Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

Julia Kim’s Testimony and
Healing Prayer on September 1, 2018


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bullet03_glitter.gif    Praise the Lord! Praise the Blessed Mother! 

I do not know what and how to say right now. But I entrust my lips to the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Let us all, together, entrust ourselves to the Lord and the Blessed Mother.


My heart, my thought and everything in my entire life,

Mother, take it. Lead me your way.


My sorrow, my pain and all of my distress,

Mother, take me on. Host me your way. Amen.


Yes, September is the Holy month of the martyrs. Martyrs shed blood, put their neck out, laid down their whole bodies, and got their limbs cut, including other tortures.

Nowadays we have freedom of faith. So, we have to do "the Martyrdom in our daily Lives" (by dying to ourselves in our daily life). Then, what should we do for "the Martyrdom of our daily Lives"? Do you know? Do you? (Yes) Then let us do martyrdom of life not only in September but continuously until the day we go to Heaven. (Amen!) If we are armed with the Five Spiritualities and put them into practice, everything is in it (the Five Spiritualities).

Without undergoing martyrdom in our lives, it is impossible to practice the Five Spiritualities.

If your husband commits adultery and gambling and loses all his money, and if your wife commits adultery and gambling and loses all her money, then it's hard to offer it up.

But it is the spirit of martyrdom if you can offer it up. So it's the life of martyrdom that we practice the Five Spiritualities. (Amen!) Therefore, if we practice the Five Spiritualities and live them every day, we will inherit Heaven on the last day. (Amen!)

On September 2, 2006, we were praying the Rosary, with lighted candles walking around the Stations of the Cross. When we pray Rosary before the Adoration Chapel, the Blessed Mother over the fountain of miraculous water, was shedding her light on all the pilgrims, on every one of them. Not only did the light shone on the pilgrims, but it also passed through them and to all of their families. (Amen!) So, today I hope the light will not only be shone onto you but also onto your family, and to everyone that you are praying for (Amen!)

(On the First Saturday) The Blessed Mother prayed and cried for the repentance of sinners who crucified Jesus. She also cried for Jesus and pray for Him the whole night and She invites us to pray together with Her.

So, you responded with "Amen" to the invitation of the Blessed Mother and came here. The Lord Jesus loves even the wicked sinners, but you responded with "Amen" to the word of the Blessed Mother and pray together for the sake of the Lord and the Blessed Mother. So what would they not grant to you?

Brothers and sisters, let us prepare a large bowl and fill it up with the love that Jesus will pour down into you. (Amen!) If your bowl is small, it will obviously spill over, no matter how much our Lord bestows in us. So, prepare a very large bowl so that it will not spill over and you may receive the abundant blessings fully.

Here is a treasure trove of graces. It's a place of graces. (Amen!) This is the place where Jesus gives us the most sublime and purest love that we can never see elsewhere in the world and also the place where huge and immeasurable graces are being bestowed upon us. So, If you open your heart and rush to Jesus, He will grant whatever we pray for… (Amen!)

Do not ever think, ‘Why won’t the Lord give it to me?’ Instead, say, ‘I was wrong, I’ve lived wrongly.’ And we have to open our hearts widely and lay down ourselves completely. There are so many people who could not meet Jesus because they think they are always right and never wrong.

But all of you here should not feel self-righteous but open our hearts widely instead and fully empty ourselves so that the Lord can live in us by completely laying down ourselves.

“Ask it. Seek it. Knock it.” Then, all will be given to every one of you (Amen!)

So, ask, seek and knock today. He will open the door widely; and he will greet you and embrace you. He will embrace you in His mantle.

So, do not think, ‘Why it goes wrong for me?’ Instead, say, “I am yours whether I am dead or alive. May Thy will be done to me. By doing this, the heart that we entrust completely to the Lord is important. But many people don’t entrust themselves to the Lord like this. 'Take me, Lord, as yours. Even though I am an unworthy sinner, clean, refine and repair me and use me as your instrument as you would like to.' If we lay down ourselves totally like this, the Lord will come to us, set a fire of love in us and perform a miracle of love for us.

