My Son Jesus and I, Who are listening to the sounds of your prayers filled with love and sincerity, are greatly consoled by the sacrifices and reparations that you offer up for the conversion of sinners. 

Therefore, I intend to rescue from the chains of perishment all those who come to this place, by washing their souls and bodies with the fragrant oil that I gave you by squeezing my whole body, manifesting the burning love in my Immaculate Heart.

All my beloved children in the world!  As God saved many of the Israelites in the wilderness by lifting up high a bronze serpent through Moses, my Son Jesus and I intend to save many people with the immeasurable merits of His suffering on the Cross and the burning love in my Immaculate Heart by accompanying you on this Way of the Cross, shedding blood, as you meditate on the Lord’s Passion and pray for the conversion of sinners, offering up your utmost devotion in this age situated in danger. 

Therefore, I wish that the following words by the Lord: “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; and knock and it will be opened to you,” will be fully realized to you through your sincere and earnest prayers. (From Our Lady's message on March 28, 2002)



The Blessed Mother's fragrant oil came down on the
paved area from the Tenth Station to the Eleventh Station
on the Way of the Cross while Julia was praying on Holy Thursday on March 28, 2002.

























Another drop of fragrant oil dripped while videotaping the fragrant oil on pavement.

Witnesses testified that they smelled a strong and fresh fragrance from the oil.





Fragrant oil descends on the Blessed Mother's mountain

Valentino Hyun-Man Shin, Seoul, Korea (March 28, 2002)

+ Praise Jesus!  Praise the Blessed Mother!

I give profound gratitude to Jesus and the Blessed Mother.  My name is Valentino Hyun-Man Shin from Seoul.

I became more anxious to see the Blessed Mother of Naju during Holy Week, and arrived in Naju on March 28, 2002, at about 5 p.m.  After praying for a while in the Chapel, I participated in the Holy Hour prayer meeting.  In the middle of the prayer meeting, Rufino Park (the Chapel administrator) came to me and said, “It is raining.  Our Lord’s blood marks (on the Blessed Mother’s mountain) need to be protected.  Can you come and help?”  I gladly agreed and went to the Blessed Mother’s mountain together with Rufino Park and Augustine Cho.

While we were working at the Twelfth Station, we suddenly heard someone screaming.  It was Julia who had been praying at the Eleventh Station.  She was lying on the ground with her arms stretched out, as if she had been crucified.  We stopped working and rushed to Julia.  We knelt and prayed in silence.

A while later, Julia opened her eyes and said, “Fragrant oil is coming down. . .”  When I stretched my arms toward the sky, I realized that fragrant oil was really coming down on my face and hands.  Julia then said, “Jesus blessed me making the Sign of the Cross on my forehead with fragrant oil.”  We brought a lantern closer to her and saw a shiny mark of fragrant oil in the shape of a cross in the middle of her forehead.  We also smelled a strong and fresh fragrance from the oil.

After seeing the mark of fragrant oil on Julia’s forehead, we helped her stand up.  At that moment, all of us were surprised and screamed almost simultaneously, because we found a very large mark of fragrant oil on the paved area near the Eleventh Station.  After seeing the oil, I began shedding tears of repentance.  “Our Lord and the Blessed Mother love me so much that They are drawing me to repentance with this fragrant oil through Julia. . .”  

The oil mark at the Eleventh Station extended to the Tenth Station.  We could smell a strong fragrance at the Tenth Station also.  We protected the area from rain with vinyl covers.  While we were spreading the vinyl covers, we found an additional oil mark about 70 cm long on the paved area before the Eleventh Station.  

After witnessing these signs, I have realized that the Lord and the Blessed Mother are always present with us and that this was confirmed to me, even though I was unworthy.  My faith became stronger.

Praise and glory to God!







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