
Aug 14, 2007. the second day.


Aug. 14th 2007 The youth group were showing their Glory to the Holy Trinity through their exercises on the second morning of their retreat.

The volunteers prepared a healthy breakfast for the youth group with their effort and love.

The youth group members were having a special lunch called samgyetang, (whole cornish chicken with ginseng) on the Mal-Bok Day (Korean traditional division of the seasons).

The youth group members were doing the Stations of
the Cross with bare feet to participate in Our Lord's passion


The youth group members were praying, giving thanks
to Our risen Lord. (Thanking Him for His Blessings.)

Some thick liquid flowed down from the side of
Jesus on to the Cross and then turned into milk.

In front of Our Lord's Cross on Calvary, the youth group and the volunteer helpers were repenting of their sins and renewing their resolution to practice the messages from Naju's Blessed Mother.

When the volunteers and the youth group finished with the Stations of the Cross in a heavy down pour they were overwhelmed to see a miracle of the Sun, shown to them by Our Lord as if to let them know that He was pleased with their sacrafices. The Miracle was the Sun pulsating and it also turned into an Eucharist.

Our Lord's Precious Blood fell from above onto a youth's name tag.

The groups of youth were sharing their experience of
Our Lord's & Our Lady's Blessings during their retreat.           

The youth group were testifying about the blessings they received during this retreat.(Aug. 14, 2007)


In spite of Julia Kim's severe suffering, she was telling the youth group about her life in which GOD has accompanied her.

Julia was talking to the youth group in a warm and loving way.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated in thanksgiving for the many graces during the retreat.

The youth group were singing the Lord's Prayer to show their union with each other.

The youth group was very emotional and shedding tears after the Mass of Graces in which the group received blessings from the priest and healing prayers from Julia Kim.



 Julia Kim's Presentation:

Whenever you serve others and pray for the conversion of others instead of praying only for yourself, you and your family will also receive abundant blessings from Our Lord.

Everyone, let's become more like children. Let's not judge others or calculate with our worthless (and unreliable) thoughts, if we do that, it will be difficult to receive graces. Without calculating, entrust everything to the Lord and follow Him. Then, He and Our Lady will bestow upon us plentiful graces.

I felt like I was about to die from the intense pains, at the visiting time on the first Saturday of August. I really just wanted to lie down for just a minute after I had met 20-30 people. But I continued meeting the visitors. I prayed to Our Lord, if I die during this visiting time, Please Lord let the church give approval to "Na-Ju" as soon as possible. I prayed to my Lord to accomplish His wish.

When I kiss anyone, especially the ill, Our Lord and Our Lady also kiss them. So I cannot even miss one person though I go through terrible pains in my body. I said to myself, let's continue the visiting and do not lie down. I asked of Jesus to help Na-Ju become approved soon so people can come here from all over the world to convert themselves.

I was requesting pains from Our Lord in 1982, since then my whole family has suffered because of my request. I have felt sorry to my children and all my family members. My children were doing just fine as if you were reading the book "Loving way to my Lord". Then I dedicated myself to my Lord and then so many pilgrims started coming to our house endlessly. Therefore my children couldn't do their homework or find a comfortable place to sleep. They slept on the couch, and they were conceding the less uncomfortable inside space on the couch to each other. It made me so happy watching them.

We are all here at this retreat to work for Our Lord and Our Lady as volunteers. Everyone has a different job to take care of. If everyone was trying to do the same thing, this facility would not run very smoothly. So we should be doing our best at our own position and encourage each other to do the same, for this is pleasing to the Lord and Our Lady.

When I read the Bulletin on the Naju internet site in the name of Our Lord and Our Lady, I make the Sign of the Cross 3 times and kiss each reply 3 times. Then I go to the prayer request site and make the Sign of the Cross 12 times per each urgent request and also kiss them 12 times. I, myself the human Julia is not doing this but My Lord and Our Lady are doing this. While I am doing this I am praying "My Lord and My Lady, you have chosen me as an instrument of yours. So use my body for your Loving intentions and I continue to kiss each prayer request.

I just want to tell you, Our Lord and Our Lady will be so pleased when you share your own testimonies with others on the bulletin for the Glory of Our Lord and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, even though you don't testify in person.

You are all called here as volunteers. You need to empty yourselves to be a volunteer. Our Lord and Our Lady are already in our hearts and we have to let them accomplish their loving miracles within us.

For example: If you bring a bowl of water here for the youth group, you are doing some good for them, even though you don't deliver a cup of water to each person.

When you put a mattress on the floor for the youth group to sit or sleep on, we pray if Our Lord and Our Lady change that to their silky, cushion blankets, the youth group will have a good night's sleep and will feel good when they wake up the next morning. So, when you pray, do not let your faith be shaken. Do not worry about having a bad result. Just firmly believe and totally depend on Our Lord and Our Lady. They will accomplish your wishes for you.

When we dedicate ourselves to others don't worry about getting a bad result. Our Lord will not waste even one tear drop. Rather, we can pray that each tear drop that falls down will save one soul. Our Lord will listen to us. Even though we can not see Our Lord with our earthly eyes he will give us the best results if we firmly believe in HIM.

On the second day

Let's prepare this retreat relying on Our Lord and Our Lady like a small child without calculating. Then Jesus will come to us, set a fire in our hearts and work a Loving miracle through us if we open our hearts wide. So then They can pour a lot of graces out to us.

If we shield ourselves with living prayers from the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep, not neglecting even the smallest and most trivial things, we could enjoy and renew the victory of the resurrection.

For example: when we pick up one piece of waste paper not only for cleaning up but also as a way of practicing love, that means we are consecrating, and turning our lives into living prayers. In this case we can pray like this : Our Lord and my Holy Mother, make me born again as a pure soul from this small work of picking up a dirty piece of paper and removing the spiritual trash which has accumulated in my mind.

Our Lord rejoices more over a heart filled with love and devotion than over our deeds.

When we face many kinds of crosses graciously, without complaining, we will experience inner changes in our hearts with living prayers.

I'd like to tell you one more thing.

We, who have been invited by Jesus and his Holy Mother, must be different from others. When we make the Sign of the Cross, put your left hand directly on the navel and your right hand's forefinger should be placed on the forehead, then go down to the navel, finally ending it at both shoulders with sublime respect and love meditating on the meaning of Jesus' Cross and imploring the help of the Holy Spirit.

"In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Thanks so much.
