do not have fear, but gather here all together and drink this water and wash yourselves with it.”(Dec. 8, 1999)

Our Lord and Our Lady have opened the way of graces wide so that all people in the world may come, see, feel and experience them. When we think of the spiritually blind and deaf, however, we cannot help feeling sorry for them since they are trying to separate others from the Lord and the Blessed Mother and to interfere with what God is doing.

Imitating the boundless mercy of God Who does not want even one of the children in the world to be condemned and fall into eternal perdition, but wants everyone to be saved and live in Heaven and the transcendence of love by the Lord and the Blessed Mother Who love even those who persecute Them, let us offer up prayers, sacrifices and penance so that they may convert and get on board Mary’s Ark of Salvation.

The place that the cowards and evil-doers, who reject God the Father, insult the Holy Spirit, criticize and interfere with what My Mother and I are doing, and are quick about criticizing others while covering up their own faults, will inherit is a sea of fire and burning sulfur.  I, Who wish to save the whole world with the victory of My mercy and love, love them also and, therefore, bestow love and refreshing rain upon them also. Completely offer up the pains given to you and pray and pray that they may also win the victory against the devil, who wants them to rush toward perdition, and may eat the fruits of the tree of eternal life.  I bless you all and them also.”(April 4, 1999)

In the evening, the pilgrims came to the Chapel and at about 8 p.m. the overnight prayer meeting began with Marian hymns and several prayers from the Catholic prayer book. And then, the rosaries were offered with love and devotion. It was a very hot day and the Chapel was so crowded with people. Instead of complaining, however, they offered up sweat and difficulties as sacrifices and reparations for the conversion of sinners and for the sake of the souls in Purgatory. This is not a perfunctory prayer, but a true prayer combined with sacrifices and reparations. So, we believe that every bead of the rosary became a fresh and beautiful rose, was put in the cup of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and was offered up to the Lord.

After the rosaries, Mrs. Leona Kim, who is making Naju known as an apostle of the Sacred Hearts, gave a talk on the theme of  “Consecration through turning our lives into prayers”.

Learning how to turn our lives into prayers is the greatest and the most beautiful grace that I have ever received from Our Lady of Naju because it helps me to stay closer to Jesus than any other spirituality.

I have realized that a life of renunciation is the true consecration after meditating on the words of Our Lady of Naju: Offer up little flowers woven with renunciations.

When Julia could attend the prayer meeting, she moved us not through any words of knowledge, but through her actual life.

We can see a beautiful life of consecration in the book entitled ‘The Way of Love for the Lord’. When Julia wanted to eat something delicious, she didn’t eat it. Instead, she offered the desire as a sacrifice. She tried to buy less expensive meat to save the money for offerings. Whenever she saved some money, she spent it for the poor.

Most faithful think of money they offer on Sunday Mass when we talk about offering. But, you, who know Our Lady of Naju, will understand that little flowers woven with renunciations are beautiful offerings. We have to offer up the evil habits that are not corrected easily, trying to amend them by entrusting ourselves to Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

I have learned the reason we should observe the First Saturday from the words of Our Lady of Naju, which I heard many times but did not understand fully.

It was a day of cruel suffering for me-a long, long day when I was left alone, having lost my Son Jesus. I always had sufferings from the day I conceived Jesus my Son, but, on that Holy Saturday, I expressed sorrows externally for the first time and cried so miserably all night praying for my Son Jesus and for sinners. Those painful hours were also the time for transition from my Son's Death to His Resurrection, a day for going from death to life. This is the reason why I asked you to pray with me tonight.” (Feb 6, 1993)

I guess each of you knows your evil habits quite well.

When housewives go to a market, they sometimes spend more money than needed on food. But we can offer it up. We can give up buying what we want to eat or have and can offer up such a thing gracefully for the conversion of sinners. Normally, it takes 1 or 2 hours for us to fix a meal. We can also offer up such a time gracefully with a heart of making the bread of life.

When you’re peeling onions, you can pray like this, “Lord, I’m peeling an onion. Please peel all the bad things and disguises of hypocrisy that surround my soul and let me be a little and pure soul. Amen”. And we can also offer up souls one by one so that they may convert, “Lord, I have tried to take the splinter out of other’s eye without noticing the plank in my own. Please, let the scales fall away from my eyes and let me see again spiritually to meet the Lord and Mother Mary. Amen.

When we hang the laundry out to dry, we can pray “Lord, please smooth out our rumpled and distorted souls completely, and let us follow the Lord and Mother Mary firmly.”  When we fold the towels, we can offer up souls one by one with the following prayer, “Lord, please smooth out our creased souls, put our souls in order and let us be examples for others with just and proper P’s and Q’s. Amen.

I believe that our hopes will come true one after another when we turn even the trivial things into prayers gracefully and ask the Blessed Mother for the wisdom.

