Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul


 - Excerpts from Julia's testimony during the vigil -

(First Saturday Prayer Meeting on December 1st,2012)



  Let your "Yes" mean "Yes," and your "No" mean "No".

bullet03_glitter.gif Praise Jesus, Praise be the Blessed Mother !.

I'm glad to see you. I'm now standing before you, giving up everything so as to keep my promise with you today.

Today, as we celebrate the First Saturday of 2013, I firmly believe that Jesus and the Blessed Mother will bestow boundless blessings upon you all.

Peter Kim, the Commentator mentioned a while ago, that my temperature dropped to 32 degrees, but I also had a drop of body heat to 22.1 degrees before. One of the reasons is, is that I was shocked to hear news that someone was involved in a traffic accident and then suddenly went into a state of almost dying that evening. I was barely able to recover from the hanging death by receiving the Anointing of the sick Sacrament and of prayers from Fr. Su on the phone. My temperature dropped to 22.1 degrees Celsius as a result of hearing the news of the car accident.

Afterwards, I had to go to the E. N. & T. Dr. (the ear, nose and throat ) due to a speaking problem. The doctor was surprised just after examining my neck, and said my vocal cords were twisted as well as being too stiff to speak well. Do you remember, that I wasn't able to speak very well last year on the first Saturday of June ?

As a matter of fact, I couldn't, but I really wanted to convey the love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother to all of you so I pretended I was OK at that time. Little by little those kinds of symptoms have been accumulating so much so that my condition worsened to this point.

However, I will never be sorry, because I'm confident that all of you will be healed from the sufferings that I've gone through by offering them up to the Lord.

Lord !, I will make a new start from this day forth.

Are we now having the Advent,right ?

I would just like to say " It is my fault", because we must let Jesus dwell in our hearts in this season of Advent by preparing our hearts.

When we commit some fault, we should instantly say " It is my fault" and follow that with " I will make a new start" if we speak like this, God, Jesus and The Blessed Mother in heaven will be overjoyed. The Pilgrims responded with "Amen" !

St. Mary Magdalene, who was a wicked sinner and was to be stoned to death truly repented and wetted the feet of Jesus with her tears and poured out fragrant oil and also prepared the funeral for Jesus. As you know, Jesus loved her very much, and she was one of the most beloved followers of Jesus. Let us, today, meditate on her life and make a new start from this day forth by asking for forgiveness for all of our faults in the past.

By the way, did you know that I moved into an apartment while I was running my hair parlor ?

It was a successful business, and I had many clients waiting in long lines for their turn for about 4 hours. In ddition , the hair parlor was also crowded with 2-3,000 pilgrims to see the weeping Statue of the Blessed Mother, daily....

This situation made me give up my 10-year-long-term project so I hurriedly sold it and then made a contract for a new apartment to live with my family in order to work ONLY for the Blessed Mother. Before signing the contract, I went to the apartment to make an inspection. There were a lot of bonsai trees there and the house owner told me that " this one is valued at One Million won, that one is Seven Hundred Thousand Won and this one is Five Hundred Thousand Won , etc., etc."  (*The "WON" [₩] is the monetary unit of Korea,1 USD = 1,050 won, as of today)

The house owner even told me "I will leave an air conditioner, empty earthen jars, besides jars containing bean paste, and soy sauce. I didn't want to eat the leftovers even made by other people (*Meaning that she always made these kinds of sauce by herself) ,but I just agreed to accept them thinking that I would give them away to others.

Then, I made a preliminary payment without cutting any costs all the while thinking that this house is a little bit more expensive than I expected.

Later, I went to the house to pay the remainder, and get the key, but there wasn't any one in the house and the door was locked. A few days later, I informed the owner who wanted to meet me in Gwangju City, so I rushed to him and paid the balance and then I was able to get the key from him. Immediately, I went to my new house and opened the door of apartment, only to find that it was almost completely empty except for the sloppy wastes that filled in the room. I and a sister, who introduced this house to me, and lives next door to my house suddenly fell to the floor after seeing such a scene.

After a short while, I "realized" that "Ah ! This is the devil's scheme trying to break peace between me and the one who lives next door to my house. Thus, I acknowledged that it is also "my fault", then I prayed for the house owner and even offered a petition for him at mass. My new neighbor, who was protestant at the time, was so astounded and looked at me and said "how can you pray for such a person and even offer a petition for him at mass. If I were you, my anger would not be able to melt away no matter what, and I would have showered abusive language at him.

So I said to her "Because of me, he committed a sin, he wouldn't treat me like this if I were not the buyer." Then she replied to me "I have learned more from you....."

I just accepted this as if I bought a house a little bit higher than I expected. My husband Julio didn't say even one word like this "they are so strange." Instead, he said, I understand, it's our fault."  We just prayed for the repentance of the former owner and their family due to the sin they committed because of us.

Dear fellow pilgrims what do you think about this ?

I don't want to boast about my deed, on the contrary, we have to live well, like this example. If so, are we not able to hate someone that much ?

