The excerpts from
Julia Kim’s Testimony
on August 1, 2015
The Water of Grace in Naju is the life-giving water in Heaven which the Lord and the Blessed Mother gave us personally.
Praise Jesus! Praise The Blessed Mother!

Julia’s face swollen due to her severe suffering on Aug 1, 2015
Today, the heat wave warnings were issued, but we didn’t miss the prayer of Station of the Cross as we’ve never missed it before, (every First Saturday) no matter how the blazing sun or the heavy snow tried stopping us, haven’t we?
How pleased would the Lord and the Blessed Mother to see Their sons and daughters offer up such sacrifices?
In 2006, one of the Indonesian pilgrims was suffering from pain in the leg where three people assisted her during the Stations of the Cross. When they reached the twelfth Station, the Miracle of the Sun occurred and the sun light shown down upon them, then they all received God’s healing grace. She discarded her cane and walked down from the Way of the Cross by herself.
There was also a man with a walking cane who went up the Way of the Cross assisted by others after he heard that pilgrims would receive a lot of graces during the Stations of the Cross. And he also threw away his cane as he was cured. (walk by himself)
All of you received many graces through the Miraculous Water of the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, didn’t you? There was a woman whose name is Maria. She had been beaten up since she was a little child not knowing why. Then she found out after graduating from high school that her parents were not her biological parents. She was so shocked and ran away from home and took up drinking, smoking, and drugs like other unfortunate youths. She gave up on herself in despair, taking hallucinogenic drugs, and she became a total wreck in body and mind and had stomach inflammation as well. Seeing her fellow brothers and sisters dying from the drug addiction, she also lost meaning in life thinking, ‘Ah~ Will I be able to wake up tomorrow morning? if I am in deep stupor by drugs like these guys do…I’d better die than live hopelessly…’ Continuing living like this, she later got married and struggled to live a new life but it was in vain(as the spirit is willing , but the flesh is weak).
Then, one day she went to a huge protestant church where she heard that the pastor there kept blaming the Catholic Church and the Blessed Mother. She really disliked what she heard. The next day, the church was burned down and she could not go there anymore.
Surrender even the toxicity of drugs before The Water of Grace
One day, While Maria just was traipsing around outside at 2 a.m. and when she reach the statue of the Blessed Mother of the church, she cried out “Holy Mother of God! Please help me!”
At that same moment she heard someone praying inside the chapel and entered there and saw the two women offering up the Rosary. They gave her a rosary as a gift and some water. When she drank the water, she felt that the water quenched her thirst completely. ‘Oh, it’s so sweet. Nowhere would I find water sweeter than this…’ And she felt like drinking more. The two women were pilgrims to Naju. Eventually Maria came to visit the Blessed Mother’s House in order to get the Water of Grace and she never since missed the Holy Hours prayers every Thursday until she received the healing grace and was healed completely even of the aftereffect of the drug addiction.
I’ve heard that the drug she used is much more serious than alcoholic poisoning, that led to auditory hallucination, hand tremor, and vomiting and diarrhea and making one skinny and destined to die.
Maria tried hard to quit drugs, but yet she couldn’t. But eversince she kept drinking the Water of Grace and making pilgrimage to Naju continuously, she overcome it and even the rashes on her face and her body caused by toxicity of drugs disappeared completely.
As she also attended Holy Hours prayer meeting since 2006, her soul also got healed and she was able to consider the people who hurt her as her benefactors. So, she forgave both of her biological and foster parents. She has visited Naju for 17 years, and now still perseveres with doing volunteer work faithfully.
Like so, you also might consider someone as your enemy in your eyes, but if you arm yourselves with the Five Spiritualities of Naju, your enemy turns into your benefactors as seen through the eyes of God.
The Miraculous Water of Naju is very precious life-giving water, unique and, distinguished from others in the world.

