The excerpts from
Julia Kim’s Testimony
on November 7, 2015
Let’s offer up glory to the Lord for everything
so that we may enter Canaan where the land flowing
with milk and honey.
Praise the Lord! Praise the Blessed Mother!

Julia Kim delivered her testimony, smiling joyfully
while offering up her intensive suffering for the spiritual and physical
healing of pilgrims and for the conversion of sinners on Nov. 7, 2015
Praise Jesus! Praise the Blessed Mother!
I saw a vision during the Mass at the Naju Parish Church on the feast of All Souls’ Day in November, 2000. Numerous people were shooting arrows of fire and throwing chestnut burs and rocks, and stabbing the sharp daggers into Jesus on the Cross. I stretched out my arms to stop them, shouting: “No! No!” and in so doing, I was also hit with the rocks and
chestnut burs thrown by the people and I was bleeding.
I said, “Lord! Please forgive them. They do not even know what they are doing now. Please forgive and heal them.” And I tried to stop them but the people were shouting loudly inflicting pains in my ears.
But I kept shouting, “We should stop it and console Jesus. Let’s repent of our sins!” At that moment, a small number in the crowd dropped the rocks from their hands, and paused. Others who repent of their faults like them would be saved.
We could make mistakes anytime, but how would Jesus not love and adore you if you repent of your faults and say, “Jesus! I was wrong. Please forgive me,” whenever someone points out your wrong doings.
I am always reminded of St. Maria Magdalena. She was supposed to be stoned to death, but she became the most beloved one by Jesus, because she repented her sins.
Dear pilgrims! We can also be His most beloved ones with our true repentance.
Since the Declaration of the Archdiocese of Gwangju was announced, pilgrims held autonomous prayer meetings and one day, when I was praying in my mother’s room, my left part of the body got convulsed suddenly and my womb started swelling up. And I said to one of the volunteers, “Go to the chapel and check if there is any sick person who is suffering from
the same pain that I am suffering now. And if there is one, I am sure that she or he will be healed today.”
And there was indeed a woman who came from Incheon suffering from womb cancer said that she felt the same pains as mine. She really got healed on that very day.

Even now there are so many rebels (against God) in this world
As I told you before, when Moses and the people of Israel escaped from Egypt, the Egyptian soldiers chased after them and the Lord made a path dividing the Red Sea making the sea bed dry so that the Israelites can cross. At that time, the pursuing Egyptian soldiers also went in after them into the sea. The Lord then closed the sea and the water covered
them burying the Egyptians under the sea.
The people of Israel saw all these things and they also saw many other miracles while they were going to Canaan. If they trusted the Lord entirely and followed Moses, they could have reached Canaan where the land flowing with milk and honey in just a few weeks. However, they didn’t even believe the Lord’s Promise, which was from through Abraham, and they
even asked Moses to spy on Canaan. And by taking this roundabout way, it took more than 40 years for the Israelites to get to Canaan, which was supposed to be taken only in just a few weeks; and meanwhile, all those who were in charge of reaching Canaan died in the wilderness. Even now there are so many rebels (against God) in this world
The leaders of the Church who should lead us to Heaven often block us from reaching it. The ten of twelve people who spied on Canaan said, “We are going to die if we go there.” and only Joshua and Caleb said with confidence, “We can take Canaan, the land of milk and honey!”
However, the people of Israel got scared hearing from the ten who spied on Canaan and the people didn’t even believe in the Lord’s Promise via Abraham and as a result, they suffered for 40 years in the wilderness. Yet, they kept blaming Moses without knowing their own faults.
When the people of Israel complained severely to Moses, the Lord said to Moses. “Take the rod, and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and tell the rock before their eyes to yield its water; so you shall bring water out of the rock for them; so you shall give drink to the congregation and their cattle.”
And as the Lord commanded him, Moses and his brother Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels; shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock?” And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his rod, and then water came forth abundantly. But the Lord scolded Moses and Aaron.
But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron: Because you did not have confidence in me, to acknowledge my holiness before the Israelites, therefore you shall not lead this assembly into the land I have given them.
You listen to me, all of you. This is very important. Whatever we do, we have to offer up the glory for the Lord, but Moses said, “Shall we bring forth water for you out of this rock?” Then, whose glory is it? The glory goes to Moses, not to the Lord, because people might think, “Wow! Moses did it!” and Moses did not reveal the glory of the Lord.
I am not just telling you this. Moses gave up the right of inheriting the kingship despite doing a great job of leading the people of Israel out of Egypt and followed all of the Lord’s commands, but made only one mistake of not revealing the glory of the Lord. Because of his mistake, he could not go into Canaan, and in Deuteronomy, chapter 1, verse 37,
he blamed it on the people of Israel instead.
All of you! We have to remember well what we should do in order to go to Heaven. This is why it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Let us always meditate on the fact that Moses could not enter into Canaan even though he did many great things, because he did not give glory to God
for that miracle.
I will become the dust cloth that wipes away souls