In 1990, I went to Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., New York, and other cities to deliver messages. It was not the same for each city. In L.A., just as soon as I got off the plane, my uterus hurts and I couldn't persevere it. There, so many uterine cancer patients were healed. And, when I went to New York, I found there were many stomach cancer patients.

When I prayed in New York, There was this man, the friend of the host's son who invited me there. He married a whore.

She had damaged ovaries. They came to the place where I was invited. As you know, nowadays whenever I conduct a meeting with every one of you, I normally kiss you and blow my breath on you, but I didn’t do this when I was there.

But, to my surprise, she became pregnant. What a surprise! Her uterus was totally damaged, so how could she ever conceive? So, don't worry and always give thanks to Jesus. Give thanks for your healing, and for your hardships.

If you want to be cured, you have to repent, and reflect, ‘What have I done wrong?’ We have to rush to the Lord, seek, ask, knock and approach Jesus desperately. You should not say far away from Jesus, ‘Lord, why you don’t cure me despite my going to church and offer tithes.’ Never think this way. I know none of you is like this here.

So, we have to rush to the Lord. In New York, we met a lot of people, and on the last day, approximately 100 Koreans gathered to have a small party. As soon as they all went home after the party, the owner prepared a private room for us in a basement. It was not a deep basement so it had just a few steps to descend. It was a space with a living room and a separate bathroom attached inside and outside. And the owner also set up a screen to keep people out.

I was there with Julio. As we had to return home the next day after 1 month's stay, we also had to pack our luggage. It was only after midnight that we couldn’t meet anyone. I felt like going to the bathroom. As there was a separate bathroom inside, it was not necessary for me to go out, but I went out suddenly for no reason.

There was an altar with statues of Jesus and the Blessed Mother of Naju outside of the basement. When I went outside, to my surprise, there are 6~7 people praying. I was really surprised because I was told that they would never let anybody go down there. But people were there!

Look, we shouldn't complain about anything. Instead, we should think, 'Oh, there must be a reason why by Jesus allows this!' There are many people complaining now. Not everybody from here. I could use the bathroom inside, but the Lord sent me out instead. Not saying, "Go out, Julia," but the Lord just made it happen. "What’s going on here?" I said. They were foreigners and they asked me to pray for them. Hearing a sound, Bernadette came down and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. On hearing the news that Julia Kim is here, they had driven all day long but could only arrived late at night.”

So, she told them, "No, you cannot meet Julia Kim because she has to leave early in the morning." "I see, but please let us pray just next to her.", they insisted. Indeed, they asked, seek, and knocked. Seeing their eagerness, the Lord led me to outside by making me want to go to the bathroom. I found out that one of them had terminal stomach cancer. And that was why he couldn’t eat anything nor even drink water. Although he was not a believer, but surprisingly he heard about me and took the trouble coming all day since dawn.

He didn’t know God at all. If we want to plant seeds, we shouldn't plant them among the weeds. If you plant them among the weeds, they would not grow properly. So, I had to start with a field first. So, I explained all to him first and then prayed for him. After this, it was already 3 a.m. We had to leave at 5 a.m.

We had to hurry in order to pack our luggage, and later, we also realized that we left many things behind.

But it was also a happy time for me because he and his companion returned happily. Later on, I heard about him. Wow, when he just got home, he threw up something dirty smelling.

So, people around him thought, 'Oh, I guess he was at his last moments that he threw out all bad things after (Julia’s) prayers. And he may die now.' He went to the hospital with that lump of vomit. Then the doctor said, "Why do you bring this lump of cancer to me?" Jesus made the former non-believer pour out his lumps of cancer by his fervent belief to the point of coming all over (to visit Julia). That's how he was cured.

He had advance terminal cancer and no more operation is needed but just waiting for his death. At that very moment when he expected he would not live more, things happened. So, the doctor proposed, “If we see the lumps out, let’s examine it again. “ But now, his terminal cancer couldn’t be found anymore and left with only the initial signs of cancer still remaining.

