The Blessed Mother of Naju weeping Tears for the salvation
and conversion of sinners in this world for 30years since 1985

The 30th anniversary of Our Lady's
first weeping Tears in Naju, Korea

Open air prayer meeting

Eucharistic Procession

The Procession of the Blessed Mother of Naju

The Blessed Mother of Naju exuded a lot of Fragrant Oil
through Her Statue that enshrined newly
for the 30th anniversary of Her weeping Tears

The statue of the Blessed Mother of Naju exuding Fragrant oil

The statue of the Blessed Mother of Naju exuding Fragrant oil

Fragrant Oil descended on the pavements in front of the 12th Station
Fragrant Oil descended on the beginning of the Stations
of the Cross at the Blessed Mother's Mountain, Naju

Fragrant Oil descended on the acrylic wall on the Mt. Calvary
changed into the Mother's Milk

Fragrant Oil descended on the acrylic wall and the ground in the
new-built shower room with the Miraculous Water from Our Lady of Naju

The cloud in the sky over the Blessed Mother's Mountain

The Procession of the Blessed Mother of Naju

Special performance dedicated to the Blessed Mother of Naju

Introduction of the Archbishop, bishops, priests

Introduction of the foreign pilgrims

The Procession of the Blessed Sacrament

The Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Rosary offered up wholeheartedly with raising arms

Praise with action dedicated to the Lord and the Blessed Mother

Julia Kim delivering the Word of the Lord and
the Blessed Mother of Naju joyfully offering up her severe suffering

The 30th Anniversary Mass devoted to Our Lady of Naju

Sharing Graces from Our Lady of Naju
-Anne Paula was healed of her colon cancer through
Julia's prayers and got a new life

Meeting with Julia Kim

Julia Kim met individually thousands of pilgrims for over 3 hours

The flightview over the Blessed Mother's Mountain

Many pilgrims received abundant graces of repentance and healing
from the Blessed Mother of Naju through Julia's sacrifices and sufferings

I love you !!!

"My beloved children! I will let the light, love and grace
from my Immaculate Heart overflowing all of you who came
despite the long distance, seeking me, who has been
imploring (you) with tears.
In this dangerous, extremely dangerous age,
you will surely see new buds sprouting even on the burnt ground,
when you realize that this Mother is needed for all of you and follow me.
Upon all of you who have been invited to my great banquet,
I bestow my love combined with God's blessing.
Now, receive the Lord's blessing."
(The Blessed Mother of Naju on June 30, 1997)

Video of the 30th anniversary :
Congratulation video :