The excerpts from
Julia Kim’s Testimony
on Sept. 5, 2015
What wonderful deeds are the Lord’s and
His Blessed Mother have done for us.
Praise Jesus! Praise The Blessed Mother!

Julia Kim was seated when she was speaking due to her severe suffering
on Sept. 5, 2015
It’s so nice to see you all. You have worked hard for the 30th Anniversary of Our Lady’s first weeping Tears in Naju and the Lord and the Blessed Mother will fill you up with billion rewards.
It is raining now. I hope that the Special Love from the Lord and the Blessed Mother will flow into all of you just as She said, “The Lord, your Redeemer, will even turn the streams of rain that are pouring down like a waterfall into the streams of the clear water of mercy that fall down from high places and flow down, and will heal the souls and bodies of the children who came and responded with “Amen” to my call.
When I dug the ground with my bare hands and discovered the Water of Jesus in 1992(The water of Jesus is different from the water known as Naju Miraculous water. This water is located in another place. It was given by Jesus), I was with a acquaintance, and both of us could smell the delicious griddling “Jeon”' a Korean style pancake, and I said to her, “I think the Lord fills your hunger that you suffered since you were a child.” Then she said, “How did you know that?” She used to vomit even when she drank water since she was 15 years old and suffered from many diseases, but on the very day that I discovered the Water of Jesus, she drank it and got healed completely.
Bothers and sisters! Trust Him entirely with faith. The woman received so many graces with faith since her first visit to Naju.
Since the day her son was born, he could not even open his swollen eyes and shed yellow tears. When he opened his eyes two weeks later, he kept crying all day long. When he was four months old, he suffered from high fever that went up to 40℃, with vomiting and convulsions.
She took his son to the larger hospital. But the doctors could not cure him despite full medical care. The doctors concurred that they had never seen any patient like her son before.
When her son was over 10 years old, he got worse and when he lay down with exhaustion, her next door neighbor who was a Catholic said to her, “Let’s go to the Blessed Mother’s House in Naju.” They came to Naju with helping her son from both side.
At that time, one old woman who came from Daegu City suffered from hip gout almost in the state of paralysis. It was difficult for her to get to sleep owing to her suffering pains every night and her husband had to step on her hips to relieve her pains.

However, she was healed in Naju and she jumped with joy. Seeing the old woman, the mother of the above boy thought that her son also could be healed and she had faith and prayed, and indeed her son got healed after I prayed over him and he walked by himself who previously could only do so with help from others.
And her daughter who had low intelligence by demotivation was healed on May 5 1993, which was Children’s day. She just played under the Miraculous Spring of the Blessed Mother’s Mountain and at the same time splashed herself with the water and immediately, all her incurable symptoms disappeared completely.
And her brother-in-law was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and went to Gwangju Christian Hospital to verify his disease. The hospital also concurred that he had terminal cancer.
He suffered from a high fever up to 40℃ and used to have severe diarrhea that he was unable to sleep due to struggling pains. He could not even swallow water, so it took as long as half a day for him to drink half cup of water.
The man who was not even able to swallow water got healed
after drinking the Miraculous Water of Naju, during fasting
While he was at the hospital, he had to fast since midnight and he was not allowed any food, not even water, but at 11 p.m. that night, he drank a cup of the Miraculous Water of Naju and wanted more. So he drank 3 more cups of the Miraculous water and even had gimbap, the Korean style rolled rice. His fever dropped, and his diarrhea and jaundice got healed and from next day onwards, his condition improved so tremendously that he even indulged himself with roasted pork belly, pork cutlet, and hot spicy meat stew.
Liver flukes caused his liver cancer. He had more than 30 liver flukes and they punctured his liver and it was too difficult to remove surgically. However, when the doctor operated his belly, liver flukes were found to have disappeared. The Miraculous Water melted the liver flukes when he drank it and he was healed completely.
Her father-in-law had stomach cancer but the Miraculous Water of Naju also healed him. She had breast cancer which had developed for 7 years and she decided to prepare for her death. But after I prayed over her three times saying, “Lord! Forgive her.” She got healed completely. And she also previously suffered from cavity and periodontitis for 4 years and one day, her cheek was swollen and she could not talk, let alone eat.
She used to explain to the pilgrims about the pictures of the miraculous signs at the chapel of the Blessed Mother’s House inaccurately because of her incomplete understanding of those signs. But she still kept pretending to know well about the signs in order to avoid embarrassment, because she was afraid when people say “You don’t even know about these things being a volunteer?” But on that day, while she was listening to the explanation of the miraculous signs grasping her painful cheek, she realized that she had been so proud and when she truly repented, she was healed completely. How important it is to repent.
Her mother was severely injured by a hit-and-run car that broke her ribs consequently stabbing her heart and lung and she could not breathe as a result of that severe injury. The doctors said that her mother would either die or remain in a vegetative state. They laid her mother onto the plank on the floor. But on the third day since she gave her mother the Miraculous Water of Naju, I visited her mother and prayed over her.
Then a week later, she visited her mother at the hospital but her mother was not found.
She was frightened and started looking for her mother in the hospital. She found her mother completely healed and she was actively visiting the sick at the next patient’s room. Isn’t it amazing?

