The Statue of the Blessed Mother of Naju

 Praise Jesus ! Praise be the Blessed Mother

A little soul, Julia Kim who especially has prepared and was chosen by the Lord and the Blessed Mother for the Salvation of the whole world, has recently been under extreme sufferings.

On Februrary 2nd , just two days before the first Saturday prayer meeting, the devil was trying to plot to destroy the world, carried out an all-out attack to kill Julia Kim without knowing anyone who was an obstacle to their work.

Their plan was to make Julia's sudden death appear to have been caused by  a cerebral concussion. To all of us present at the time could not suprepress our astonishment by realizing  their cunning  act of brutality.

Julia suffered such dazzling severe headaches as if she were to lose her consciousness due to a trauma on the back of her head ,gratefully Our Lord and the Blessed Mother rescued her from being in such an extremely dangerous and precarious state.

However, Julia won a victory  in spite of the devil's violet attack, in addition, Julia offered these painful sufferings up graciously for the pilgrims therefore, the graces will be flowing into all of us,whoever is willing to open the door of our hearts wide.

" Your gracious offering up by laying down all of yourself for Me and My Mother and for the conversion of sinners will be presented to God the Father. It is also quenching the burning thirst of Me and My Mother."(Message from Jesus on August 5,2006)



The Stations of the Cross


In the age of Sodom and Gomorrah, the sulfurous fire rained down on them because there were not even ten innocent people in them, but, now, thanks to the earnest prayers that you all, who gathered here, offer up with love, the disaster of the flames of justice will be avoided, and the cup of God's just anger will turn into a cup of blessing." (Message from the Blessed Mother on August 5,2006)


The youth group posed for a group photo in front of the Statue of Our Lady of Naju just after they finished the Stations of the Cross in their bare feet. Only Our Lord and the Blessed Mother know about the future these fine youth's.Some surely long to become the clergy,some long to become part of religious,and some probebly desire a family vocation.

Anyway, this youthful group will become the hope of Korean church as well being the future of the Blessed Mother of Naju. We ask all of  you to pray very sincerely not only for them, but also for the Church of Korea, and the Blessed Mother of Naju.


Eucharistic benediction

At least we who have been called ,try to always use our mouths carefully and listen to the others words well narrowly so that we will win a victory against the cunning devils who are trying to plot the divisions. For doing so, our attitude to acknowledge our mistakes instantly whenever we make a mistake is very important, Julia emphasized.

Furthermore, Julia Kim told us that " we also become a sinners, and or as the sick,we then run into Jesus as just as Mary Magdalene did, who was a wicked sinner,but she tearfully repented of her sins deeply by experiencing the profound Mercy and the Love of Jesus.

" At this time when the devils are trying to conquer the whole world, I am calling you so that we can confront them together. So, I want you to offer yourselves up well. When you help my little soul who works for me, you are helping me.....

The devil will afflict you with violent and persistent attacks, but I am protecting you at your side from the devil in an invisible way to accomplish my plan. I will protect you; so, stay awake." (Message from  the Blessed Mother on Jan  21,1994)

" Didn't I tell you that all the devils will be defeated when you practice love? Unite. Unite by loving one another."
(Message from the Blessed Mother on Jan 10,1988)

The rosary-raised our hands for more sacrifices.


Sprinkling with holy water (Aspersion)

Holy Mass


The special time of meeting with Julia Kim.

On February 2nd was the Feast of Presentation of Our Lord.  As the Blessed Mother completely laid Her Son down for God and the conversion of sinners,we also surrender ourselves completely to the Immaculate Heart of Mary then,we follow and imitate Julia Kim ,saying that we offer everything up graciously just as she acknowledged and promised to  Lord by praying " I am Yours, if I am dead. I am Yours, if I am alive. I am Yours always. Your Will be done." Amen.