Another 60-year-old lady had stomach cancer, so she couldn't eat anything nor drink water. She was able to drink only water boiled with mushrooms little by little. She was waiting for her last breath. Upon hearing that I am coming to the U.S., she came for the gathering there. The organizers prepared Kimbab (Korean sushi) for the participants. She ate two and a half roll of Kim-bab and even some bread. So, the people said, "Oh, my! She must be mad eating so much. Yes, there is a saying that ghosts that died after eating are said to look better. Okay, get it." Then they even gave their food her, to their surprise, she was completely healed that day. (Amen!)

In 1991, I went to Baltimore, in Washington, D.C., where many African-Americans live. So, because of this particular racial dominance, people hesitate to go there. when my husband(Julio) retire, I would run a free food truck to visit poor people and feed them. I just manage myself sleeping and eating in the truck. It was my dream. Now that the Blessed Mother had assigned me for another mission, I could not realize that dream. so I went to Baltimore. There were many Koreans found there as well. But there was not even one Korean-church there. Koreans were sharing the church with black people, and they always wanted to build a Korean-church there because they don’t want freeloading at other peoples’ church.

I went there and ate some of the shared food there. There were two nuns who said, "Oh my Goodness, thanks to Julia Kim, it is like a birthday dinner.” You should consider yourselves happy. Our sisters here eat much better food.

Oh, pity! They left their homeland, are staying in a foreign country and lead a poor life (with the people there.). ‘How can they ever say that It is like a birthday dinner?’

The parish priest there had a backache and he could barely conduct Masses. While I was talking with the priest for an hour, surprisingly he had no pain in his back.

There, I had been speaking and delivering messages for more than three hours. But, he was sitting there until the end of the meeting, and at any moment suffered any backache. He received healing there completely.

The priest said, "It's a miracle that I'm sitting like this." Ever since I went back, a Korean church was built.

While I stayed there, my passport was pickpocketed. Oh, my Goodness, someone must have taken it out of my bag. Wow, they have nimble hands! But I did not worry at all. Brothers and sisters, let us not worry, and let us pray.

If you worry too much, it pleases the demons. "Let's not worry, He will find it for me," I said to Seraphina, “We are here not for pleasure or for tour, but we came to deliver the messages from the Lord and the Blessed Mother. He will find it for us.” Later we got the passport back. Yes, he surely gets it back for us.

After I came back from Baltimore, in 1992, a sister named Catherine Kim from Baltimore visited me here in Naju.

In her testimony, she told her story. She couldn’t hear for 10 years due to an earache. She had 5 operations in 10 years but it didn't work. She had to write on a paper prior to her confession. She was married to her husband for 35 years and it was 5 years since she immigrated to America from Korea together with her mother and brother.

Then her little brother, who invited her to the U.S., went to the seminary but ran a pharmacy shop to make money. He was unfortunately shot dead by a black man. And her mother also died of high blood pressure. And, to make matters worse, her eldest brother, who was running an orthopedic hospital, fell down on a ski ride and became a hemiplegic. He was the specialist for this part but he can’t treat himself. Although he himself was the specialist he couldn't even treat himself when got the same disease.

So, for 2 years since, his hospital was closed. When I was in Baltimore, her brother said to her, "There is a ‘Retreat Assembly’ at Baltimore Cathedral. Let's go there," she said, "No, I am not going there because I could not hear anything there. I will not go!"

He urged, "Let's go." "I'll never go unless Julia Kim comes from Korea by any chance,” she replied. He said, "Yes! Julia Kim is there!" "Don't lie to me, brother. You are lying to make me go there." "Check it out for yourself there!" Finally, she took her brother lying on a bed to the Cathedral. She testified, “Julia Kim was really there.” Listen; “When I was there, I thought I would pray for my brother’s healing, including myself. But, I forgot that intention. Though I could not hear, it came to me with a feeling."

