An image of the Holy Eucharist in the right hand

An image of the Holy Eucharist in the right hand

April 14, 1993

Julia received a message from the Blessed Mother in which she said that she would give Julia some signs.  After receiving the message, Julia took several photographs of the Blessed Mother's statue and also videotaped it.  When the photographs were developed, there was a clear image of the Holy Eucharist in the Blessed Mother's right hand.

Message on April 14, 1993

At about 7:20 a.m., I went to the Chapel in response to the Blessed Mother's call. She spoke with a warm and kind voice from her statue.


My dear daughter! Today I will give you a special sign for my beloved priests who have responded to my call.

My little soul! . . . I am Mother to all of you and the Queen of Heaven. I have called many priests in order to save the souls who are wandering in darkness. But they have neglected me and distanced me because of the eyes of the world and face-saving . . . .

My beloved priests! Get closer together and hold each other's hands hurriedly. And achieve unity in total love. The devil will cause more confusion employing many different methods, but do not fall into his cunning schemes and stop spreading the messages. If you do not help me, I cannot do anything, either. Hurry up and bring those numerous sheep, which have been lost and are wandering, to the refuge of my Immaculate Heart. I need you, because I want to save all the children through you.

What will be the use of regretting at the time of chastisement? Now is the designated hour for you and the time to enter the battle. Do not worry about tomorrow or be concerned about the future in human ways. The place that I have prepared for you, the irreplaceable place for you . . . it is the great task that the love of my Immaculate Heart has chosen for you. I want you to understand this and to respond to my call without reservations. When you humbly walk a little person's way of love toward holy virtues according to my wishes and follow me in obedience, the Lord's miracles of love will be wrought through you.

Now the plans of my Immaculate Heart are about to be realized. Therefore, help the little, unworthy soul (=Julia) whom I have chosen and spread my wishes to the whole world so that they may be put into practice. When the messages of love that my Son Jesus and I give you are realized in this world, the greatest victory of establishing the glorious Kingdom of Christ will be won and you will see the glory by my side.

When her words ended, drops of fragrant oil streamed down from the forehead of the Blessed Mother's statue. I took several photographs and also did some videotaping. Clear images of the Holy Eucharist appeared on the Blessed Mother's hands in the photographs and video.


An enlargement of the right hand


An image of the Holy Eucharist in the left hand


An image of the Holy Eucharist in the right hand 



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