On July 2, 2008, Archbishop Andrew
Chang-Mou Choi of the Kwangju Archdiocese visited the Blessed Mother's Mountain
and the Chapel in Naju together with several priests and lay people. On the mountain and in the Chapel, the
Archbishop had some pleasant and kind conversations with the pilgrims and
volunteer helpers. Before leaving, he
said, "I have not prohibited you from praying," and "Receive abundant
grace and the Holy Spirit." Many
people in Naju were surprised and puzzled by this sudden visit by the
Archbishop. Had he not issued several Declarations
and a Decree to stop the pilgrimages even with the threat of automatic
excommunication? After the Archbishop's
visit, one of the volunteer helpers jokingly said, "The Archbishop made a
visit to Naju and, therefore, he is excommunicated (according to his Decree)."

Diocese in
Only about a month later in mid-August, we
heard the information that explained the reason for the Archbishop's sudden
visit. As Korea is still considered a
mission territory with less than 10 percent of the population being Catholics,
it is the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (formerly, the
Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith) at the Holy See that is the
highest authority under the Pope over the Catholic Church in Korea. When all the Bishops in Korea (30 of them) made
their ad limina visit to the Holy See last November, Cardinal Ivan Dias,
the Prefect of the this Congregation, strongly urged the Korean Bishops to
accept Naju. It has been understood that
Cardinal Dias is in union with the Holy Father regarding Naju. In late February 2008, Cardinal Dias also
sent an urgent letter to the Bishops' Conference in Korea to block the
opponents' attempt to have the Bishops' Conference issue a new declaration to
oppose Naju. Actually, only a few of the
Korean Bishops are real opponents of Naju.
There also are many liberal priests who oppose Naju. Then, in mid-August, we received this
information from a highly reliable source in Rome that Cardinal Dias had sent
another letter to Archbishop of Kwangju saying that "your restrictions do not apply to the pilgrims of Naju, as the events in
Naju are considered private revelations" and also that "your restrictions on Fr. Aloysius Chang should be lifted."


Archbishop Choi has not taken
any formal actions to comply with the instructions from the Holy See, but only
made the above-mentioned visit to Naju and made some comments that could be
perceived as a lifting of his previous restrictions on the pilgrims. This, of course, is not satisfactory, as the
restrictions imposed by official documents can only be fully and formally removed
by issuing new official documents. Until
that happens, all the faithful in the world should know about this significant
change in the attitude of the local diocese toward Naju and need not have any
qualms about making pilgrimages there or spreading the information about
it. The highest proper authority in the
Holy See regarding Naju is firmly supportive with Naju, even though most of the
clergy in Korea are still keeping silence about it. Since the spring of 2008, the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Holy See has been examining the huge pile
of data on Naju and is expected to make some important announcement some time
after this summer vacation in Rome regarding the authenticity or no
authenticity of Naju as well as of the opposing statements of the Kwangju
Archdiocese. Please do not be annoyed by
the intense opposition in the local churches or hindered by it in your
missionary efforts, as the false accusations, slanders, and persecution are the
hallmarks of the true witnesses of the Lord.
In His message in Naju on September 22, 1995, Our Lord complained that
the precious words of His Mother in the past centuries (at Lourdes, Fatima, and
so on) have not been heeded by most people and this has been why there are so
many errors and sins in the world and even among the numerous members of the
Church. Let us make a firm resolution
not to repeat this mistake by becoming truly loyal to and following the Lord's
Will being manifested in Naju.
May the
blessings of the Lord and the Blessed Mother be with you!