Our Lady of Naju shedding tears and exuding the fragrant oil by squeezing all of herself

bullet03_glitter.gif Praise Jesus  ! Praise the Blessed Mother

 The anniversary of October for the tears of blood is the most precious time that abundant graces of forgiveness and repentance are poured down during the whole year. Because the Blessed Mother giving us the graces of forgiveness and repentance by shedding tears of blood while She enduring extreme sufferings for the sake of us. On the contrary, It will be in vain if we did not open our heart even if the Lord and the Blessed Mother will try to give us immeasurable graces.

 We have a free will that is the gift from God, but He can not do anything  if we abuse the free will meant that we closed our heart tightly .

Julia Kim invited from Guam and Saipan on Jan ,1997. The Church was completely packed with local peoples to see Julia Kim from Korea. Many of peoples gathered  there and they were healed  by repentance with true tears and peoples also were forgiven by forgave others upon hearing the Messages of the Lord and the Blessed Mother through Julia Kim.

While She was in meditation after Holy Communion, She entered an ecstasy and a vision. She saw lots of steel wires fastened together with padlocks. Then, She saw the angels come down and unlock them with keys. Some of the padlocks remained locked. The padlocks that were unlocked symbolized people who repented their sins, while those which remained locked symbolized people who were not opening their hearts. At that moment, she heard the beautiful, kind and loving voice of the Blessed Mother.

bullet03_glitter.gif My beloved children! Thank you for accepting my invitation. Now, open your hearts widely and hurriedly enter the refuge of my burning Immaculate Heart which has been prepared for you. A refuge where you can relax comfortably has been prepared. Courageously and adhering to the Heritage of the Faith that has been entrusted to you, unite with the Pope more humbly, following the messages of my burning love.    

(The Message from the Blessed Mother on Jan 18,1997)

 By the way, In this commemoration of 24th anniversary of shedding tears of blood, 2 Bishops and many priests were presented with many foreign pilgrims from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,Philippines, and Germany, Japan and other countries. They were very happy filled with the love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother upon receiving the floods of the Grace.

Even early in the morning, the Blessed Mother poured down golden-color fragrant oil for the children who have listened to the voice of the Blessed Mother. Especially, the fragrant oil on the floor of the chapel smelt with the myrrh as well as the smell of each spots were all different and we all impressed by experiencing the almighty power of the omniscience and the omnipotence of God.

Fragrant Oil and a stream of water of mercy at the 15th Station of the Cross.

On the floor of the Chapel, Fragrant Oil came down and it were all different kinds of smell.

Fragrant oil that came down on the floor of the Chapel

bullet03_glitter.gif " Even the most fertile soil turns into a wilderness, if neglected. Likewise, the water in a pond decays, if it stays there. You understand this well. Therefore, remove the stones from your heart, pull out all the weeds from it and arm yourself with conversion, prayers and the Words."

 (The message from the Blessed Mother on Nov 11,1990)           

The Station of the Cross on the Blessed Mother's mountain.

Bishop came form Indonesia carrying the Cross.


All the pilgrims who were doing the Station of the Cross astonished by looking at the manifestation of the miracle of sun  when the pilgrims had reached the Mt.Calvary. The Host was spinning in the middle of the sun and there was an halo and it was changing into different colors as all the colors of a rainbow.

Priests and Pilgrims witnessed the manifestation of the sun and taking photos.


Bishop and priests witnessed that fragrant oil flowing down.




      Procession of Our Lady of Naju into the Chapel from the Adoration Dome.






bullet03_glitter.gif (This crisis) manifests itself in the Church as a deepening division and apostasy, which is found even among priests. Numerous clergy and children are not only refusing to accept my invitation but are showing an outright defiance to it, cruelly nailing my Son Jesus to the Cross again.  However, you came from many places around the world to commemorate my tears and tears of blood, responding to my invitation with "Amen." Therefore, I will embrace you all in my burning Immaculate Heart and nurture you afresh.

(The message from the Blessed Mother on June 30,1997)







The Solemn Mass was offered for Our Mother of Consolation, Devotion to Mary concelebrated by Bishop from Indonesia and Bishop from Malaysia, two Korean Priests and five foreign priests.


 His Excellency Bishop James Chan giving Julia Kim the blessing


1) His Excellency Bishop,James Chan from Malaysia.

Dear my fellow children of God

 I am very happy to attend this 24th anniversary of Our Lady's first weeping tears of blood here in Naju. I came to Naju last 25th anniversary of shedding tears and  I would like to express to thank God for me to be here again tonight. I carried a stick due to my leg problems, but this time I can walk without stick, thank God.

I love you all , I knew that all of you also loves me. Let us become one and love one another in the love of Jesus,Christ. We are a children of Christ ,therefore we have strong faith and we could overcome all the obstacles with faith in our whole life.Let us make an effort to be one heart in the unity in the love of the Blessed Mother of Naju. Thank you-Gamsa Haminida !

2) Father Peter Ng from Malaysia

Good evening !

This is my third time here in Naju, Today  I received a lot of grace and specially I smelled the fragrance of rose and of fragrant oil whenever I prayed here .Same like your feeling, It is special gift from God and presence of Our Lord and grace of the Lord and the Blessed Mother through Julia Kim.

When the Sacrament of confirmation,we all receive the Holy Spirit as the priest anoint the oil on your forehead. Likewise, Holy Spirit make us feel the grace of God by the Blessed Mother of Naju who are exuding fragrant oil and giving the fragrance of rose.

We need to become a testifier for the Lord and the Blessed Mother who personally came to Naju. and we have to give off a fragrance of rose in order for many other people feel the love of God. For doing so.we need more sacrifices and prayer and we believe that the Blessed Mother will give us fragrance of rose when we offer the rosary. This is what it means to say " the Grace of love from God". Amen.

Thank you

      3) Father Benny from Indonesia.


Good morning everyone !

This is my first visit to Naju, Despite of difference of cultures and language, I am feeling the same thought and emotion. We became more faithful by looking at the Blessed Mother's photo that weeping sorrowfully and we are willing to say  "Jesus we trust in You "  we are now confessed fervently. Tonight, I myself experienced special time with Julia Kim  and God allowed me to receive boundless grace and we shared the infinite mercy given by God. Thank you.

bullet03_glitter.gif As all of you who follow and make Me and My Mother known are the faithful ones who worship God and are the apostles who have been dispatched to gather people who will inherit the heritage of salvation so that they may achieve unity in love and work, even when you are faced with an extremely difficult and dangerous situation without anyone to aid you while working to help My little soul to make Me known, I will securely rescue you and let you enjoy eternal happiness with Me in the heavenly garden.  Therefore, make haste to combine your forces and start anew.      (The message from Jesus on Nov 24,2007)




