
Julia with Fr.Hubert Hady and his companies who invited her
in the reception room at the Airport in Bali .(March 7, 2006)


Reception room at the Airport in Bali. (March 7, 2006)


During the Mass for welcoming Julia at the parish church of
Hubert Hady , she said a few words of greeting and
thanksgiving (March 8, 2006)


Priests concelebrating the Mass for welcoming Julia who was to give testimony to the messages from the Lord and
the Blessed Mother in Naju


About 1, 000 lay people attended the Mass for welcoming Julia, she made known the messages from the Blessed Mother of Naju, even though it was not originally scheduled for that day.

Julia spreading  the messages from Our Lady of Naju


Priests worshipping the Sacred Host after the Mass


In the afternoon, Julia visited Most Rev. Bishop Brier at the Bishop's office (March 8,  2006)

Julia presented the statue of Our Lady of Naju to Bishop Brier

Julia presented  the Crucifix which has a hammer and
a plier to Most Rev. Bishop Brier


Julia praying for the Bishop Brier to be recovered from
the pain on his knee

Julia presented the statue of Our Lady of Naju to
the Bishop coadjutor of Bali Diocese

Julia praying for the Bishop coadjutor for healing of his knee.


Julia with Bishop Brier and staves of the Bali Diocesan