She prayed for forgiveness of her sins. ‘I am a sinner. I'm a sinner.' The Lord heals you when you confess that you are sinners and repent for it. I told you always. The best medicine for healing is our repentance. So, she continued to say, 'Forgive this sinner, forgive this sinner.' She said even though she could not hear, and she was pleased to see Julia Kim. Seeing the people with closed eyes, she noticed that people were praying. So, she also closed her eyes and prayed. She was not asking for healing, but for the forgiveness of her sins. She and her husband used to be called lovebirds. But, having a hard time living in the U.S., they kept arguing and were almost divorced.

Then, she was able to forgive all. I told you that people receive graces only by coming and sleeping here. (Naju)

As you know, there was one lady, after going to ‘The Testimony Curtain-Church’ (a heresy), had diarrhea for 2 months, and she even couldn't come inside the chapel but lied down on top of other cancer patients and was completely healed.

(Back to the story) Likewise, although she couldn't hear, she attended the prayer sessions. Then she repented all of her sins, including wrongdoings for her husband and led a lapsed catholic life after receiving the sacrament of marriage for the purpose of marrying her husband. She even prayed like this, “I will forgive him even if he cheats on me.”

And then she was shedding tears, and all of a sudden, she prayed, "Please heal my brother." At that moment, she was able to hear! She didn’t pray for her healing, but was repenting with tears and praying for the healing of her brother, and her hearing were restored instantly! But, only one of her ears was healed at that time. She returned home and, 2 days later, she was able to hear on the other ear too.

Our Lord can heal you immediately, or you can be healed in your home later like her. She was so grateful to the Lord. That was why she came here and testified on a stand.

The cripple got up, and the blind opened their eyes, the deaf hears, the dumb speaks, a dead man came back to life, those who prepared for their last moments or funeral are restored to life... Tens of thousands of those cases in Naju. A lot of cancer patients, thousands of cases, have been healed in Naju. During my visit in a foreign country, there are so many crowd of people, thus one man wanted to touch me even with his long bar, then when it reached me, “Oh I got it!” then he was healed.

During my visit to a foreign country, there are so many people, that one man even wanted to touch me with his long bar. And when it reached me, “Oh I got it!” then he was healed.

A year before last year, a woman with serious diarrhea, who kept going to the restroom, reminded the faith of the woman who had hemorrhage for 12 years and touched the cloak of Jesus, and said, “I will also touch Julia’s clothing.”

So, we have to offer everything graciously, even if it's hard and painful. And Jesus loves us very much. You know that, right? (Yes!) Jesus loves us so much that you all are apples of His eyes. When Jesus and the Blessed Mother see you praying in this humble vinyl chapel a stable, then how pretty must we be for Him?

Yesterday and today, it didn't rain here at all. Heavy rain slipped away from Naju. (Meantime there was flood in Gwangju near Naju) It wasn't even windy either. I kept praying throughout the night to Jesus to protect the Blessed Mother’s House and this vinyl Chapel (at the Mountain). The rain slipped away from Naju.

The night before yesterday, there were lightings and thunders. So, I prayed, 'Jesus, please take care of us again.' These days, it's raining very hard in the region around Naju. When overnight prayers meeting is held, I am checking the weather. There was a forecast saying that it would rain the most here among all others.

‘Jesus, please take care of us once again. You did once last month. So, take care of the weather again for the first Sat prayers. Let the rain that is supposed to fall on Saturday switched back to Friday. But, if pilgrims see there’s just too much rain on Friday, they may become discouraged saying, “Look, I'm not going to Naju tomorrow because it's raining." I'm afraid that we would be giving joy to devils. So, Lord, you may allow rain to fall after Thursday's ‘Holy hours’, and let us have nice weather on Friday and Saturday.’ Wow, Thursday evening, we had a rainstorm with lighting and thunder. Today, we have no rain in Naju at all. So, I prayed, 'Yes, Lord, that’s it.' It rained until yesterday morning, and ever since then there was no rain but only sunny weather yesterday; and today is also sunny! Oh, thank you Lord!