Whenever I come to the spring of the Miraculous Water, I pray, “With the Sacred Blood of Jesus, with the Sacred Blood of Jesus, please cure our souls and bodies. Amen. Amen. Amen.”
I used to wash the hair of the bishops and the priests with this prayer and they said that they smelled the scent of roses continuously from their hair after that. At that time, Fr. Jang always accompanied me to the Blessed Mother’s Mountain and blessed us, but since someone sent a slanderous letter to the Kwangju Archdiocese, it prevented him from visiting the Blessed Mother of Naju, and subsequently, he could not do it any longer.
So, I prayed to the Lord in the Mountain, “Jesus! Fr. Jang can’t come here, so please Dear Lord, bless us in person, would You?” And I upraised the gourd and prayed, “With the Sacred Blood of Jesus, with the Sacred Blood of Jesus, please cure our souls and bodies. Amen. Amen. Amen.” And no sooner when I said, “Amen,” Jesus appeared at the Miraculous Spring and blessed us together with the Blessed Mother, then we also found that the fragrant oil with the bright, rainbow-colored floated on the Miraculous Water. Since then, the history of the colorful Fragrant Oil on the Miraculous Water preceded.
And one day, when we switched on the second tap to get the Miraculous Water, the water was clear at first, but became milky white suddenly. So the people said, “Oh, it is the breast milk of the Blessed Mother!” then we switched on the tap again. The water became whiter. The people who were doing their volunteer works at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain were so glad seeing it and they said, “Wow! The Blessed Mother gives us her breast milk!” But when they switched on the tap again, clear water came out instead. However, we don’t have to be sorry because it is still the same sacred life-giving water.

The Miraculous Water of Naju is so precious to the foreign pilgrims who live in abroad, that they mix the Miraculous Water to the plain water little by little and to which a prioress of a cloistered monastery in India also shared one bottle of Miraculous Water of Naju with the nuns little by little, and she secured the balance in a tabernacle and locked it. And when she opened the tabernacle the next morning, she found that the bottle was fully filled with the Miraculous Water.
Some foreign pilgrims come to Naju every year
by accumulating their savings to defray for the trip to Naju
There was a Canadian pilgrim who was suffering from heart disease and he so longed to visit Our Lady of Naju. But his heart disease was so serious that the doctor and his family dissuaded him from visiting Naju. They said, “No way! You may die if you travel there.” But he retorted, “I am so eager to visit Naju. My days are numbered and if I die on the plane to Naju, I am sure that the Blessed Mother of Naju will lead me to Heaven.” And so he came to Naju. Faith is important.
At that time, the Declaration on Naju was issued and I used to come to the Blessed Mother’s Mountain as a pilgrim once in a while where I met him there and I gave him the Miraculous Water praying, “With the Sacred Blood of Jesus, with the Sacred Blood of Jesus, please cure our souls and bodies. Amen. Amen. Amen.” and he was healed. Since he went back to his country, he started saving his money little by little for a year in order to come to Our Lady of Naju every year.
But you here are living near Naju, so please come and drink the Miraculous Water as much as you can. By the way, I was so sorry for the Lord because we used the Miraculous Water for odd jobs, and for flushing the toilets, so we decided to dig a well for various purposes.
Then the Blessed Mother showed me a vision. There was a beautiful lake where crystal-clear water flowed, and near the lake, the people sat on the benches and they were chatting. And more people were having fun by splashing themselves in the water.
I went into the water and washed the people. The big fishes approached and flipped the bodies of the people and scurried away, and I thought: the fishes would taste so good if I made them shashimi. Someone said it means the water has the identical nutritional value of the raw fishes. As you know, it’s good for those who previously had an operation. So we dug the ground around the area where I saw the water in my vision, just then, the spring water gushed out from the bottom with the shape of the Our Lady of Mercy. How can it be anything other than the Miraculous Water since the Blessed Mother was there?

This picture was taken a few minutes later, after the water
gushed out with the shape of our Lady of Mercy
Even though you are not healed, just keep drinking the Miraculous Water as much as you can without questioning like “why I am not healed?” And, if sufferings still come to you, then you have to look for Our Lord in sufferings. The hardship might come because of your own sins, but it is also the gift from the Lord for those who try to live for Him to dispense greater blessings. The people who love Jesus should not be discouraged by hardships but persevere in faith.
I had suffered from getting hives for more than ten years. I have been to Lourdes, France twice and each time I visited there, I fetched the Miraculous Water of Lourdes and poured it into the bathtub of my hotel room and got into the bathtub all evening yet the hives was not healed.
It was not long after that we got the Miraculous Spring of Naju that I poured the Water of Grace on myself, and the hives that had spread my whole body just disappeared completely and miraculously.
Recently, I have abridged my diary that was written for 8 years since the day the Blessed Mother started weeping tears. I also abridged my notes that I had written little by little. I edited with my left hand since I was not able to use my right hand. I couldn’t find adequate font for the title, and so with my right hand that has two torn ligaments, I handwrote the title of the book which is 님의 향기( ‘The Fragrance of the Lord’ in Korean) and the subtitle which is 작은 영혼의 일기 (‘A little soul’s diary.’ in Korean), and also wrote the publisher’s logo which is ‘예성’(initial letter of Jesus and Mama Mary in Korean).

