Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul


    Excerpts from Julia's testimony during the Holy Triduum.   

(April 5th-8th, 2012 )



          bullet03_glitter.gif Praise Jesus ! ,Praise be the Blessed Mother !





I’m glad to meet all of you today. What day is today ?

Today is the day for priests whom I can put in my eyes without feeling any pains, the Blessed Mother said. Therefore,  must we not  pay great homage to priests who are our spiritual fathers ?

I would like all priests to come here.

Also, I would like to thank the bishop who came to Naju to spend this Holy Triduum with us but who is not feeling well at the moment and is resting for a while in the back of the chapel.

I love you all. Please receive a big gratitude from us who are unworthy and we wish all of you to have physical and spiritual health and hope you will become saintly priests who will lead numerous flocks of sheep to heaven.

In the gospel on Palm Sunday, the heart of the Blessed Mother suffered intense pains when Judas betrayed Jesus and also when Peter denied Jesus. I also received similar pains.  Then, I fell down and I heard the voice of the Blessed Mother say,“If the clergy and religious do not wake up, a terrible event will occur that will make the whole world shake with fear”

During the preparation prayer this early morning, I saw the Blessed Mother wearing a white mantle inside the Adoration dome. She was  crying and praying with her hands joined together.

However, I believe that God will send down the cup of blessing for us instead of the cup of wrath when the sound of our prayers soars to  heaven.

There were many healing cases of cancers and incurable illnesses here in Naju. Unfortunately, many of those who were healed of their illnesses do not come to Naju anymore.

In the beginning, they were begging God to save their lives and promised that they will live according to the will of the Lord and the Blessed Mother if they were granted healing graces. Eventually they were completely healed by the grace of God.  Later on however, they turned away from the Blessed Mother of Naju. However some came back to the Blessed Mother again after they suffered a relapse of their illnesses or after they became worst and suffered unbearable pains.

One of the sisters had breast-cancer that spread to many areas of her whole body. Amazingly, she was completely healed here in Naju. She was also perfectly cured of other medical problems. But she was shaken by the words of her family who told her," How could your incurable-cancer be healed by the grace of Naju Blessed Mother ?. Maybe, you just experienced natural healing.. ” Her family  didn’t want her to come to Naju anymore. Eventually she began thinking that probably her family was right and she stopped coming to Naju.

 A substantial amount of time lapsed and during the meeting with pilgrims, I put my hand on the chest of one of the pilgrims and prayed over her.  I felt some hard lumps on her chest and I asked," what is this ?" She replied, “ My cancer has relapsed”. Upon hearing her voice, I realized that she was the one who was healed of cancer a long time ago who then turned away. Then I prayed “ Jesus ! I cannot do anything but You can do something for her Jesus.  Because she came back, it's not too late yet, on the contrary she came at the right time." Then, I also prayed and kissed the area and slowly and softly bit on the area once with the intention that healing graces will be bestowed on her by Jesus !.She also came again the following  month and I again prayed over her saying, “Jesus have mercy on her!"

During the time of meeting with pilgrims, I was so astonished upon touching her breast because I could not feel any cancer lump on the area . The cancer lump went away without any trace. She was happy to be healed, but I was also crying realizing that Almighty Jesus with His Mercy was being engraved into my heart at that moment.

I did not see her for many years after that event until one day she showed up before me in a wheelchair accompanied by her husband. The cancer relapsed again and also the wound on her chest had gotten worst exuding lots of bloody pus.

 The Blessed Mother said, “ I am sad. So many of my poor children who are usually forgetful of me, seek me only during hard times as if trying to grab a life buoy….."

The Lord said, “Whoever denies me before the people, I will deny  before my Father in heaven. "  I hope you remember these words of the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

By the way,

(Julia Kim pointing out one of the pilgrims ) I would like ask you to come to this altar


This sister also suffered from breast cancer but she refused to have surgery in the hospital. Nay, she only entrusted herself to the Blessed Mother of Naju. Nevertheless the cancer kept growing bigger. Her whole family would not believe the miracles of Naju if she got healed of her cancer while it was only in the first stage.

However the cancer was healed by the Lord through the intercession of the Blessed Mother in Naju at the time when the cancer was already considered incurable and when even the surgeon refused to operate on her. Therefore, now her husband, son and daughter-in-law, daughter and grand children  all  believe in and come to Naju.

Likewise, it is not possible for us to know about God’s plan ……..it is so profound and great! This is what we can say about the infinite love of God.

On the other hand ,some people are trying to destroy Naju by using all kinds of schemes  spreading malicious and groundless rumors  to the point of denying such obvious testimony based on real medical evidence. How can we say that this kind of obvious testimony was false testimony ? I believe all of you who stand your ground and continue to come here will inherit heaven on the last day. Amen !