Her uncle-in-law and aunt-in-law ingested ‘Gramoxone’ which was the strongest weed killer that could kill big trees. They mixed a bottle of Gramoxone with the liquor and drank it after they quarreled.
When she learned about this fatal concoction, she was so shocked that she rushed them to the hospital. She was told to prepare for their funeral, as they would die within 3 hours.
But she let them drink the Miraculous Water. Then they came to life and were released from the hospital and restarted their new lives. Since then, they never quarrel, and get along fine helping each other .
Her husband works in groundwater development and one day, when he was trying to drill the bedrock with the screw to get ground water up, the screw suddenly broke loose and hit his chest. His chest was deemed to have broken into two pieces, but amazingly the screw hit the scapular from Naju(which Julia Kim had prayed over it) that he was wearing on his neck and he only fell sideways and was unhurt because he was physically protected by that plastic scapular.
The event was an undoubted miracle that The Blessed Mother protected him. How could it happen that the screw that can rigorously dig the bedrocks was not able to break the plastic scapular? Besides this, there are so many graces that we received from the Lord and the Blessed Mother of Naju.
The greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who becomes like a child.
Let’s entrust the rest of our short or long lives to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and also our minds, thoughts, anguishes, and conflicts entirely.
In Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 18, verse 4 says, “The greatest in the kingdom of heaven is the one who becomes like a child.
Everyone could say “the simple child!” easily, but the genuine childlike soul simply follows the will of God without thinking too much or calculating, and such souls do not justify their mistakes. They do not make any excuses when they make mistakes or rationalize their errors, either. However, most of the people in this world don’t see their own faults so they don’t renounce their egos and continue to make excuses, justify and rationalize their mistakes exultantly, calculating up everything.
Let’s make a new start simply from now on. When I prepared for my second dying hour, I told my family that I would go to Gwangju because I wanted to spend my last Holy Hour in the the faith community. My family was so worried about me and tried to stop me from going to Gwangju but I said, “Even either if I die when I am on my way or if I am alive, I belong to the Lord.”, and when I went to Gwangju and prayed, the Lord saved my life. But the important point is not the fact that I revived.
The important point is that we can make reparation for our sins and faults in this present world, or otherwise undergo penance in purgatory if we have not made atonement for them while on earth. If we practice the Five Spiritualities of Naju harder, we can do as much as penance to atone for our sins that we have committed so far, as long as we are living in this world. Have the firm belief 100% wholeheartedly, not 99.99%.
Magdalena Eulboon Lee lived in severe poverty with two children in Incheon. But they moved to Naju since I rented a room for her family. One day she fell down and her tooth was painfully dislodged with some of her flesh detached, So she ran to me.
I entrusted her to the Lord entirely and said, “Lord! I don’t have power, so please insert her tooth back.” and I pushed the tooth hard to the gum and it got stuck. She suffered another tooth falling out because it was loose. She was sorry for asking me to pray for her. Then she went to the dentist. Later, she came and showed her tooth and I looked at it. It was tied with wire but was already rotten.
So I prayed again saying, “Jesus! Do it once more as you did it before.” And I pressed the tooth hard and it was restored immediately. (At that moment, Ms. Magdalena came up in front of the stage.) See her teeth here.
The Testimony of Magdalena : This tooth was loose. But when Julia pushed it hard, it got stuck to the gum right away. My left front tooth was also loose but I didn’t tell Julia about it because I was sorry to bother her and as time went on it got worse, so I had to go to the dentist and the dentist tied up my tooth with wire.

