Our Lady of Naju


    Praise Jesus ! and praise be the Blessed Mother !

Today is special day of 18th anniversaary of  the Blessed Mother of Naju giving us Fragrant Oil by squeezing all of herself and 20th anniverdary of the descent of holy eucharist.The Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Korea, who represents the Holy Father in Korea , came to Naju with Monsignor Peter (his secretary) and Fr. Raymond Spies. Fr. Sang-Cheol Oh, other priests and lay people were also presented.

My beloved sons! Today I called you, whom I love most dearly, in a special way to this place where you will experience the Lord's Presence and mine as heroic and faithful witnesses so that the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist may be made known all over the world. So, help me hurriedly to save the sheep that have been lost (Message from the Blessed Mother on November 24th,1994)

On this special anniversary, Ivan and Angela came with 43 pilgrims from Singapore and Malaysia, and also many foreign pilgrims from Brunei, Macau,Japan,Philippines, Indonesia, America and some from Europe were attended.

Fr.Marcel from Indonesia came to Naju with Singaporean and Malaysian pilgrims as a chaplain of the pilgrimage group.

The beginning prayer

The Stations of the Cross

" I have been showing through My daughter, who I love extremely , that I am really alive and breathing in the Eucharist and am present with my flesh,blood, soul, and divinity,numerous souls are now being spiritually and physically healed through the grace of repentance and are meeting Me, the source of mercy and love, by sincerely receiving the Sacrament of Confession." (Message from Jesus on October 16th,2006)

The original Statue of the Blessed Mother of Naju is being carried by Fr.Francis Su and Julio Kim into the Sanctuary for the prayer meeting. Julia Kim was not able to attend this first Saturday prayer meeting due to her extreme sufferings, even unbearable pains from hanging between life and death.

Candles and flowers were offered by pilgrims.

Holy mass

Now is the time for us to offer our little pains with sacrifices. Let us all offer our tiny pains up graciously for her, Julia Kim and for the Sanctification of clergy, if we really want Julia Kim to live longer with us. " Fr. Francis Su emphasized with raised his voice in his homily.

Candlelight rosary procession


" My beloved children who follow Me and My Mother and accept and practice the messages of love will possess the tree of eternal life, calling Me Abba, Father as My sons and daughters.My beloved children who are being insulted, persecuted, and criticized with all kinds of groundless accusations for My sake! Do not be frustrated or disappointed but be glad and rejoice. A great reward has been prepared for you in Heaven. " (Message from Jesus on November 24th,2007)

