is the period
(the usual period is for at least one year)
of training and preparation that a novice (or prospective) monastic or member of a religious institute undergoes prior to taking vows in order to discern whether they are called to the religious life. A novice is free to quit the novitiate at any time, and the Superior is free to dismiss him or her with or without cause. During the novitiate, the novice often wears clothing that is distinct from secular dress but is not the full habit worn by professed members of the community. The novice's day normally encompasses participation in the full canonical hours, manual labor, and classes designed to instruct novices in the religious life that is preparing to embrace. Spiritual exercises and tests of humility are common features of a novitiate
as frequent confession and reception of Holy Communion
encouraged by their novices
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All the
clergy, religious, and lay people in the world!
Make haste to wake up from sleep, rush to Me through My Mother, and make
strenuous efforts so that all the children in the world may practice the
messages of love that My Mother and I have been screaming to them until Our
throats start bleeding and be saved. Also, sew up the torn Hearts of My Mother and Me
by turning your lives into prayers at every moment. The devils, who fill the sky and the earth, will
ceaselessly harass you who are working for My Mother and Me, but My Mother and I
will always defend and protect you and have the angels guard you.
My little
souls who have been called! This
generation is unfaithful like reeds that are swayed by the wind and is filled
with sins. Those who do not seek the
incorruptible riches in Heaven but compromise with the world and try to preserve
their lives will lose their lives, whereas those who are persecuted while
working for My Mother and Me will live forever."