Our Lady of Naju exuding frgrant oil by squeezing all of herself with all her love (Aug 15, 2007)

 Golden-color fragrant oil and the Precious Blood came down
on the big rock in the acrylic dome on the Blessed Mother's Mountain. (Aug 15, 2007)

 Pilgrims in front of the acrylic dome where the Lord's Precious Blood came down earlier.


The Mystery of Infinite Love of the Lord Who is Alpha and Omega!
You love us, sinners, so much that You have given us
all Your blood and water to the last drop.

The Way of the Cross where Our Lord walked together with
the Blessed Mother, shedding Blood

Young retreatants doing the Stations of the Cross on bare feet

Young retreatants doing the Stations of the Cross on bare feet

Pilgrims and the Archbishop at the 12th Station where Our Lord
gives us boundless graces of repentance.

Your immeasurable and infinite Love with which
You were not finished with death but resurrected
and gave us hope, and Your amazing Love with
which You gave us New Life through
the Redemption on the Cross
are reaching the skies.

The children receiving the blessing from the Archbishop
after the Stations of the Cross.

"All the children in the world who have been called! Make haste
to wake up and come closer, as my Son Jesus and I are
personally coming to you to save
your sick souls by washing
and wiping away all your mistakes

and filthy dirt and opening what has been clogged,
with the Precious Blood flowing out of my Son's Five Wounds,
His wounds made by the crown of thorns,
and His burning Sacred Heart;
the tears and tears of blood
that I shed;

and streams of the water of mercy"
(The Blessed Mother's message on January 18, 2002).



The Archbishop and pilgrims praying on their bended knees under the Crucifix on the Calvary Hill.

The Archbishop and pilgrims praying before the Crucifix on 5th anniversary of the descent of Our Lord's most sublime Precious Blood which He poured out, holding back none,
by opening His Sacred Heart for all of us.


Colorful fragrant oil floating on the surface of the Blessed Mother's water of graces

The entrance of Our Lady of Naju in the palankeen. 







The young retreatants greeting to pilgrims.

A representative of the youth offered an appreciative letter
to the Holy Mother. (Aug 15, 2007)


The Solemn Mass presided by the Archbishop on the Solemnity
of Our Lady's Assumption.



Our Father cantata in union.  

The Eucharistic benediction with the Sacred Host that had come down from above during the Mass on the Blessed Mother's Mountain on April 16, 2005  and bled on May 6 of the same year
and also the large Sacred Host that had come down
on October 24, 2006

 In front of the area where little stones stained with Precious Blood before the beginning of the rosary


A creative & classical dance of Christina



Julia looking at some water of a thick constituent dripped down from the side of the image of Jesus on the Crucifix.


As He was giving blessings, light and something else forcefully
poured out of His hand. Julia fell down by the power of
the strong light and saw a vision in an ecstasy

she was forcefully thrown down to the ground and was not
waking up from ecstasy for some time, Julia saw a vision in
an ecstasy.
The Archbishop was very surprised and became worried about the possibility of something gone wrong with her.
The Archbishop even had repeatedly felt the pulse in her wrist and neck.

. While we were praying, light began radiating from the stain of the Precious Blood on a stone. As Julia was looking at the scene in great amazement, the Precious Blood turned into the Baby Jesus.
Even more surprisingly, the Baby Jesus gradually
became larger, penetrated through the round acrylic cover,
and stood tall as the adult Jesus at the age of 33.

And gave her His message.

Julia was in a deep emotion and shed tears
after receiving His message.

While praying, light began radiating from the stain of the Precious Blood on a stone. As Julia was looking at the scene in great amazement,
the Precious Blood turned into the Baby Jesus.

Even more surprisingly, the Baby Jesus gradually became larger, penetrated through the round acrylic cover, and stood tall as the adult Jesus at the age of 33.

 Then, Jesus turned round very slowly at that location,
blessing all the pilgrims. As He was giving blessings,
light and something else forcefully poured out of His hand.
sion in an ecstasy.

Much fragrant oil sent down on the round acrylic cover.


The Archbishop touching the fragrant oil with amazement.

The Archbishop's hands stained with the fragrant oil.

After Eucharistic benediction, Our Lord's Precious Blood came down on the Archbishop's alb .

After Eucharistic benediction, Our Lord's Precious Blood came down on Julia's dress.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

 Today is the Solemnity of the Assumption by Our Blessed Mother and also the day of finishing the 3-day retreat for the youth. This retreat was held and designed so that they may grow spiritually like new buds sprouting and thus, may become the light for the world. I believe that the Lord and the Blessed Mother have helped them all renewed and reborn in Their Love and from the bottom of my heart I'd like to thank all of you for attending.

Julia imploring earnestly the graces of repentance and healing for all the pilgrims.

Precious Blood on an acolyte's alb.

Precious Blood on a pilgrim.

 Precious Blood on a pilgrims t-shirt from Naju

 Precious Blood on a retreatant's name card.

 Precious Blood on a blanket of a retreatant during
the retreat for the youth

Precious Blood on a retreatant's the name card ( back side).








“My beloved children!  God has prepared a shrine of mine at this place so that what no one’s eyes have ever seen, no one’s ears have ever heard, and no one has ever imagined since the beginning of history may been seen, heard, and felt for the salvation of the children who love Him.Him How can anyone measure the divine economy of salvation with human wisdom?

 Therefore, love your God most devotedly in a simpler and purer way like a child and with all your heart, life, thought, power, and wisdom.  As I will be a strong support for my little souls who follow and work for the Lord and me, receive in haste the light of the Lord Who is present in the Eucharist and become a light that repels darkness and saves the world.”(Aug 15,2007)

