Precious Blood came down during June 30,  -  August 15, (2005)

1. On the Solemnity of the Assumption and 3th Anniversary of Our Lord's shedding Precioud Blood from His Sacred Heart opened, Precious Blood came down again on many pilgrims and a priest. (August 15, 2005)

2. Our Lord shed His Precious Blood on Julia's forehead on 20th  Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping tears.(June 30, 2005)

During the overnight prayer meetings on the Solemnity of the Assumption
      Precious Blood came down on the clothes of the priest.  (August 15, 2005) 

Precious Blood that came down on the Solemnity of the Assumption.

During the overnight prayer meetings on the Solemnity of the Assumption Precious Blood came down on the forehead of a girl

Precious Blood that came down on the arm of a pilgrim. (Aug 15,2005)

Our Lord shed His Precious Blood
on a pilgrim's shirt printed the picture of Our Lady of Naju.

Precious Blood that came down on the clothes of the pilgrim.


Our Lord shed His Precious Blood on the wrist of Julia. (Aug 15,2005)

Precious Blood that came down on the clothes of a pilgrim .(Aug 15,2005)


Precious Blood that came down on the clothes of a pilgrim (Aug 15,2005)

One of the pilgrims wiped Precious Blood that came down on the floor of the vinyl temple in Blessed Mother's Mountain.



Precious Blood that came down on the clothes of the pilgrim.

Precious Blood came down on the pilgrims on 20th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's
first weeping tears (June 30, 2005)


                  Our Lord shed His Precious Blood on Julia on 20th Anniversary
                of the Blessed Mother's first weeping tears (June 30, 2005)
