Testimony by Julia Kim — January 29, 1996

From 2:30 p.m. to about 6 p.m. on January 26, 1996, I was questioned by Fr. Jai-Young Kim and seven other priests who were members of the Naju Investigating Committee of the Kwangju Archdiocese. The following is a summary of the priests' questions and my answers. I cannot remember well the names of the priests.

Question:  Have you read Fr. Stefano Gobbi's book:  To The Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons?
Answer:  No, I haven't.
Question:  Then, did the Blessed Mother read it for you?
(The priests were laughing.)

Question:  Did you close the beauty parlor at Fr. Spies' order?
Answer:  No, I first met Fr. Spies, when we were living in an apartment, which was after we had already closed the beauty parlor.
(Despite my answer, the priests insisted that I closed the beauty parlor at Fr. Spies' suggestion.)

Question:  The purpose of messages is repentance. Then, why is the Blessed Mother such a talkative person? Why is she giving such long messages? What do you think of that?
Answer:  I only wrote down what the Blessed Mother said. I think that a mother can give her children explanations, when they do not listen or understand.

Question:  The Blessed Mother used many words that are difficult to understand. Did she give you the word: Chokbum in Chinese characters?
Answer:  No.
Question:  There is a long explanation of this word: Chokbum in the book (by Fr. Spies). Maybe it can be wrong, too?
(The priests laughed again.)

Question:  The Church is doing fine right now, being faithful to the orthodox Faith. But in the message on February 2, 1995, the Blessed Mother said something about dogmas in the Church. *Then, does she think that something is wrong with our Church now?

(Note: *The message on February 2, 1995:  Numerous children, who have gone far away from my Son Jesus and me, have been swept away by storms and have fallen into errors and, because of the resulting lack of faith, are not able to accept the Dogmas and are causing a great disorder in the Liturgy and the Church Laws. Even many shepherds have fallen into this disorder and are, together with the sheep which are following them, walking along the way to hell. The gate of hell is wide open to receive them.)

Fr. Yong-Joo Chang:  I didn't smell any fragrance, when Fr. Spies was here this morning. But I began smelling it, when you came. When you visited the Archdiocesan office before, I smelled it too. Why is that? I opened the window several times, but, when the window is opened, the fragrance becomes stronger. Isn't the fragrance coming from you? (He opened the window widely.)
Answer:  Please see if it is coming from me.

(Fr. Yong-Joo Chang tried to smell in my direction at some distance across the desk and, then, said to the priest next to him, "It is from her." I was anxious and worried, and asked the priest next to me to test if it was coming from me. He stretched out his two hands forward and said, "I can smell a lot right now." But the priests did not test if it was coming from me. The whole room was filled with the fragrance, but it was not from me. The priests kept insisting that it was coming from me. I felt much pain in my heart and explained to the priests.)

Answer:  The fragrance of roses is a gift from God and is a sign of the Blessed Mother's love, friendship and presence for us.
(Several priests laughed.)

Fr. Yong-Joo Chang:  Will it be okay if we move the Blessed Mother's statue to the Archdiocesan office?
Answer:  If pilgrims are allowed to visit and pray, it will be fine. I only wish to live in hiding. However, if the Blessed Mother's statue will be left alone and neglected, it cannot be done.

(In fact, when Fr. Lazarus Chun-Soo Lee was pastor of the Naju Parish, he decided to install the Blessed Mother's statue at the Naju Parish church. He asked Archbishop Victorinus Kong-Hee Youn about his decision to install that statue at his parish. But the installation of the Blessed Mother's statue at the Naju Parish was not possible because Archbishop Youn was opposed to it. I knew well that if the statue of Naju Mary was taken to the Catholic center of the Kwangju Archdiocese, it wouldn't be venerated as a pilgrim statue of the Blessed Mother.)

(At that moment, Fr. Je-Min Ri asked a question and I was about to answer. But Fr. Yong-Joo Chang became excited and said, stretching out his two hands.)

Fr. Yong-Joo Chang:  Julia! I only tried to reduce your pains. You should be asking the Archbishop to take the Blessed Mother's statue, but you say .....