I am so grateful to Lord this time that I repeat ‘Thank you very much.' ‘Thank you Jesus’

Looking over here saying, ‘Thank you,’ and looking over there saying, ‘Thank you’

I was so grateful. I was relieved once again. By the way, whether it rains, or not, we should be grateful! (Amen!)

If it rains, we can pray that the Lord might change the raindrops into water of Mercy for healing our souls. We would like both rainy and sunny weather, do we? (Yes!)

As a body, there is only one head though it has many parts. God is one, and we're his parts, are we? (Yes!) But, all of those parts have different functions. My role and his role are not same, are they?

When we go to the bathroom, I have to go to the room for women, but for men, they have to go to the room for men. Like this, we all are different and therefore have different work to do separately. So, we shouldn't judge anyone. But many people judge others. And, they condemn others, too. Condemnation is a really big sin. How can we condemn others?

We must not judge others. We must not judge others with our shallow thinking.

We are not wise enough to judge others. Under specific situation, if you hear incorrectly of something and convey it to someone else, all this goes unstoppable in the wrong direction. It is like a chain reaction, that is, a sort of pyramid effect. Wrong judgement is delivered from one person to another, then from that person down to another, and to another… It is so important with whom we meet.

If somebody do you a spiritual harm than good, avoid conversing with that person. Don’t talk to that person and that person not to be led to sin. It will cause not only you to commit sin but also others.

What Jesus and the Blessed Mother want from us! We’ve heard of many messages for 33 years now. Our ‘Planning director’ has delivered you so many lectures to you by referring to the Bible and the messages. This world is decayed. How cunning ‘PD’s Note’ broadcast was. When we rejected the requested interview, they persuaded us, saying, "Naju is wonderful. Why don’t we make Naju known to people and propagate Naju to the world?” They cheated us in this perfect way.

If you watch the program carefully, I was seen holding a handkerchief. They edited the scene in a wicked way. I am always carrying a handkerchief with me. The priests who have to lead their believers to Heaven persecute Naju. The person, who was healed of cancer by the miraculous water, is throwing the barrel on the floor and broke it. (Because of the program). People are so cunning. But you are the blessed ones. We're running out of time.

It is time to separate good grains from empty ones. Now I am not urging all people, but one by one, saying, “Let’s go this way, Let’s go” anymore.

Those who will remain here will remain, but those who will leave will leave as empty heads of grains.

And, the good grains will gather together by themselves.

Before, I did everything to save even one soul. Now I don't do it anymore. I've done so many times. Although they received abundant graces, they turned their backs from Naju, not only that, but also entrapped Naju and joined force with those people. How come they do not fear God? Nowadays even the church is corrupted.

How worse this world is becoming now than the days of Sodom and Gomorra; the floods of Noah; and the times of the Babel Tower, we couldn't even imagine the floods of Noah; and the times of the Babel Tower. Now the sulfuric-fire (of God) is spilling over little by little on this world. Warning signs are coming down here and then goes around the world. But, people regard all of these calamities as a coincidence. Thus, they do not repent their sins.

Now so many things are happening around the world. We do not know when the Lord will take our lives. So we have to stay awake. (Amen!) So we have to love everyone. Now, look around. Well, there is no one looking alike. All of us look different. We all have head, hair, eyes, eyebrows, a nose, a mouth, and lips. We have teeth.

There are a few things that are different between men and women, but everything has its own functions. How we can live without eyes? What about without a nose? We cannot breathe. Though we can breathe through our mouths, it will cause us trouble if we breathe only through the mouth. Without a mouth, we cannot speak nor eat. The heart is working continuously, pumping, to supply blood throughout the body.

The hands should not say to the feet, ‘You are stepping on so many dirty places, but the hands are doing holy kinds of stuff.’ How holy the feet are? Without feet, we cannot walk around.

