The days when the little souls gather,
breathe and live in my Immaculate Heart are the days that are interspersed with
my immense and powerful presence. Therefore, Satan, my enemy, may appear
victorious now, but my Immaculate Heart will surely triumph with the help from
you who look powerless and unworthy (Message from the Blessed Mother on


The world keeps offending, despising, insulting, scourging and bruising Me, but
the burning Love of My Sacred Heart bestows the grace of mercy, forgiveness and
reconciliation on so many souls, who provoke the just anger of God, through the
precious Blood from the Five Wounds opened on the Cross in order to save this
sick and dark world from eternal death and to give sinners eternal life. Because
I love you so much, I manifest that Love by coming to you in the form of bread
hiding My Divinity, dignity and even human appearance. I come to you in person
in the form of bread because of My great Love for you. But many souls pay little
attention to My Real Presence, insult Me with sacrilegious Communions, and
neglect Me with ingratitude. (Message from Jesus on May 16th,1991) 
beloved little soul! I intend to save all by
sending down the Holy Spirit as requested in your prayers filled with the love
with which you have meditated on the Mystery of Salvation earned through the
inestimable pains on the Cross and have participated in My Passion so that the
clergy may be sanctified and even the most wicked sinners, whose very human
nature has been dried up, may receive the grace of repentance.
(Message from Jesus on April 7th,2007)