Do you think that we can say it’s “grace of the Lord” only when we get healed of cancer? To forgive someone we detest, or to forgive someone we were not able to forgive are the greater graces. There are so blessed persons named Ms. Angela Lim, and Maria Lee who gave testimony on the 30th Anniversary of Our Lady’s first weeping Tears in Naju for having received a lot of graces in Naju
Angela raised not only her own children but also raised the daughter who was born out of an adulterous affair committed by her husband and his mistress. In spite of her sacrifices of raising the daughter of the mistress, her husband even tried killing her by pushing her down from a second-level building. But when he found out that she survived from that
fall, he ran away with his mistress. And she decided to divorce him and with a resoluted afterthought: “Earning a lot money and raising my kids well is the way to avenge him”. And so she worked very hard for the last 18years to meet her resolute decision.
However, when she visited Our Lady of Naju for the first time, she repented her sins entirely after having listened to my testimonies and the messages of love of the Blessed Mother of Naju, -“Families are getting sick. Achieve the sanctification of family by loving each other. My messages of love will change the souls of those who accept it well and blame
all the things on themselves instead of blaming others. ”
Eventually she decided to forgive her husband with streaming tears over my spiritual song, “Love each other, my beloved children! Love even your enemy. If you follow the Lord’s Commands, you will be saved.” also my saying, “Let’s be the dust cloth that wipes away the souls!”.
And right after the overnight prayer meetings in Naju, she made a vistit to ex-husband in 18 years since they had been separted and she found that he was lying on a sickbed. He was not only sick but also burdened with huge financial debts. But she remembered my spiritual song, ‘Love each other.’ She was writing down the list of her ex-husband’s
debts, while her husband was enumerating them but the list was endless; five million Won from A, three million Won from B, seven million Won from C, two million Won from D, a million Won from E…and so on. She shouted: “Stop!” But she recalled my words and decided to forgive him again. Eventually she finished writing down the list and she paid the half from all the debts on his behalf.
Then she took her ex-husband to her 2 storied house took care of him. At first he went insane. One day, he climbed onto the rooftop and made a hole, so the ceiling below the roof leaked when it rained and it made her mad. But she recalled my words and thought to herself, “Okay. Let’s love him. Let’s forgive him. Let’s follow the Lord’s Commands.”
She changed her mind and (reconciled herself and) tried to treat her ex-husband as if she had met St. Joseph. And later, she gradually loved him truly who was previously a playboy and whom whom she hated and scorned. He became her St. Joseph ever since and became benefactor to her.
She brought many people to Our Lady of Naju because she thought that the graces she received were just too good to just keep them for herself. At the beginning, she used to pay all the costs for the pilgrimage but later, she collected ten thousand Won from each person and rented a bus. One day, something came up that made her not able to collect pilgrims,thus she asked the people who received the graces from Our Lady of Naju to do it, instead. But only seven people were gathered. (the group was still too small to rent a bus).