We can't see without eyes, can’t eat nor speak without a mouth, and can’t listen without ears. None of them is useless. Blood cannot circulate without a heart. As we can't breathe when we run out of oxygen, your lungs are therefore important; your liver is important; your gallbladder is important; your stomach is important; and your intestines are important. Nothing is unimportant.

So we cannot condemn or judge anyone. We have to love each other as they are. So we have to achieve good results by joining ourselves with each other, but instead, we often criticize each other so frequently and think, ‘How should I defame him/her?

However, here (in Naju) through the word of the Lord Jesus and the Blessed Mother and the Five Spiritualities, can melt away whatever lumps of spiritual cancers. Nevertheless, the reason why people attack Naju is because of the Freemason’s manipulation.

The world is already being destroyed. We, who know the Lord and the Blessed Mother, have to stay awake and pray. (Amen!)

So now, for the rest of our lives, we should not give away our joy, love and peace to the devils. (Amen!) You should not be doubtful about anything. We have to resolve everything using love. I have no intention of boasting about myself, but Lord told me, “Let people know your life.’

So let me share it with you:

When I was a child, I've done all sorts of farming works without exception. I took the rice sprout and planted in a rice field. Whenever I pick the weeds out of the plant yard, I was so nimble that I could do what it takes two men to accomplish. But I had never thought of it, ‘I am doing a lot more than you. Why are you so slow?’ I was just doing my best as much as I could. (Amen!)

Strive to reach the point you could ever reach through your best capability. Do the best that you could ever accomplish.

If I do more, other people can be relieved of their work and convenience. In my entire life, I've done my best without sparing myself. As you know, a pilgrim named Maria said that my hands were like, 'machine-like hands' yes, I have been like that.

‘I'm so good, but why can't you? No, we should not say that. What can we ask for more than they could perform?

A stork says to a sparrow, "Why don’t you just stride with me as I am striding?" How can we expect it to do the same?

We should never say, "Why can't you do as much as I can do?"

‘Oh, how hard are those who are not as skillful?’ Yes, they really want to do it well, but they can't because of their limitations. So, what can we do for them? So we have to understand each other, forgive each other, and lead each other.  We have to support and lead each other. (Amen!) ‘I am doing well, but what about him …’ we should not think like that. Some people do it with their feet because they do not have hands. And some people have no feet and no hands. We have all. Right? So we should always be grateful.

Now Freemason's are rampantly dominating this world. They won't let us do the work for the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Be awake, everyone. (Amen!) So, we must take people on board ‘Mary's Ark of Salvation’ to Heaven, taking as many as we can. We must go there not only by ourselves but together with as many other people that we can gather. We do not know how much time is left for us. Is it time for the world to end? Or, is it the time for a new Pentecost? If we do well, the new Pentecost will be realized (Amen!)

Even if the Lord punishes the world, we, who are practicing ‘the Five Spiritualities’, will surely be saved on the last day. (Amen!) Surely! Surely! Certainly! Do not worry, let us follow the Lord and the Blessed Mother who had appeared and are still present in Naju. Let us go to Heaven together. Thank you.

Let us meditate the Messages of love from Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

This is the message of love from Jesus on September 1, 2007.

“All the children in the world who are called!

If you graciously offer up the difficulties that are befalling you at every moment of each day by turning everything in your life into prayer with the spirit of martyrdom, you will gain spiritual victory to fight and help save many souls. Like the Apostles, whom I am now personally chosen by the Lord to salvage the world for Him, gathered in the cenacle before they completed their mission through martyrdom, the situation of you in this age, gathered at this place, which appears to be shabby but where I and My Mother have personally been with you, is the same. Therefore, perpetuate the Paschal Mystery of the Last Supper.”

This is the message of love from the Blessed Mother on March 10, 2011 First Saturday.

“All the children in the world!