Fr. Jai-Young Kim, the Chairman:  For the sake of investigation, you should hand over the statue to us, if we ask for it. (He was speaking in a ridiculing manner.) Theologically, it is impossible that God the Father speaks. But you wrote on June 16, 1995, that He spoke. Jesus and the Blessed Mother could speak, because they were born with the human nature. But they died two thousand years ago and, therefore, they cannot speak, either.

Fr. Je-Min Ri:  To come down to earth, the Blessed Mother will have to come through the sky. But how can she, when it is so cold up there?
(Priests laughed loudly. They moved on to the next question without giving me time to respond.)

Question:  You said that God the Father asked you if it would be all right to punish the world now. If you said, "Yes," He must have punished the world already? (He said this in a ridiculing manner.)

Fr. Je-Min Ri:  What can you do, if I do not believe in the Blessed Mother's messages or any of these?
Answer:  Even if you do not believe, what can I do? I cannot do anything. I can only pray.
(The priests laughed loudly.)

Question:  There are some theological questions that Fr. Spies did not know correctly.
(I was surprised.)
Fr. Yong-Joo Chang:  Fr. Spies personally admitted it on several subjects.
(After the questioning was over, I asked Fr. Spies about it. He was very surprised and denied it.)

Question:  You say you were very sick. But Julio says that he did not know what kind of illness you had.
(At home, I asked Julio about it. He said, "I told them that you were sick all over your body from the head to the feet.")

Question:  Julia, there are some minor discrepancies between the messages and your diary. Some parts were crossed out. Sometimes the writing style is different. Why is that so?
Answer:  While I was running the beauty parlor, I wrote down messages hurriedly as if I was writing my diary, because I was busy with customers. Afterwards, I sometimes made minor adjustments in the way the contents of the messages were expressed. But I have never changed the contents. Also, my writing style can be different depending on whether I was in pain or healthy.

Question:  I heard that you had an abortion. Is it true?
Answer:  I have never had an abortion.
(Several priests insisted that I wrote that in my diary.)

Question:  What about the piece of cloth with a smell of roses that you dropped in Incheon?
Answer:  Yes, I would like to explain it. That cloth had been placed at the foot of the Blessed Mother's statue, when she was shedding fragrant oil. Michaela, who was one of the volunteer helpers, put it between pages of the Bible: St. Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 11-12, which I liked especially. In the evening of November 24, 1994, I was giving testimony at Wonmi-dong Church in Bucheon. While Michaela was bringing the Bible to me, the cloth slipped out of the Bible.

Question:  Did you inherit the suffering of pains from Theresa Hwang?
Answer:  No, I did not inherit it from her. When I heard about it, I called her in Mirinae and said, "How is it possible that I inherit the suffering from you? My suffering began in 1982, when I asked the Lord for it. I did not inherit it from you. Please make the correction." Theresa Hwang answered, "I see, I am sorry. Maybe the Sisters said that. I will ask them to correct."

Three and a half hours of questioning passed quickly. I felt that many of the important questions were not asked and much time was wasted with unnecessary questions.

The Archbishop had spoken about the tears and tears of blood and the messages and also had said that he did not have doubts because so many people had witnessed them. Fr. Lazarus Lee was the Pastor of Naju at that time. Several priests also told me that the Archbishop made a similar remark during an Archdiocesan meeting of priests. The priests during the questioning seemed to be trying to cover up the Archbishop's remarks by saying, "The Archbishop has not approved the tears and tears of blood and the messages, has he?" I tried to respond, but the priests continued, "It was Fr. Spies who spread this information abroad. It was reported in newspapers in Japan and Canada." The priests did not allow me to respond and changed the subject. I felt very sorry, because it was a subject that I had really wanted to explain. I felt much pain in my heart, because so much time was spent on the personal questions instead of the messages and signs from the Blessed Mother. When the questioning was over, I said, "May the Love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother be with you." and left the Archdiocesan office.

Julia Kim
January 29, 1996