Julia Kim’s diary (Korean version, Title : The fragrance of the Lord, 677pages) was published on August 29 on 30th anniversary celebration of Our Lady’s first weeping Tears in Naju, Korea
It is important to believe in faith to receive the graces. Lucia who was from Choonju, Korea, was not able to walk because of her swollen legs, and though she wanted to visit Naju so much but her daughter who was a nun, dissuaded her from doing so. But in 1996, Lucia was told to go for her leg surgery but she said, “What the heck, I’ll just go to Naju!” and so she came to the Blessed Mother’s House and she helped volunteers in Naju making dumplings, then her legs got healed. She was healed of seven incurable diseases without taking any medication by her frequent visits to Naju.
With total reliance on the Lord, they got healed of
serious cancer that spread through the whole body.
Once, Lucia felt pain in her stomach and her abdomen swelled, and she went to the clinic. Then she found that it was caused by peritonitis filled with ascites, and tumor in her womb. She was told to go to a larger hospital. But she said, “What a heck, I’ll just go to Naju.” And after taking her shower with the Miraculous Water at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, her abdomen was still swollen but the pain in her stomach subsided completely and she went back home. And when she went to the bathroom to urinate, to her surprise, she kept passing urine endlessly and her stomach became empty. After that she went to the hospital and the doctor proclaimed that her peritonitis was healed completely.
Then one day, Lucia began bleeding due to uterine hemorrhage; it got more serious after 15 minutes and she went to the clinic and she was subsequently told to go to a large hospital again. So, she went to the hospital in Anyang and for diagnosis and went to Naju again. But a week later, she was again told to go to a larger hospital and she thus went to Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital. That was October 17, and the next day the doctor told her that the cancer metastasized, and was too advanced for surgery.

The doctor suggested to her that she would receive alternate treatments for cancer and radiation therapy and would try to do the best she can. By the way, October 19 is the anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s first shedding tears of blood, so she asked her doctor if she could postpone the surgery to October 20, but the doctor got upset by her foolish request and objected strongly against it. So she decided to follow her doctor, but no matter how hard she thought, she felt she just had to attend the anniversary no matter what happened, so she went to Naju instead of surgery.
While she was taking a shower with the Miraculous Water at the Blessed Mother’s Mountain, the blood clots came out from her and they were tough like meat. Though she kept going to the bathroom every 10 or 15 minutes during the prayer meeting, she intended to give her testimony about the healing grace of peritonitis but foreign pilgrims kept giving their testimonies on that day, so she missed her opportunity.
So, she thought, ‘Well, What else can I do now? I am going back to the hospital for surgery.’ Then, she took the train to Seoul, but surprisingly, her blood discharge repeated but slowed down at ten-minute, fifteen-minute intervals and finally stopped. At that time, she was healed completely.
The Lord saved St. John when he went into the boiling oil yet he did not suffer burns, and at the age of over 90, he wrote “The Revelation to John” with doing hard works such as breaking the rocks while he was exiled. However, he gave thanks to the Lord for all these hardships and I wonder how much thanks you offered to the Lord when you were suffering persecutions for the sake of the Blessed Mother of Naju. You’ve got a broken heart, haven’t you? Yes, you could be so. So was I. But if you offer up yourself entirely for the Lord and the Blessed Mother in any circumstance, you will be rewarded with eternal life. Therefore, we always have to rely on the Lord and the Blessed Mother totally, and have to devote the love to others within Their love.
Many people exclaim “Love, Love, Love!” but they quarrel over little things because they only see the mote in others’ eyes without trying to see the beam in their own eyes. So, we always have to keep our original intentions (resolutions) at every priority that we relied on the Blessed Mother totally.
However, we could do wrong or make mistakes because we are weak human beings. But if we accept all of our mistakes simply, instead of rationalizing or justifying them, and if we become one in unity as the beautiful little souls, we surely will obtain Heaven! Amen!