Our Lady of Naju

Praise Jesus ! and praise be the Blessed Mother !

Dear beloved members of Mary's Ark of Salvation, we are happy to convey the news about the first Saturday vigil held at the Blessed Mother's Mountain on July 7th,2012.

The Fragrant Oil that came down on the floor of the chapel



The Fragrant Oil on the Naju Water of Graces.

 ¡° Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few¡± (Matthew Chapter 7 ,verse 13 to 14)

The Stations of the Cross


¡°Live a life of conversion. Conversion does not just mean repenting sins. It means trying to live the life that God wants you to live. (Message on June 14th,1987)

¡° Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.¡± (Matthew Chapter 16, verse 24 to 25)

¡°the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings¡± (Roman-Chapter 8 ,verse 26)

 Teaching the spirituality of Naju to the student pilgrims


And that quoted Luke Chapter 6 verse 47 to 49 ¡° I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, listens to my words, and acts on them. That one is like a person building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when the flood came, the river burst against that house but could not shake it because it had been well built.¡± to emphasize the importance of practicing the word of the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

The Blessed Mother said on February 6th,1993 ¡° My beloved children! Believe like a child my words that I give you through my little soul who thinks that she is the poorest and least qualified in the world. I give these words to all of you..¡±

¡° Daughter! I feel the love of a little soul in your heart, as you think you are poor, unworthy and weak. That is why I have entrusted the work to you. So, do not worry too much..¡¦ When you feel humble and weak, you resemble My Mother.¡± (Message from Jesus on January 26th,11993)

Julia Kim giving her testimony in the middle of extreme sufferings


Candle-light rosary procession


Some tear drops are seen on the eyes of Jesus and part of blood flowing down from the edge of His body.

Julia Kim suffered extreme pains on Mt. Calvary.


¡° If you, who believe in the Communion of the Saints, continue the prayers of utmost devotion following the Will of the Lord and me to save the world, this blessing filled with the love that connects Heaven and earth together will also continue. .¡± (Message from the Blessed Mother on August 2nd, 2008)

¡° Therefore, offer up your sufferings of double deaths, which are even comforting God Himself, for the sake of the Pope. ¡± (Message from the Blessed Mother on June 30th, 2007)

¡° At this time faced with the threat of massive degradation and the danger of destruction, God the Father's just wrath has risen high in the heavens, and it is now the moment just before the descent of the chastisement. That is why the pains of double deaths that My little soul suffers are becoming more severe. ¡± (Message from Jesus on March 10th ,2011)

¡° My little soul who has been offered up (as a victim) at every moment with the pains of martyrdom that has been leading you to double deaths! Because of this, I am grateful to you and also feel sorry to you, but how many children are there who are willing to be martyred for the conversion of sinners? So, what else can I do ? ¡± (Message from the Blessed Mother on march 10th,2011)

Holy Mass


Many of pilgrims received precious blood on theirs clothes,shocks even on the habit of postulants.

¡° Therefore, tonight, all of you, who are gathered here and are praying, will receive a thorough cleansing of your souls, which have become dirty, with the same Precious Blood of the Lord, light of mercy, and water of mercy, and thus will become reborn with love.¡± (Message from the Blessed Mother on May 6th,2006)

¡° If they give testimony on the graces they have received, they will receive more blessings.¡± (Message from the Blessed Mother on June 11th,1995)

¡° Cry out in haste. I have already told you that judging, criticizing, and condemning paralyze all the actions that could become virtues and that not trusting and doubting annihilate the faith, but even many of the shepherds remain spiritually blind and deaf and unable to discern, are quick about criticizing others while covering up their own faults, and behave in cunning and flattering ways to satisfy their worthless secular desires, making the damages to the souls who follow them extremely serious.

Settle down deeply in this Mommy's Heart that has become a live volcano that flames up violently because of this, and, with a firm belief that all of them can also be saved, spread the love in my Immaculate Heart vigorously and courageously.¡± (Message from the Blessed Mother on July 7th,2007)