When we refuse to do something secular and give up passing criticism for the conversion of sinners, we can offer up little flowers woven with renunciations through Mother Mary to the Lord. When we were cheated out of much money, we get to receive much stress and even become seriously ill to the extent of developing hypertension. I have heard of a person who became blind due to the extreme shock of being cheated. So, let us offer up gracefully little flowers made of renunciations, praying “Jesus, I didn’t give the money to that person, but gave it to You, my Lord as a little offering.” We should make efforts to offer up gracefully, not perfunctorily. Turning unhappy events, especially the insults we receive from others into prayers will be a good prayer that consoles the torn Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

On September 7, 1995, the Blessed Mother said to us, “Offer up little flowers of constant prayers and self-denial

So, let us offer up each moment of our lives, what we’d like to do, what we’d like to play and what we think is precious as sacrifices and penance. Let us make efforts to become little souls for the victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen.

Since Mrs. Leona gave the talk based on her real experiences in life, it was very touching and interesting as well. All the pilgrims laughed aloud, were moved deeply in their hearts and realized the importance of the consecration through turning our lives into prayers. It was a time filled with graces for all.

After Leona’s talk, following the ladies who were dancing gracefully to Marian hymns in the beautiful traditional Korean clothes, they joyfully sang praises to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, forgetting their age, reputation, face-saving and others’ eyes as spiritual babies, which we believe consoled the Blessed Mother very much who asked us like this on Aug 15, 1994, "You are my babies. Babies recognize their mother’s voice promptly and follow her joyfully. Console this Mommy by applying the fragrant oil of love to the wounds in her sorrowful Immaculate Heart."

After the first part of the prayer meeting, the pilgrims took a break and talked to each other on the love and graces they had received from Our Lady of Naju while drinking coffee prepared by volunteer helpers. Many of them were impressed deeply by the dense fragrance coming from the place on which the Eucharist had descended on August 27, 1987.

In the second part, the pilgrims offered up a prayer consecrating ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And then, they meditated on the messages of Jesus and Mother Mary.

Then, all the pilgrims watched a video of the overnight prayer meeting held on the 1st Sat of August in 1997. The following is a summary of Julia’s speech at that prayer meeting. (Note : In 1997, Julia could attend the prayer meeting. The negative declaration of the Kwangju Archdiocese was announced on Jan 1, 1998.)

Let us entrust whatever we have in our hearts, minds, and daily lives to the Blessed Mother, whether they be sorrows, pains, agonies, conflicts, or distresses.  When we do that, the Blessed Mother will offer them up to Our Lord Jesus.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you" (Matthew 11:28).  Let us get closer to the Lord, carrying our heavy burdens. Let us offer up to Him not only ourselves and our families but all our neighbors as well.  Let us offer up our sighs, sorrows, pains, joys, and even the drops of sweat to the Lord through the Blessed Mother.

When one said, "Let us pray for the conversion of sinners," some others responded, "I am not even taking good care of myself.  How can I pray for others?" They said this because they did not know well.  When one prays sincerely for others, the Lord gives light not only to the persons whom he prays for but gives even more light to him who prays for others.  The Blessed Mother said that she could not pray with us when we pray in selfish ways.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus became the sacrificial victim for all the sinners in the world.  But He not only shed blood two thousand years ago but also still is shedding blood for us even at this time on the Cross.  He said, "Come now, all the children of the world!  Today, as always, I become a sacrificial offering and am waiting for you.  Let's gather at the heavenly table and share love.  When you open your hearts widely and return to Me, I will not question your past, but will bestow the cup of blessing on you instead" (June 5, 1988 in Naju).  Thus, Jesus is calling us unceasingly.  Let us entrust ourselves totally to the Lord so that we may receive the cup of blessing that He wishes to give us.

It may seem that the Blessed Mother is not weeping at this moment, but we should know that she continues to weep for us even now.  She will stop weeping only when all her children in the world repent their sins and the Lord's Kingdom is accomplished.

Dear brothers and sisters!  If you did certain things that the Lord and the Blessed Mother did not like, don't worry but humbly ask for forgiveness.  Never wonder if the Lord will forgive "a sinner like me".  We must believe that the Lord will forgive and give abundant blessings even to the worst sinners, only if they repent of their sins and return to Him.    

The message book contains all the information about what the Blessed Mother of Naju wishes from us.  That we may not become forgetful of them, please frequently meditate on the Blessed Mother's messages.  We should lead our lives according to the Gospel teachings as reminded and explained to us in the messages from the Lord and the Blessed Mother.  Because so many people do not understand or appreciate the Gospel teachings well, the Blessed Mother is giving us her messages to lead us to the Gospel teachings using her messages as a shortcut.  

The Blessed Mother said, "The way you walk on, following me, may be a steep one, but it is the perfect shortcut with no danger of slipping or falling off" (May 16, 1991).  Jesus also said, "Make it known to all that holding My Mother's hands and following Me is the shortest road (to Me)" (May 16, 1991).               

If we still have in our hearts some resentments, angers, anxieties, and refusals to forgive, let us entrust all these to the Lord and the Blessed Mother.  It is difficult to forgive others with our human power alone, but when we entrust everything to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, They will help us.  If you have some persons whom you have not been able to forgive, some you have not been able to reconcile with, and some you still hate, bring them all to the Blessed Mother now.  

