


Pilgrims at home and abroad praying the Rosary

Pilgrims listening Testimony of Julia Kim who is speaking the words of blessing,
greeting the day for the priests on Holy Thursday through the video

Evening Mass of The Lord¡¯s Supper

Washing of the feet



Foreign pilgrims are visiting the Blessed Sacrament



Pilgrims are preparing the Stations of the Cross by watching the video which contains
the Passion of Christ and Julia Kim's suffering in front of the Adoration Chapel.


The Stations of the Cross




When Julia Kim couldn't possibly attend the Stations of the Cross because of
her extreme suffering on the brink of death on Good Friday, she wiped away
her shedding tears at home with the handkerchief participating the passion of Christ,
which was stained with tears of blood.

On Good Friday, the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ came down to the residence of Julia Kim.

Pilgrims praying the Rosary and meditating the sorrowful mystery with all their hearts

The priests prostrating in the Liturgy of Our Lord's Passion and Death

Veneration of the Cross

Veneration of the Cross

Pilgrims watching the video on Julia's suffering who
participates the passion of Christ on Good Friday


The Blessed Mother exuded thick Golden-color Fragrant Oil by squeezing
Her whole body on Easter vigil, April 4, 2015

The Blessed Mother exuding Golden color Fragrant Oil to the bottom of Her feet

The Blessed Mother exuding Golden color Fragrant Oil
to the cloth beneath Her feet on April 4, 2015

The Easter eggs painted by pilgrims at home and abroad


The procession of the Blessed Mother to the chapel

Ceremony - Investiture for new postulants

The Prayer of Life Group members are singing congratulatory song for the new postulants

Julia Kim praying for the new postulants and hugging them with love

Pilgrims praying the Rosary and meditating the Glorious mystery

Julia Kim sharing the Word of the Lord and the Blessed Mother
to the pilgrims despite her intensive suffering

Pilgrims listening to Julia's testimony

The Service of Light




The Renewal of Baptismal Promises on Easter vigil

Easter Vigil Mass

A Foreign pilgrim (Mrs. Lily) sharing the graces she received in Naju during the Holy Triduum

In Easter vigil, Julia Kim suffered the severe pains of sacred Heart of Jesus, saying "I have never experienced much pains of heart like this.". But nobody noticed her pains because she offered up all her sufferings graciously to God hiding her pains behind her smiles. But her body was fully wet with sweat so she had to change her cloth. When she took off her inner cloth, the part of her heart on it was wet with body fluid with a lot of fragrance and have powders of Jewel discovered.

When Julia Kim offered up the severe suffering of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
her underwear got soaked with the Fragrance and also there were the jewelry powders.

Thick Milk of the Blessed Mother descended on the pilgrims' cloth.

Thick Milk of the Blessed Mother descended on the pilgrims' cloth.

Thick Milk of the Blessed Mother descended on the pilgrims' cloth.

Because it was difficult for Julia Kim to both stand up or sit down after her spine surgery,
she met all the pilgrims together by blowing out the breath of Jesus to them instead of meeting
them individually. Through this, many received abundant graces and healing.
"Remember that I and My Mother are always at your side, and work in unity with each other, with high spirits, courage and hope. There isn¡¯t much time. Hurriedly and more graciously offer up your current sufferings and achieve victory over the devil.
Two thousand years ago, I could have come down from the Cross. However, without dying, there could be no Resurrection. Even at this moment, I can perfect everything. However, because I allowed free will to humans, sacrifices by little souls, including even death agony, are necessary. Remembering anew the truth that one must die to arrive at resurrection, at least you, who have responded to My call, should follow Me in unity and with a simple and upright mind, imitating the faith of the martyrs.
The so-called leaders are moving away from the truth and yet look so strong and overpowering. But the Kingdom of Heaven does not belong to them but to you who are working for Me.
My little souls! The prayers of my little children who are not shaken under any circumstances will wipe away the stains of blood on My clothes and My Mother's. They are the comforts and fragrant oil that wipe away the bloody sweat and bloody tears.
The world which is in such a shocking condition, the world which will be reduced to ashes, this age which will be destroyed by the devil's attacks However, when there are more little souls, My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Immaculate Heart will surely triumph." (Message from Jesus on April 12, 1998)