Our Lady of Naju ! Pray for us


All the pilgrims doing the Stations of the Cross,Via Dolorosa where Our Lord and the Blessed Mother are walking with us, shedding blood

The Procession for the First Saturday Vigil

Offering of candles and flowers

Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament

Julia Kim giving her testimony in the face of extreme sufferings


Candlelight Rosary Procession

Holy mass

Amazing and mystic signs that the Blood came down on the pilgrim's clothes and their shocks during the vigil

Also, Blessed Mother's Milk could be seen on the cloth of a pilgrim


" My beloved children who have responded with Amen to my call! By arming yourselves by turning your whole life into prayers, which will lead your spirituality to humility and perfection, become lowlier and achieve unity with love so that you may gain victory over the devils of division that fill the sky and the earth. That is because there should never be an occasion when you only see a splinter in your brother's or neighbor's eye but do not realize that there is a wooden beam in your own eye, fall into narcissism with your self-centered thoughts, judge everything with negative thoughts and condemn it with prejudice.

Children! There is no time to hesitate or procrastinate. In this dangerous time when the violence of the cunning Satan is spreading errors and distorting (the truths about Naju) into a heresy through the clergy who even reject the Eucharistic miracles that the Lord has worked in Naju with human thoughts and judgment so that even the fervent faithful reject me; and is leading the herds of numerous sheep who follow them (these clergy) to the road to Hell, there is no time to hesitate or procrastinate." (Excerpts form the Message given by the Blessed Mother on July 7th,2007)