First of all, we must reconcile with God.  Let us put our hands on our chests and examine if we have not sometimes been resentful toward God.

"Many other people live happily, but why am I living like this?"  "Many people do not have pains, but why should I suffer these terrible pains?"  If you have thought like this, change your hearts and ask the Lord to forgive you, saying, "Lord, forgive me.  I was wrong.  I am sorry for complaining like an immature child.  Please forgive me."

When we ask for forgiveness, the Lord will surely stretch out His arms and embrace us.  As the gate to the Lord's Sacred Heart is widely open, let us accept all our pains with the love that the Lord gives us.

Sometimes our physical bodies are sick, but sometimes our souls are sick.  The best medicine that can cure our sick souls and bodies is repentance.  If we do not repent of our sins, we will surely perish; but if we repent, we will surely be saved.

Let us also examine ourselves to see if we have done abortions or assisted in abortions.  The world has become so dark and so cruel.  Many of the precious lives that God gave us have been mercilessly kneaded to death.  If we have done abortions, let us ask for God's forgiveness today.  

Dear brothers and sisters, it is not too late yet.  Jesus and the Blessed Mother have clearly said that it is not too late yet. Do not be disappointed, frustrated, or despair saying, "I cannot be helped!" but tightly hold the hands of the Blessed Mother who is the string that ties Heaven and earth together and will take us to the Heavenly Harbor so that, on the last day, we may together enter the Heavenly Kingdom.

For that to happen, our lives in this dangerous and urgent world must be turned into prayers.  The Blessed Mother told us not to think that the disasters that occur unexpectedly here and there are random accidents.  She lamented, "When snow falls and cold wind blows, you know winter is beginning.  When new buds sprout, you know it is spring.  Then, why do you still not understand that these disasters are the signs of the beginning of great calamities?" (February 3, 1994).      

This world has become so dark, as people even kill their children and kill their parents.  Jesus and the Blessed Mother lament and weep even today.  Our Lord said, "Shouldn't you, who are supposed to know Me, sew up My torn Heart?" (August 15, 2002)

Now, let us all join our hearts together, put our trust in the Blessed Mother's messages of love, follow her messages which are based on love, responding with "Amen", and weave a chain of love with each other instead of dispersing in all directions.  

Making up our minds never to leave the Lord or the Blessed Mother again, let us totally trust, rely on, and get closer to Jesus through the Blessed Mother.  

We can pray from the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep.  Thus, let us all turn our entire lives into prayers in the Blessed Mother's Immaculate Heart.

Now, let us put our hands on our chests and pray together in one heart.  Let us ask Jesus through the Blessed Mother to change our hearts so that we may not hate others any longer, that we may be able to forgive and reconcile with others, that we may become freed from anger and rage, that our evil habits may be rooted out, and that the Holy Spirit may perform a surgery on us.

Human doctors cannot do this.  No doctor on earth can perform a surgery like this, but, because the Lord performs the surgery with the Holy Spirit, He will touch every part of our sick bodies from the head to the feet and remove all the evil habits in us through a surgery by the Holy Spirit.  

Following Julia’s talk and hymn, many cried tears of repentance, praying “Lord, please forgive me. I’m a sinner. Mother Mary, please forgive me. I’m a miserable sinner.” They opened their hearts that had been closed and hardened for long to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, promising that they would live a life of repentance and resurrection. They were also determined to display the power of love more vigorously and lead people into a life of conversion so that they might receive graces from Our Lord and Our Lady.

Because we’re just feeble human beings, we have frequently been unfaithful to the Lord and the Blessed Mother like reeds that are swayed by the wind. But we are determined to turn our lives into prayers without overlooking and wasting any little things and to live a life of consecration that pulls out the thorns and nails that we drove into the Sacred Hearts of the Lord and Mother Mary.

After the hour of mercy, some of the pilgrims spoke on the graces that they felt they had received from Our Lord and Our Lady.

On June 30, we will celebrate the 19th anniversary of Our Lady’s first weeping tears in Naju for the repentance and salvation of all the children in the world.

My beloved sons and daughters, I will bestow a special blessing on you, because you came here to comfort My Mother despite the long distance.”(June 30, 1995)

We believe that the above words of Jesus will be realized as stated to all the pilgrims who will attend the prayer meeting commemorating the 19th anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s first weeping in Naju and that they will experience the marvelous graces of spiritual and  physical healings.

Therefore, all the children of the world,
Open your hearts widely without delay and return to me. Rekindle the fire in your heart that has been extinguished, achieve a unity among all and practice my messages of love. Spread the messages all over the world fervently and filled with hope.
When the messages are practiced by the little souls in the form of prayers of a deep love, it will become a fragrant oil washing the bleeding wounds of the Lord. If you do not reject my motherly love and practice love, my Immaculate Heart will achieve a victory in the face of the threat of a new, terrifying war and there will be love and peace in the world. I will stretch and open my mantle and hide and save in the safe refuge of my Immaculate Heart all those souls who follow my words even in the midst of a huge darkness
.”(Jan 29, 1991)

We pray that the above words of the Blessed Mother of Naju will be realized to all the  brethren in the world. Amen.