
The retreat for the youth- The second day with the theme of unity


Each participant offering a flower and a letter to the Blessed Mother.

The Precious Blood came down on Julia 's dress.


The Precious Blood came down on a stone during
the Stations of the Cross.

The Precious Blood came down on the piece of paper
used for writing a letter to the Blessed Mother.

Golden color fragrant oil came down on one of the youth group.

The Precious Blood came down on an altar servant.

The Precious Blood came down on a volunteer helper's shirt.

Doxology ("For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
now and forever."

"Be peace with you."

Celebration of the feast days of the patron Saints for some of the participants in the retreat.


Golden-color fragrant oil came down on Sister Maria Jae-Ok Ryu's face and veil (August 14, 2008)

Golden-color fragrant oil came down on Sr. Maria Jae-Ok Ryu's habit.

Pilgrims praying the Rosary with Julia Kim.



Offering candlelights with utmost devotion.

Sharing their experiences with one another...

Group's preparation for presentation.

Presentation by individual groups.

The Precious Blood came down on the floor where
the participants in the retreat slept.

The Precious Blood came down on a participant's t- shirt.

The Precious Blood came down on a participant's t-shirt.

The commemorative photograph of the 2nd retreat for the youth of Mary's Ark of Salvation.


As your Lord, Whom you call Abba, Father, and I, your Mother, came to this world not to call the righteous but for the repentance of sinners, the Lord will become the true Father and I the true Mother to you who confess that you are sinners. This is because a doctor is needed not for the healthy but for the sick.

My extremely beloved children!  As this Mommy will have the angels and the Saints assist you, the victory belongs to you who are united with my little soul and make my Son Jesus and me known.  Through your prayers, sacrifices, and labors, all the nations and peoples from where the sun rises to where the sun sets will become my children and sing alleluia.  And as great rewards have been prepared in Heaven for you, I wish that you will display the power of love more vigorously and make more strenuous efforts.” (Message from the Blessed Mother on December 8, 2007 )

Exhibition of the youth's presentation about their experiences
during the retreat.

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