So she got disappointed and said, “We can’t go to Naju” Then, her husband said, “What are you talking about? You should go!” and he gave her three hundred sixty thousand Won that was for the cost of renting a bus. On the next day, when she got on the bus, she found that the bus had no more vacant seats. And when they finally came toNaju, Angela told me about the story and she wanted to offer up the money that her husband gave to her. So I said to her, “Give the money back to your husband. He already has stored the treasure in Heaven. And that money is bonus.”
Buddhist monks, Pastors, and Protestants
converted to Catholicism through her in Naju
Dozens of people, including Buddhist monks, pastors and protestants who visited Naju through her converted to Catholicism . Even the parents of pastor who were the professors of Evangelical School of Theology also converted to Catholicism right away. Normally it’s hard for a protestant pastor to convert. Likewise The Lord and the Blessed Mother worked
a lot through her(Angela). But… “Let’s stay awake. That’s my point. (anno: Angela didn’t take care of the grace she had received)
One day, Angela’s daughter cried with pains of the stomach bending her back like a shrimp rolling on the floor. So she took her daughter to Busan University Hospital and the doctor said that she had two kidney stones.
Since people who went to Naju with pains and sickness were healed by Our Lady, Angela told her daughter to go to Naju. But her daughter who was preparing for the operation said, “No. I won’t.” So she said to her daughter, “Okay. You go to the hospital, and I will go to Naju.” And she thought to herself, ‘Let’s offer up a hundred thousand Won to Our
Lady of Naju as an intention for my daughter.’
But she skimped on that money and offered up only thirty thousand Won. Then she couldn’t focus on praying as her mind was troubled. While she was sleeping with her troubled mind, she heard someone saying “Why are you so stingy?” and she was so scared that she decided to offer up not only one million but also all the money she had at that time, excludingthe bus fares.
Then, at 5 o’clock in the morning, she heard a voice saying, “Your daughter’s kidney stones came out.” And she was so surprised and called her husband from the pay phone and said, “Mikyoung’s kidney stones are dscharged!” Then, her husband said, “Amen!” And her daughter examined the discharged kidney stones. It was amazing that her pains stopped right at the moment when Angela heard the voice saying, “Your daughter’s kidney stones are discharged.”
Angela said, “I have attended spiritual seminars, retreats, fasting, and overnight prayer meetings and also have gone for retreats to a lot of other places, but I could never get the peace of mind as in Our Lady in Naju because she made me repent of my obstinate mortal sins. She set my soul free in Her love. I confess that the sufferings that I had till
the time of reunion with my husband were the love of the Lord.”
And Angela’s godmother who was the leader of Busan Joongang Parish Church had a granddaughter who wet her bed every night. So Angela told her godmother about Our Lady of Naju and the latter felt like visiting Naju and she came with Angela together with her daughter-in-law(the mother of the girl who wet a bed). They sat on the first row at the overnight
prayer meeting and the daughter-in-law kept crying. Imagine how hard it was for her whose daughter wet her own bed every night.
When the mother repent, the child got healed
So, the mother beat her daughter and quarreled with her, saying “do not pee on the bed”. For that reason, they became estranged between each other. When she came to Naju for the first time, she, who sat in front, prayed “Lord! Please stop her from peeing”. But while listening to my words and testimony, she came to repent of the life she wrongly led in the past and she cried a lot, forgetting to plead for her daughter.
Finishing her prayers, she called her daughter sitting beside her “my baby!” and embraced her and cried together. After that, Did her daughter wet a bed or not? (Not!) That’s right. It is true when a mother repents, the child gets healed simultaneously!
In another case, one protestant from Gwangju brought her sick baby to Naju because even the University hospital couldn’t cure her. When I put my hand to pray for the baby, in spite of myself, my hand was already put on the chest of the mother.