Whenever I come to the Blessed Mother's mountain, I would pray before the statue of Mary Magdalene while holding her heel , “ Please help me a sinner to follow Jesus like you, who  despite being  a wicked sinner who was about to be stoned to death  became the most beloved of Jesus because of your sincere repentance”.

There would be a world of difference between two cases in the same situation. Everything is dependent on how we feel and how we approach the situation.

I want to give you a familiar example when cancer occurs to two people:

One would say,“ Why is my cancer  not healed even though I frequently come to Naju with faith.? “

And the other one would say, “ Ah I see, there is a reason for my suffering. Through this trial, I will become humble." 

Do you see the difference between these two? Which one are you going to follow?

We will be able to meet Our Lord, risen Jesus after two days.

Let us all repent of our sins from now on so that through our sincere repentance we will resurrect with Our Lord thus giving glory to the Lord and the Blessed Mother.  Amen.


 bullet03_glitter.gif Praise Jesus !, Praise be the Blessed Mother !

Today is the day for the forgiveness and reconciliation ?  By the way, I asked for you to recite well with one voice in the unity during the rosary when we reached to the Mt. Calvary , What do you think about this ?

When we said the rosary before, Jesus and the Blessed Mother appeared followed by the Angels and Saints were also appeared. While we were saying the rosary, it was some kind of panic occurred that the Angels hard to dance to the rhythm that we were saying ,because some were did too fast and some were too slowly. Angels were embarrassed on what rhythm should they dance , hesitating  and saying uh oh, uh oh ? , eventually they gave up to dance.

It is the way to dedicate so fresh rose to the Blessed Mother as we offer the rosary with whole heart . If we offer the rosary in the unity, all the Saints will be with us and the Angels will dance to the sound of the rosary. 

In the beginning, the Snake tempted by saying that you could be the power of insight as God by eating the forbidden fruit, so Eve ate and Adam also ate conveyed byEve.

By the way, were they became an insight as God ? .They picked and ate them and ashamed by realizing that they were naked. God spoke to them “ have you picked and ate the forbidden fruit ? “  and Adam made a pretext that I just ate it by Eve’s temptation who became my spouse by you. You have to listen this carefully and bear in your mind.

Adam’s answer was not wrong. We may confront similar situations innumerable ways in our daily lives, but it is very important for us to make an efforts not to make the same mistakes by acknowledging our faults.

It is because hard to go to heaven if we use our heads in human way, and measure to and calculate to.

It will be the grace if we acknowledge our mistakes and correct them right away when somebody pointed out our faults and advice with true love for our sake. For doing so, we should acknowledge “ Everything is my fault”.

We have to understand well that even the same situation happened, it depends on how we accept the situations ,” my fault or not “ it really will be the toto cealo different.

My mother-in-law got baptized in 1982, on that day after the baptism , I was taken by many of sisters to someone’s house as if I was kidnapped.

I was wondering  and asking them why so many people gathered here ,one of sisters among them laughing and replied to me “ I have been waiting for you who would be here today by informing that today is mother-in-law’s baptism, so I thought, of course, you surely come to this place today, so I waited and brought you here.

Two of sisters who forcibly took me here were full of hatred and anger in their hearts, but Jesus performed the miracle of love through me who are unworthy. Therefore, they had people gathered in her house and took me here by force. That’s why went into the room by thinking that it is the will of the Lord.

As soon as I entered a room, one of sisters, about 60years old said “humph “ I will go home, by hearing that I felt she was full of hatred and anger.  Suddenly, I grabbed her edge of skirt without knowing anyone,” and Jesus ! , this women’s door of heart is completely locked, please unlock the door for her. We cannot do, but You can do “ I prayed quietly.

Then, she just sat on a couch, so I came closer to her and prayed more, she decided to stay longer for prayer and went into a room to be with us. When I faced such a situation, I prayed for the spirit of reformation as if I plow old filed which have been barren long time and plant a seed.

I focused on the story of broken family on that night, and my religious experiences and the spirit of the love for our neighbors.

All of them who were presented in her house accepted well and acknowledged their faults ,right after room was turned into a sea of tears.

One of two sisters who kidnapped me was so faithful, she completed 7 weeks charismatic movement seminar for 6 times, she used to take a bath with cold water to purify herself before she go to the seminar.

But she really wanted to join the seminar at the team of mine who was a team leader, but it was not realized to her.

It was 30 years ago, her 7th apply, she decided that if this time was not with Julia who is a team leader of the seminar, I will not join the seminar ,even I will give up entry fee, But she had a chance to be with me at the 7th time.

She received the gift of praying in tongues, gift of prediction , even the gift of healing, but she still feel something are empty. So she really wanted to attend my seminar.

