
Our Lady exuding golden-color fragrant oil by squeezing Her whole body.

Fragrant oil came down on the acrylic dome as if sprayed on it.

The Mother's milk came down on a Sister's coat.

The water of mercy came down on a Sister's coat.

Fragrant oil on a volunteer helper.

Fragrant oil on a volunteer helper.

The Mother's milk that had come down on the acrylic dome turned into golden-color fragrant oil.

The golden-color fragrant oil that the Blessed Mother exuded by squeezing all of her body gathered on the area under her feet.

Before starting the Stations of the Cross.

The Bishops, priests, and the Korean and foreign pilgrims doing the Way of the Cross together.

The Archbishop helping the priest carry the cross.


The Bishops, priests and other pilgrims praying at the 15th Station where Jesus resurrected.

The Bishops, priests, and other pilgrims praying under the Crucifix on the hill of Calvary.

A little boy walking on the Way of the Cross still feeling much pain in his neck and wearing a cast after the surgery for removing a malignant tumor in his neck.

The boy makes a happy smile after he was completely healed of the tumor and pain while he and Julia prayed on the Way of the Cross and touched Jesus' feet on the hill of Calvary and threw away the cast.

Waiting for the procession of Our Lady of Naju carried in the Mary's Ark of Salvation



 Entrance of the Blessed Mother in her Ark of Salvation

Entrance of the Blessed Mother in her Ark of Salvation.


 A hymn of praise

 A letter to the Blessed Mother

Introducing the Bishops and priests who came from different countries.

Introducing the pilgrims who came from different countries.

Entrance of the Bishops and priests for the Holy Mass on the 22nd anniversary of Our Lady's first weeping tears of blood

Homily of a Bishop


Prayers and dances in preparation of the rosary.

Pilgrims praying the rosary holding candlelights and walking
on the Way of the Cross

 During the Rosary, the Bishops and priests were amazed when they saw the image of Jesus on the Crucifix shedding tears and thick body fluid
from His right eye.


The Bishops and priests smelling the fragrant oil after having witnessed the fragrant oil and the Mother's milk come down on the acrylic dome on the Blessed Mother's mountain


Adoration of Holy Eucharist -

The Sacred Host that had come down from  above on April 16, 2005 exuded the Precious Blood on May 6 of the same year, and another Sacred Host came down miraculously on the Blessed Mother's House on October 24, 2006.


Precious Blood came down Julia's dress.

During the Stations of the Cross, the Precious Blood came down on Julia's socks.

The Precious Blood came down on Julia's dress.

The Bishops and priests witnessed the Precious Blood come down on Julia's dress and were amazed.

The Precious Blood came down on Julia's dress.

 As soon as she received the Precious Blood, she recovered from the suffering the pains in reparation for the sins of others.

Bishop James was healed of his asthma for several decades through Julia's prayer.

 Some drops of the Precious Blood came down on the waiting room on the Blessed Mother's mountain

 Fragrant oil came down on a pilgrim's dress.