There are many people whom we have hated, let us today, break down all our hatred. It isn't possible to get rid of hatred only by ourselves. However, The Lord will help us when we try to approach Him.

After much meandering, we moved into the new house on August 9. On the morning of August 15, someone pounded on the door. We were so startled and opened the door to find a woman, who lives a floor below us. She forced her way into my house and suddenly began shouting "were you playing a soccer game this morning ? " or riding a bicycle ? Or running and jumping in the room ?

She is the owner of a draft beer hall, and needs to work until dawn, so they were only able to sleep in the morning, but couldn't sleep at all due to noise on the upper floor where we lived.

By the way, we used to wear Korean customary clothes on the Feast days, Julio would also wear suits and we always attended the Solemn Mass together with our children.

Our children were sitting on a couch wearing formal attire to go to a mass and Julio and I were changing clothes, when she came into my house and started heaping abusive language upon us.

We insisted on telling her that no noises were made by us, but she continued to shout "did you made noise while changing coal briquettes ? We never changed it, we replied.

And then slowly, explaining that we were changing clothes and the children have been sitting on the couch praying, waiting for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Even upon hearing this, she obstinately kept on saying "you'd better move out of here".

I was about to say something before I knew it, but right away, I understood what it meant, and inwardly said to myself, oh no, the devil is trying to interfere with us to be misheard for the purpose of messing our family up, because we are trying to spend a quite, happy time, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.  So, I said "I am so sorry. Again, because the devil of division is.......  What ? Devil ? Hey this chick, where devil is ?   Oh, no, no, I am so sorry.

How she does know about the devil ? So I kept on saying, so sorry, I may have made a noise when changing the coal briquette. I continued saying, I will be more careful next time. That was the best way because she won't believe anything from me anymore.  I accepted that situation as if it was my fault, then finally we were able to go to church. I didn't know how happy I was on that day.

Sister ! , offer up graciously.

On that day, my children were trembling while watching the neighbor who was showering me with abusive words. So, I explained that it was the devil of division and then about God’s love " how could such an event happen to us if God did not love us. Therefore, it was able to happen to us by God's infinite love.” I was so happy to see my children who were generally well accepted.

There was a regular comer to my house to pray to the Blessed Mother, who is old Sister. A few days later, Sister came as usual, and when she about to go to a rest room, she muttered " I go (My goodness-Korean slang) my legs".

On haring that , my youngest son who was 9 years old at the time said " Sister ! don't say I go. " What then should I say ? Sister answered back to my son.  " Just graciously offer it up" my son replied.    Sister was suddenly dumbfounded by my son's reply " and my son called her again , Sister !  Why ? she replied.

My son continued saying,  Seven plus five equals what?  Hey, is there anyone who doesn't know it?  It makes twelve. But, first, you have to know the meaning of twelve.

My son continued explaining that we may be crowned with a laurel wreath with twelve stars as we meditate on the seven sorrows and the Five Wounds of Jesus." I wondered how could he explain about the meditation without any prior teaching of it from me.

Anyway, there would be an infinite amount of mediation if we were trying to mediate meaningfully.

Meanwhile the majority of us are making excuses, making pretexts, and compromising, gradually telling lies, all the while this brings no happiness to Jesus.If we do this, a great deal of good deeds that we have accumulated will be gone. In addition, not only will your good deeds be gone, but your tree of fruit will bear evil fruit.

Nobody knows about the end time except God the Father !

According to the Bible, in the book of James Chapter 5 verse 12 ,the following is written as,

" But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath, but let your "Yes" mean "Yes" and your "No" mean "No," that you may not incur condemnation."

On the other hand, not many people follow these words. They speak so many extra words when they are just trying to say one word. Therefore, we must not criticize others, nor judge others but we must keep our oath or we'll have reparations in the next world even though it could pass in this world. That's why, you must not make a careless oath, but let your "Yes" mean "Yes" and your "No" mean "No."

Let us strive to restore the evil fruit on our tree by accepting our faults and the recordings of our bad deeds, recorded in the book of life, as good deeds and bear good fruit on the tree of the life.

This world is already contaminated with sin, even within the clergies, so we are now in a dire situation and deserve to have punishment sent down upon us. But, it is being delayed by GOD while HE is looking down at the little souls like us who are gathered together here and praying.

According to the Bible, in the book of Matthew, Chapter 24, verse 36,

"But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone". HE, also wants us to stay awake and pray. I know that many people are trying to prepare for the end of time.

Would it be useful if someone were to dig a cave, stock it with food and so forth?

Without any preparation, God will save all of us, God will save His children when the time of chastisement comes.

Even if this world were to be carried away as in the time of Noah, we will live forever no matter what we lose as long as we have lived in trust with confidence according to the Messages given to us from Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

Let us enjoy eternal life by giving our alms to others as well as trying to accumulate good deeds in heaven.

Thank you very much !, I love you so much and I look forward to seeing you again next month.