‘What am I doing?’ I tried to continue to pray over the baby, but I found I was praying over the mother. At the third time I realized that the Problem lies with the mother. Then I prayed over the mother then her child got healing grace through her mother’s repentance. We should take care of the graces we have received from the Lord and the Blessed Mother. As I told you, Angela took many people to Naju and worked so hard for Naju.
One day, her acquaintance Helena, who was poor and peddling brooches on the road for living, succumbed to cerebral hemorrhage. Doctors said to Angela to prepare for her deathbed (last moment) as she couldn’t regain consciousness. However, on the 8th day from the state of coma, the Blessed Mother of Naju shedding Tears appeared to Helena and restored her
consciousness. The doctors suggested having an operation on her. But she could not afford the cost. She was so poor that Angela paid the hospital bill for the ICU.
When Helena was troubled and about to cry at the doctor’s office, Angela suggested “If you can’t have an operation, then run away to Naju.” That she did and she was healed at once. There was another pilgrim named Regina who had been healed of uterine cancer after watching a video of Julia’s suffering in Naju recommended a “Bible Seminar” to Angela, saying “Let’s go to the place to study Bible. I heard it’s so wonderful”. So Angela agreed and Maria Lee also joined them.
Brothers and sisters! Watch out!!! We should be very careful of the wrong Bible study group. I have seen many people who were misdirected. Angela also fell for that and attended the 100 days course Bible seminar that never permitted “absence.”
Angela and Maria Lee, who loved Naju so much that they used to attend Holy Hour Prayer Meeting and revisited Naju in 2 days after their previous visit, eventually could not visit Naju because the Bible study course just simply did not allow any leave of absence regardless of priority.
Even the devoted soul can fall in a moment
because of compliments and temptations
Those kinds of group normally pay people compliments and flatteries so well. That’s why even the devoted faithful can fall into temptation in a moment.
In the group, they praised, “Angela and Maria are the best head of grains of all other good head of grains in Jungang Parish Church!” So, how joyful they must have felt! But meanwhile Angela started to have a stomachache during the course. She called me and said that she had much pain in her stomach. So I told her “Come to Naju to be cured.” But she
thought, ‘Why doesn’t Mama Julia come to Busan, my place to pray over me’.(She got aggrieved at me). She went to see a doctor instead, and took medication. But it didn’t work and continued to have diarrhea. She became exhausted because of it.
In the case of Maria Lee, who had been healed by Our Lady of Naju of her ventricular septal defect (congenital heart defect) and bone cancer, joined the wrong Bible study group with them, because she just followed her godmother, Angela and then she also got sick. So Maria Lee said to Angela “godmother, let’s go back to Naju quickly. We are sick becausewe don’t go to Naju.” Finally they came to Naju again.
On the day of their coming to Naju, The Chapel was packed with pilgrims and there was no space to sit. As Angela was so sick with diarrhea, wearing diaper and supported by people, she came in a room packed with cancer patients who were lying down closely. Seeing no space to lie on, she just threw herself over them, saying “I don’t care, meh!”.
She said later, “They all were so nice people! Even when I struggled over their bodies, they kept quiet.” But, think about it. Who would be quiet when somebody lie and struggle over his body? That means the Lord protected her. There is one thing that we should not think simply, ‘How could they keep quiet despite my laying over them and struggled?’, but it must be ‘Ah! The Lord laid me upon them very lightly’:
Unfortunately, we are slow to see and realize those things.
At the time of the Meeting with Julia Kim after finishing the Prayer Meeting, they had to leave without meeting me because of so many pilgrims waiting for their turns and their pilgrim bus also arrived on time to ferry them back to where they came from.
But, on her way to Busan from Naju, she felt that “Huh? No pain in my stomach. No more diarrhea!”. She was cured cleanly(completely). At last she realized that : “Ah! The Lord and the Blessed Mother called me through sufferings to save me from heresy” and “Even a devoted soul can become spiritually blind and deaf and irrational because of compliments
from others!” That’s why we have to be careful when somebody praises us.
Since then, Angela made pilgrimage to Naju frequently. However, after issuing the declaration from Gwanju Archdiocese opposing to Naju, her family prevented her from visiting Naju, therefore she stopped coming here. One day, she came to Naju all of a sudden and showed me her house deed and said to me “This is a house on the fattest of the land in Busan.
If you accept this deed as a gift from me, I will stay here.” So, I told her “I will take care of your meals and residence. You can just live here for the rest of your life. But I can’t accept your house deed.” Then she just left secretly and never returned.
I wished her well, but unfortunately she fell into heresy again. How much sad it was!!! So when I met Bishop Choi(Archbishiop of Gwanju Arch diocese who issued declaration opposing to Naju) and Fr. Song (a leading priest for the declaration), I told this miserable case of Angela and asked them, “who can be responsible for her soul?” then they said, “ We don’t know” . Gwangju Archdiocese stopped many people from going toward Heaven. It is terrible, indeed.
Who can be responsible for the souls
who had been called, but have far fallen?