But it didn’t get any better and I went to Julia and showed it to her and she pressed it hard. Then the spoiled tooth recovered completely and I went to another dentist to remove the wire. But after a long time, I fell down at the bathroom and I broke the same tooth again and it became loosed again. When I went to the dentist and was told that there was no other way beside extraction. But conversely, it became alright when Julia pressed it back again.
However, I fell down and I broke the same front tooth for the third time again and if I run to Julia and showed show it to her, it would be healed, but I thought, ‘If I am going to ask her again she has to offer up more pains because of me and it’s better off not telling her.’ And I didn’t visit her. That was my mistake and human concept. The tooth that I asked her to pray is still alright. I should have been a simple child at that time, but I didn’t.
Unnecessary obduracy extinguishes faith
Julia : If she were a (spiritual) baby, she would say “Mama, I broke my tooth again.” I don’t mean that it would be healed by my power. Only the Lord can do it. Who can recover from a completely rotten teeth? It was in 1993, the tooth that I prayed is still alright until now. We should rush to Jesus and to Mama Mary like little babies.
Let’s turn our adult minds into children’s minds and let’s make a new start. Many people tend to be obstinate, saying they are right to sustain their prides when advices. Unnecessary obduracy like this, extinguishes your faith and it makes you go toward hell.
When someone says to you, “You did it, didn’t you?” If you respond without arguing, “Oh, did I? I will correct my fault.” you beat the devil of division and instead, your tree of life bears good fruit as well. If we are armed with the Five Spiritualities of Naju as the Lord and the Blessed Mother want us to, we will be in Heaven, but if we don’t give up our obstinacy and egos and blame others, we are going toward Purgatory or hell.
I believe that those among you, who suffer from hip gout and arthritis, will be healed even more. Some of you who fought because of disharmony will also be healed. If we lay down ourselves entirely and become more little and humbler, we will get healed. Today I am suffering from the pain of my heart which feels like being torn apart, but it’s not mere pain, but pain that the Lord permits me to heal all of you.

Let’s not judge or slander others, please!
Let’s ask the Lord for His forgiveness meditating on whether we hurt the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and how much we consoled them. And let’s not judge or slander others, please! If we judge or slander others, it will make us more difficult to go to Heaven and we have to burn our mouths in the fire of purgatory or hell. Especially, it's no use regretting when you are suffering pain from maggots that are eating your flesh in hell.
Please respond to the messages of the Lord and the Blessed Mother with “Amen.” and follow the Will of the Lord. Then, we will come to enjoy eternal happiness with the saints and the angels beside the Lord and the Blessed Mother in the land of eternal life on the last day where there is no death, no envy or jealousy, no fights, no hunger. So let us not commit sins with our mouths.
I know that all of you, who are here, try to be armed with the Five Spiritualities of Naju. Let’s keep trying much harder and harder. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. People only see the mote in another's eye and they don't find their own faults. Let’s always remove all the beams from our eyes first before we remove the mote in another’s eyes.
Place your hands on the chest and meditate on whether how much we hurt the Hearts of the Lord and the Blessed Mother with slandering or judging others, or whether we consoled them. I will also start anew today with all of you.
The cancer cell that eats away the soul
is more serious than that eats away the body
Jesus! I entrust and offer up your children who are here with their family entirely to You so that they all may be dedicated to the Lord’s Palace without a single exception. Therefore, may the Lord’s Will be done instead of ours’. Please heal the wounds that we have received since we were unborn and all the wounds that we hate to recall. We often get restless for those wounds, so touch each of our heads with your loving hands so that we may be restored.
Let us give glory to the Lord and comfort to the Mother. Heal our souls and bodies so that we could live a life in thanksgiving that never dries up.
However, the cancer cell that eats away the soul is more serious than that eats away the body. Lord! Remove all these cancer cells in our souls completely which are rampant in our hearts by performing surgery with the Holy Spirit so that we may experience joy, love, and peace for the rest of our lives. Please uproot all bad habits that are hard for us to renounce. Uproot pride, envy, and jealousy, too. And lead us to be armed with the Five Spiritualities of Naju so that we only follow the Lord and The Blessed Mother. I offer up all these glories to the Lord. The Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Click : Excerpts from Julia Kim’s Testimony on September 5, 2015 (pdf)