Her husband was handicapped with his one hand , sick and bad health condition. But, before marry, she conceived by raping from him.

She lamented her life that kept on saying how I met such a man and living together ? even though they had two children. She was good educated, but husband was not, hated him, so she never felt any happiness so far.

Also she thought that because of first son ( who was born by rape) her life was ruined, so, there was domestic abuse and insulted him.

In spite of first son’s conceived is not for his fault, she hated both his son and husband, look down them and wandering outside instead staying at home.

By hearing upon her story, I asked to her ‘ sister ! was your husband handicapped, sick, … do you think that you still 100 % raped by him ?

I don’t think so. No matter what you were in a defenseless stage, how come you were raped by him who were sick and handicapped ?

I think, you also fell into love or there were some temptation with you, but later on you felt sorry and unfair for you….. , am I wrong ?

I continued saying , It is not a matter of hating your son. Why are you abusing your son who are innocent. Then she said “ I was crazy. Crazy !  and she started repenting her faults. So I continued giving her the Spirituality of “IT IS MY FAULT “ she also accepted well by crying a lot. I also advised her to go to general confession.

Next morning, After she went to confession, she brought very thick envelope that were papers written all the sins since when she was younger to now.

So I prayed by burning the envelope “burn all the sins she committed and grant her holy family by burning the hearts of her family with the fire of holy spirit furiously and help them newly live a resurrection of life.

Surprisingly, next day she came to my house with her two sons and husband, I was so touching by the infinite love which is high, deep and wide ,burst into tears by hearing her husband.

Her husband saying was : my wife went back home and put the mattress on the room ,so curiously said what are you doing now ?

She and two sons stood on the mat and paid deep homage to me for 4 times and saying “ I had hatred you and looked down on you so far, and abused my son, etc were all my faults.” and she asked forgiveness.

So, they embraced each other and cried with over joy, and they felt that love of family and happiness first time ever since………”

I also embraced and cried a lot with them by touching from them who will live a resurrection of life, then I heard the voice of the Lord You today also eager to transform the blade of a knife of selfish,anger and contempt into love that are like a soft downy with the heart of love and sacrifice. How can I reject your hope ?. And your tearful love will became the sweet rain for their soul and infuse life for them.

Another sister who took me here was also raped and married by conceiving her daughter , but even she was high school student, still anger at her that will fire her if there was a gun, kill her with knife if there was a knife with her.

So I asked ‘ As there any cases that husband was philandering ? No he only look at me, devoted to me, but she cannot forgive him whenever he reminded her the time she was raped. So, just lived filled with hatred and resentment without knowing any love.

Sister !, I think that the reason why your husband raped was to live with you, therefore, why don’t you forgive him now I convinced.

Please think it over once ,how it was so extreme love for you despite the way to approach was not right. How you’ve been heavy burden in your heart that were filled with hatred and resentment ?

How come you ever did not think of “ It was my fault ?”

I prayed for them .make a new start from now on, then she also accepted well and repented with tears.

Dear Fellow pilgrims !

Feeling is important and an acceptance (acknowledgement) is also very important.

That sister, therefore, became holy family by restoring the love which was annihilated for her by asking forgiveness to her husband. As soon as my prayer and religious experience was over, the one who was about 60 years old filled with hatred , have reformed and her face was covered with tears and nasal discharge.

And told me that “ sister Do I have to say something ?  I am a mother of priest as a matter of fact, eldest son married and living in U.S.A. Then she hated eldest daughter-in-law, trying to do all kind of ways to divorce them by telephone etc and even quarreling  and fighting with in-law parents on the phone.

That sister also attended many different charismatic movement seminars, but it was in vain to remove her hatred, anger, thus really hard to forgive others.

But, she repented her sins by hearing my experiences and accepted “ Everything were my faults”  by realizing that truth are here with Julia Kim. So right away asked for forgiveness to in-law parents, in addition to asked for forgiveness to daughter-in-law, thus they were completed reconciled with love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother..

How, the spirituality of “IT IS MY FAULT” is so amazing and wonderful ?

All of you also put your hands to your heart, and think what was missing that you did not realized “IT IS MY FAULT”, but now let us all forgive others beforehand and ask for forgiveness for reconciliation..

Today, the Lord and the Blessed Mother gave you blessings with great love.

If you feel and accept great love, everything will be realized to you as you wish.

Please respond with Amen at once if you feel the love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother, this love will turn even dead souls raised.

If all of you open your hearts wide and welcome the Lord and the Blessed Mother, They will dwell in you and will enkindle the fire of love. Amen


       bullet03_glitter.gif Praise be Jesus !  Praise be the Blessed Mother !

Today is Holy Saturday !

