Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul


 Julia Kim's testimony

during the first Saturday night vigil

Dear Naju prayer Group members,

I continue to pray for all of you to be a holy family united in happiness. I pray that you all will receive abundant graces, love and blessings from the Lord and the Blessed Mother this year.

I firmly believe that the Lord and the Blessed Mother will bestow infinite love and graces on you, who with your heroic loyalty, are making strenuous efforts to make Naju known, by ceaselessly displaying the power of love for our Lord and our Blessed Mother. In addition, our Lord's extraordinary love will flow down not only to all the people around you who do not know about the Blessed Mother of Naju, but also to their families as well.

I willingly offer my prayers for peace in your families, for their safety and for their spiritual and physical health.

I dearly express my love to you along with the love of our Lord and Our Blessed Mother.

Julia Kim

Naju, Korea

February 7, 2011


Excerpts from Julia's testimony on January 1, 2011-First Saturday prayer

Despite the diversity of function among the different parts of the body, each one is precious and significant. The function of the ears are just as important as that of the mouth or the hands or the feet. However, if the feet should say to the hands, " Hey hands !  I'm better than you because you cannot walk like me and you cannot go anywhere without me ?  Then, what if the hands were to reply, "Hey feet ! alright, you can go anywhere, but can you make stuffs and do many things like I do ?

And what if the eyes were to say, " Hey hands ! You cannot see without me, so how can you make stuff and work ?  Then what if the nose were to say, Hey eyes ! How can you breath without me ? and what if the mouth were to reply " Hey Nose ! Can you eat anything without me ?

If all the parts would say, I am better than the others,  then troubles would arise and continue without ceasing.  On the other hand, all the parts despite their diversity of function should exist to help one another and be integrated into one organism with Christ as It's Head. Also, one more part that plays a crucial role is the heart which operates in a hidden way. What would happen if the heart ceases to function ?  Yes, we will die. Therefore, do not judge others for any reason. Remember, we can play a vital role similar to the heart by working and functioning in a hidden way.

Dear fellow pilgrims, do not highly esteem gifted persons who work in the public eye. For example, a person who has received a charism of prophecy, or healing etc.etc.  Do not envy such charism, even if I don't have such gifts, I can still play a vital role in a hidden way similar to heart.  Moreover, there is also the uterus, kidneys, lungs, gallbladder and pancreas. How can a women give birth if she does not have a uterus ?  Likewise, many parts of the body play a significant role in a hidden way.

Everyone here is extremely precious as a child of Jesus and the Blessed Mother. I hope you do not envy anyone. The Lord allowed us to live in this world with His love. Those who love, He will consider as His most precious one. I will do my best to maintain my health in the midst of sufferings. It is not for myself, but in order to carry out the work of the Lord and the Blessed Mother. So, I will make an effort to be healthy, though I am receiving sufferings.

To participate in the pains of Jesus, I offered my sufferings up to the Lord and prayed;

"No matter how unworthy I am and continuously groaning from the sufferings caused by illnesses, how graciously and happily I receive the sufferings so that my little offering though like specks of dust may contribute to the work of salvation by the Lord."

Ever since then, my whole family started receiving sufferings too. Thereupon, I have suffered heartache from time to time. Though I wanted to receive the sufferings for myself alone, even my children were hurt in church and in school. I cannot express my feeling of how I felt sorry for my children,my husband, 4 children and my mother have all experienced sufferings because of my sufferings.

The other day, the pain was so intense as to almost tear my heart out. So I prayed to Jesus " Lord, will you please remove all the sufferings from my family ? " I ask to have the sufferings for myself alone.

At this opportunity, I would like to beg forgiveness for what I have done so far to my family. I am very sorry for being a person who instead of taking of my family have given them sufferings instead.

I understand that everything is the will of the Lord. But, It hurts me to see my family endure so much sufferings because of me. So, I do my best to be health these days so I can work more vigorously for the Lord and the Blessed Mother. We are merely a creation of God. Therefore, our bodies are not ours but belong to God....

Some of you may have never reflected about this. Let us value ourselves more preciously from now on. Many times I have driven myself hard though not to the point of abuse. But it was not myself ,but in behalf of others. I realized that my health was deteriorating, later Jesus helped me recover. Therefore, I said to Jesus " I am so sorry I should have done better, be more wise and take care of myself better "

I should work more than I expect but in a healthy way, I do not regret it even if I am now weak because I offered all my sufferings so that the grace of healing will flow down to all the pilgrims. Please be healed  !

We need to sacrifice our lives given to us by Our Lord and be happy always even if it does not benefit us directly and even with the trivial things,let us give thanks to the Lord. Thank you for your patient and see you next month.

                   I love you all. Our Lady of Naju  Pray for us !