Maria Lee made pilgrimage repeatedly to Naju faithfully until now, but Angela had many kinds of operation and now she is suffering from kidney problem as well. Furthermore, her husband who was like St. Joseph to her suddenly become another person, that he had an affair with another woman and ran away from home again. He used to have prayed hard lightening
a candle until his wife came back from Naju pilgrimage and if Angela prayed in another place except Naju, he smoked a lot until his 2 ashtrays were filled with cigarette butts.
I don’t intend to compare people to other people, but I want to say that we who received the grace should go straight to the Lord without swaying. Let us not be like stubborn people who would not listen to God like the Israelites during Moses’ time, but we should keep accepting good advices. And we should make efforts to love even those whom we detest by turning our daily lives into prayers.
Likewise we can provide the spiritual oxygen(love) to others, then, they who are dying can revive. We who know the Blessed Mother should do this work. Those who do not know (the Blessed Mother) can do this work? Even you may dislike your husband or wife. If you are facing this, don’t say “Argh! What a fate!” but offer up quickly and graciously and recover
your love. That is the way to win the victory over the devil.
Also, we should be humble to look at our lower side, but we tend to seek for higher position. That’s the why nothing can satisfy us. What did I say about where we can find happiness? Yes, we can find it in our heart. Happiness is not far away. It is important that we should try to live a life of unending gratitude.
And what else? To feel is important. If we can’t feel love, joy, happiness and gratitude, it is difficult to go to Heaven. So we should feel these Heavenly attributes always. When a husband can’t do something, wife can fill it up. On the other hand, when wife can’t, husband can complement it . At least we who are supposed to know the Lord and the Blessed Mother shield each other with love and achieve unity with love
How evil this world has become now! When I run an academy of Knitting in the 1970s, I used to walk 6km to my work to save transportation fee. One day I was hurriedly going to a Telephone Office to receive a reserved call (at that time, only few people had telephones at home) I saw many people gathered in a circle on the road beside of the Telephone Office
and I looked what happened through an onlooker’s legs. Then I found that there was a 15-year old boy bleeding profusely from an open wound from his abdomen and the onlookers were merely looking at this boy.
Though now I can talk before many people, in former times I couldn’t even greet to customers in the beauty parlor “welcome, may I help you?” As a result, I was frequently scolded by seniors at the work. But I would never revert back to any circumstances of such immorality. At that time also I rushed to the crowd and cried out to the onlookers.
“What are you doing with SACHENG YI (wearing a necktie on your neck) without volunteering any help to this boy? (tying a necktie symbolized as a “taking a dignified air”) (SACHENG YI is a dialect of Jeolla Province). Then all of them looked shy and left the scene.I asked this boy “where do you have most pain on your body? I will buy you medicine. But the boy answered,” No, ma’am, I am just too hungry. Now I have money in my pocket. Please buy me 20 Won worth of meal.”
Oh, dear! how much pain he must have suffered, I noticed that he could not use his hands normally because of his severe pains. That’s why he was hungry even if he had money. So I gave him my lunch box and bought some medicine and borrowed a cup from the pharmacy, which was across the street, and let him take it. I went to the pharmacy again to return the cup. The pharmacist returned the money that I paid for the medicine saying, “Lady, I feel shy.”
The boy was Jesus, who was bleeding from a severe wound on his belly.
He said that even though the boy was struggling with severe pains there for three days and nights, he was just watching him. So he felt ashamed looking at what I have done selflessly for the boy.
I cried loudly with hugging the boy who got a severe wound on his belly, shedding bloody pus and. In the meantime, it occurred to me that I had to receive a call that was important for my business. I gave away all the money I had for the suffering boy’s sake and ran to the Telephone Office. But the call had already been cut off.
But I didn't feel any regret that I did for the boy even though that call was so important for my business at that time and he never called me again since then. I just considered him as my benefactor. Because if he had not called me, how I could have met the boy? So I sometimes pray for him(the person who called me at that time) until now.
After the call was cut off, I ran over to the child. But he was not there any more though I looked for him everywhere. Thanks to God, just the day before yesterday I realized: "Ah! He was Jesus!" because at that time he couldn't move at all.
If not, How could he move to another place in a second with a seriously wounded and infirmed body? Likewise, it happens that Jesus comes to us in His most humble self under an appearance of a disabled or a beggar, not wanting to come to us in His highest appearance from a highest palace. But let us not think that only that kind of person is Jesus, but just find Him and the Blessed Mother among our neighbors. So let's love each other! (Amen!)

Julia's handkerchief was stained with blood, when she wiped away her tears
and runny nose with it during her extreme suffering at the previous night
before the First Saturday Prayer Meeting.

The handkerchief which was stained with Julia's blood

10PM~11:47PM on Nov 6, 2015
Julia's pillow was stained black, when she placed her head slightly on it
during her struggle with extreme sufferings.

At about 7:40 PM on Oct 27, 2015 When Julia was offering up her extreme suffering
for the conversion of sinners, the towel laid under her head was stained black.
(Jesus and the Blessed Mother show us that Their Hearts are burning
into ashes like this, seeing this world filled with sins)




Individule Meeting with Julia Kim (Nov. 7, 2015)
Julia kisses on pilgrims'sick part of their body with all her heart praying for their healing
by Our Lord. Lucia (the last photo) was healed of the pains of her waist immediately
after Julia prayed over her.
Click : Excerpts from Julia Kim’s Testimony on Nov. 7, 2015 (pdf)