The Precious Blood of Our Lord came down on the Chapel        and on the Blessed Mother 's Mountain on June 30,2009.

The Lord's Precious Blood came down on the floor
in the Blessed Mother's Chapel on June 30, 2009. (about 5:05 a.m.)


On the rocks under the Crucifix were lumps of the Precious Blood.

At the same time the Precious Blood came down on
Julia's clothes, on her right chest and on her abdomen.

My beloved children! Even Solomon, who enjoyed all kinds of prosperity, did not receive these immeasurably valuable graces that you have received and still are receiving here. If God clothes beautifully the wildflowers that blossom today and will be thrown into the fireplace tomorrow, will He not much better clothe you who are working to help my little soul for My sake and My Mother's?

Therefore, I tell you clearly. Worries bound up in religious precepts are but a waste of time. Those who obstruct the truths and spread errors will surely beat their breasts and wail on the last day, but, if you put into practice the messages of love that I and My Mother have given you, arm yourselves by turning everything in your life into a prayer, and gracefully offer it up, you will not only enjoy eternal happiness in the next world but receive everything in this world as well.(Message from Jesus on march 1st, 2008)
