23rd anniversary of Our Lady's first weeping tears of blood - the Lord's Precious Blood came donw on the rocks in the Mountain and Julis's room (Oct.19, 2009)

Our Lady exuding golden-color fragrant oil by squeezing Her whole body.

Water of mercy came down in the plasti dome(Adoration Chapel)
in the Blessed Mother's Mountain.

Golden-color fragrant oil came down on the crylic dome and on a large rock

The Precious Blood that descended on the acrylic dome and on
a large rock and little stones under the dome. Also, the fragrant oil
that descended on flowers.

The Precious Blood descended on the acrylic dome above the area on
the Blessed Mother's Mountain in Naju where the little rocks stained with
the Precious Blood are preserved.

One and a half hours later, the Precious Blood still remained in the liquid state.

The Precious Blood came down to a wall in Julia’s bedroom.

The Precious Blood came down to a wall in Julia’s bedroom.


Oh, my beloved sons and daughters who have been called! I have completely opened up My Sacred Heart and given up even the last drop of blood and water for your sake. For now, you may experience misunderstanding and persecution and become wounded in the divided Church while making Me and My Mother known, but remain awake and pray, not forgetting that My Mother and I are always with you at your side and offer up graciously even the pains of internal bleeding. And make greater efforts so that not only the children who have been called but all the children in the world may become completely dissolved in My Sacred Heart and My Mother's Immaculate Heart, achieve unity as one as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are One, and arrive at sanctity.

Make it known to all that the shortcut to arriving at sanctity and achieving unity is to turn your lives into prayers, and go forward bravely with the wisdom and courage of the young David so that every soul without exception may be saved in the joy of forming harmony with the Saints. (Message from Jesus on June 11,2002)
