Message on May 16, 1991

There was a Mass at 6 p.m. in the Naju Parish Church, celebrated by two priests from the Philippines. Some parishioners of Naju and thirty-three pilgrims from the Philippines participated. When I received the Holy Eucharist, I immediately tasted blood in my mouth. When I came back to my pew and showed it to Rufino, who was sitting next to me, he saw the Host on my tongue being of a yellow-to-light brown color at first and, soon, turning into a blood-red color starting from the edge. This was reported to the priests and all the faithful present there were able to see it. They were surprised and began crying. The two priests also prayed and cried in front of the tabernacle. The Host continued bleeding and soon my mouth was filled with Blood.


Left and above: The Sacred host turned into visible Flesh and Blood in Julia's mouth during Mass
in the Naju Parish Church.

Above: Fr. Jerry Orbos and another priest from the Philippines pray with Julia and other pilgrims
after witnessing the Eucharistic miracle.

At that moment, I saw a vision. The weeping Blessed Mother of Naju was wearing a blue mantle, holding a rosary in her right hand and smiling beautifully. With tears in her eyes, she embraced the two priests. Soon there was the merciful but anxious voice of Jesus.


Daughter! Offer up more reparations for the insults by sinners. The world keeps offending, despising, insulting, scourging and bruising Me, but the burning Love of My Sacred Heart bestows the grace of mercy, forgiveness and reconciliation on so many souls, who provoke the just anger of God, through the precious Blood from the Five Wounds opened on the Cross in order to save this sick and dark world from eternal death and to give sinners eternal life. Because I love you so much, I manifest that Love by coming to you in the form of bread hiding My Divinity, dignity and even human appearance. I come to you in person in the form of bread because of My great Love for you. But many souls pay little attention to My Real Presence, insult Me with sacrilegious Communions, and neglect Me with ingratitude.

Daughter! Teach the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist fervently to the children who do not understand it so that the numerous people living in ingratitude may be saved through your bloody sacrifices combined with My Love. However hard I may try to give Love to them, I cannot force them to accept it, as I gave them free will. I, Who am present in the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, am a spring that never dries, a medicine that can save the sick souls, and a doctor to the patient. I love even those souls who have become so sordid and distorted because of sins, because I am Love Itself. So, when they come to Me through the Sacrament of Confession, I will wash away their sins that made their souls dirty and allow them to stay in My Love.

My Heart is hurting intensely, because so many people in this world bow to and flatter the worldly rulers, but only extremely few children kneel in front of the Lord of the Heavens and the King of the Universe, adore Him and ask for graces from Him. Time is running out, because there are so many sins in the world.

All the children of the world! You must fear the chastisement that is approaching you, constantly pray, make sacrifices and reparations, and live a consecrated life. By doing so, you can avoid falling into the devils' cunning temptations that allure you to sin, resentment, violence, corruption, and a selfish life; alienate you from God; lead you to hatred, division, delinquency and disrespect; and, thereby, thoroughly control your mind and make you intemperate. In this world which is being covered with errors and darkness, stay close to the Bible which contains the Sacred Truths, lead a life according to the Gospels, and put into practice the words of My Mother who is appearing and imploring with tears at many places in the world in this urgent time. Tell everyone that accepting My Mother's words is the same as accepting Me and that holding her hands and following her is the shortcut to Me.

The time of my Mother Mary's victory is approaching. Make haste in repenting and get on board Mary's Ark of Salvation. My Mother came into this world as the Heavenly Prophetess and My Helper who will lead you to My brilliant and glorious revelations. Follow her words. I will always be with you.




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