May we all be resurrected as Jesus rose from  death.  Jesus came to us on earth and what did Jesus taught  us ?  He taught the  first Commandment to us  which is LOVE. When we are trying to practice love and share it, The devils  who fill the sky and earth  who try to break the love between us and Jesus  are in anguish.

It is not possible for us to share  true love if we do not stay vigilant and  watch out for selfishness,  pride, envy and jealousy among us. Therefore, whenever  He gives us grace and healing, we must give thanks to Him instead of keeping it quietly to ourselves and we should reflect  well why the Lord chose you and performed this miracle of love for you. Then  we have to share that love with others.

God loves all the children in this world so much, so He sent His only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ for us. In spite of the fact that Jesus performed numerous miracles and spread the gospel during His 3 years of public ministry, the world did not accept Him but crucified him. He died on the Cross but rose again after three days for our sake.

Jesus is God. He is both human and Divine.

So He  felt pain when injured and  hunger if He did not have a meal. He also cried “ My God, my God, why have you forsaken me ? when He was dying on the Cross. Jesus could have offered it completely without crying out, but He cried like that for our sake so that  we will remember it and be consoled in our mistakes and difficulties.

Jesus says,“  If  I who am God himself, cried out, “ My God, my God why have you forsaken me?”  was  resurrected  in  3  days,  you who suffer, take heart and do not lose hope and courage in your difficulties."  

Numerous people  complain about such trivial things like a headache, contusion and light scratch, etc...  In this way, the devil tries to put his traps of poison, thorns and cruelty to cut off the relationship between us and God. From now on, let us instead graciously offer up all the blames and criticisms  we receive. Then our good deeds will  accumulate in the treasure house in  heaven.

There was this old Sister Hwang in who received the Holy Spirit and many powerful charismatic gifts.  Even   fractured bones were healed through  her prayer. So many people frequently visited her.

There were two Sisters in Noan parish church at that time. One was Hwang above mentioned and another one who was younger. They were not compatible at all because of extreme difference in their personalities and it was hard for them to live together. 

These two Sisters sent a petition to the Mother superior informing her that they could not  live together and requested either to be transferred to another place or to replace the other Sister. In the middle of this situation, Sister Hwang, attended one of the vigil held in the Blessed Mother’s House.

At that vigil, I spoke regarding  forgiveness and the spirituality of "It is my fault." And I spoke to them about my experiences of how through no fault of mine, I was ill-treated  and severely assaulted after working so hard like a dog without any salary, and of being continuously discriminated and insulted.

In spite of that, I did not blame those people. On the contrary, I accepted all those situations telling myself that it is  me who was making these people commit sins by being there and  it was all  my fault and so forth. "

After listening to the spirituality of "It is my fault", Sister Hwang was very much touched and started repenting with copious tears saying to herself," what kind of religious life am I living  when even a lay person is much better than me ?  

As soon as she got back to the parish, she embraced the young sister and tearfully said to her, " Sister !  all that happened to us until now was my fault, so please forgive me." The young sister was so surprised and replied,  "No, no, it was my fault."Then  they embraced and cried a lot and became reconciled  from that moment on. It was so wonderful.

It is more precious and a greater  grace than the healing of cancer and  even the healing of incurable illnesses.

Jesus is truly resurrected. Let us all be resurrected !

If there is  still any  resentment, anger, hatred and un-forgiveness in your heart, it is not possible for the Lord and the Blessed Mother to come to our hearts and enkindle the fire of love and perform the miracle of love for us. Only love will prevail over all kinds of devils.

Now, Let us bring all those whom we have hated, blamed and have not forgiven to the foot of the Cross. If we have wounded others by yelling at them instead of saying sweet words, let us also bring all of them as well. We have been wounded since  birth, so our personality may have become violent and bad . Let us now entrust ourselves to the Lord and the Blessed Mother to gain the healing grace for  all our wounds and  so that our sick bodies and souls will completely recover.

As you know  I am receiving the redemptive sufferings for other people's sins. So sometimes, I receive the suffering of lover’s quarrelling in their house. Then my husband also had to participate in his  role of husband in this suffering.

This kind of suffering is extremely hard to bear. Also depression, bipolar disorder (manic depressive), anthrophobia are the most difficult to offer up and makes me feel so scared.

Dear pilgrims!

I wish you will receive the healing of all your sufferings today.

Even in the midst of severe sufferings which make me feel like I'm dying, I am very happy and eager to share my  love with you and I feel like I  can talk incessantly with you  as I am looking at all of you.

When people fall in love , they become beautifully transformed. You are now becoming transformed. Most people complain about even a headache, contusion and light scratch, including those who are supposed to know the Lord and the Blessed Mother. They also blame others. We should never complain against God but willingly accept any difficult situation recognizing that God is now loving us  so much in this way.

Can you do that ?  "Yes, we will!"  Amen !