In this extremely important time when the cup of God's wrath is already flowing over, you, who have been called, must spread the messages of love courageously as the final efforts for the salvation of the world by displaying the spirit of martyrdom so that the clergy and children in the whole world may accept the will of this Mother who is so anxious. If you, who have been called as my true sons and daughters, providing you do not turn your backs, you will then be protected and guarded in my Son Jesus and my mantle regardless what calamities may befall you, and on the last day, will be escorted by the angels into Heaven, which is the Kingdom of the Lord filled only with joy, love, and peace, and will enjoy eternal happiness.”

Amen! (Amen!)

I hope ‘the Message of love from Jesus and the Blessed Mother’ be realized today, to all of you. (Amen)

Now, close your eyes. The secular matters of this world are not more than a brief passing moment, but afterlife is eternal. If we offer up our pain more graciously that we have suffered in this world and make sacrifices, and if we offer our pain with the intention of penance, Jesus will bestow us with more blessings. (Amen!)

(Amen!), then, in the next world, we'll have eternal happiness. (Amen!) Even though our life is miserable now, and if we turn it into the life of ‘Semchigo’ and ‘Offering up’, and ‘turn our lives into prayer’ with ‘Amen’, our lives with ‘the Five Spiritualities’, We, through this beautiful life of offering up completely with Five Spiritualities, will be melted in the holy love of Jesus.  (Amen!)

There is the abyss between the greatness of Jesus and our lowliness. Five Spiritualities can fill up this abyss. This is the most sublime and purest prayer. We should never quit from this sublime prayer. Despite various pains, we must not surrender our joy to the devils. We must not give away our joy to devil of division. We should dedicate ourselves for each other in love, and we must not judge, criticize and condemn others.

If we condemn others, the Lord will condemn us, too. If we criticize others, the Lord will criticize us, too. If we love others without criticizing one another, the Lord will love us. If we do not condemn others, the Lord will also not condemn us. Let’s, in spite of anything, love and respect each other so that we may win victory over the devils. (Amen!)

Countless devils always bother us in many ways. But we should never give in to them.

Even if violent and raging waves threaten to sweep away the world, if we follow the Lord and the Blessed Mother in fully in our faith, and stay in ‘Mary’s Ark of Salvation’, we will surely be saved on the last day and enjoy eternal happiness in Heaven. (Amen!)

Devils of division may seek various ways to cut us off from the Lord, but we will never give in to the devils. (Amen!) Faith can move mountains, but love can lift the whole world up. Let us arm ourselves with love. (Amen!) Let us arm ourselves with ‘the Five Spiritualities’ and put it into practice,

By doing so, let’s not only do it ourselves, but also with our families and many other souls to get aboard the ‘Mary’s Ark of Salvation’ and go up to Heaven.

If we entrust ourselves, including our pains and sufferings, thoroughly to the Lord, he will not abandon us. (Amen!) Let us commit ourselves to the Lord so that we can resurrect in Jesus. (Amen!)

Jesus will answer your earnest petitions (Amen!) Let's confess that we are sinners and start repenting for our wrongdoings that we have not been able to live according to God's will. Thus, through our repentance, Let’s be cured and be saved. (Amen!)


The red sunset in the western sky is outside the gate.

Think of the cross on two frail shoulders.

A crown of thorns in the head, a red cloak on the body,

It's a path outside the gates that you've been walking on helplessly.


In one step, and then another, and in every step that you have taken,

Filled with hot tears and red blood.

By the wicked Jewish soldiers, ferocious Roman soldiers,

You've been brutally abused in every step.

A path that you can’t walk without tears

And a path that you can’t walk without blood,

Golgotha, a narrow path outside the gate.


The unavoidable way for eternal life and blessing.

Go up this way even if you are hungry,

Go up even if you die.

Wrap your aching legs and fix your limp legs.

Open the door that shows us the path of eternal life.

Falling and standing up repeatedly, let me carry my cross.

Let me walk up to the high hill of Golgotha.


No matter how steep the hill of the Cross is,

This is the way Our Lord walked.

How can I not walk the same way that he took?

The Lord's disciple, Peter, hung and died upside down.

No matter how hard it is, I'll go even if I die. Amen! (Amen!)