Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

 Julia Kim’s Inspiring Spiritual
Message an
d Healing Prayer on October 5, 2019



bullet03_glitter.gif  Praise Jesus! Praise the Blessed Mother!

Dear pilgrims, you are getting healed now. (Amen!) And today, through my suffering for you, you will receive more healing grace. (Amen!) Because it’s pain that brings hope, I’m joyful. I’m happy. Since you didn’t know that abortion is a sin of murder, you have had many abortions.

You have done it before, right? (Yes.) Abortion is a sin of murder, ‘Am I going to hell if I can’t be healed?’ There are people who think this way, but please never think this. If we ask for forgiveness by admitting we have done wrong, and rush to the Lord, He will accept you all. (Amen!)

Because I am offering up the redemptive suffering for you, the Lord will forgive you and you can all be healed, if you repent. (Amen!) What you have to do is : just repent of your sins! (Amen!) The oozing Precious Blood that Jesus shed on the Cross didn’t fall onto the ground, but fell onto a beautiful paten and into a beautiful chalice.

Not only did Jesus shed His Blood 2,000 years ago, but He continues to bleed for you. (Amen!) Not even a single drop of His Blood falls onto the ground. He sends down the rain of the Precious Blood for you. (Amen!) But when a soul can’t accept It, the Precious Blood goes back to Jesus.

Dear pilgrims, if the Blood comes close to you, but you don’t accept It, and then It returns to Jesus. How lamentable it would be! Dear pilgrims, let’s repent of our sins so that the Precious Blood of Jesus which poured down may be absorbed by us. (Amen!)

Jesus said even when the most wicked sinners open the doors of their hearts widely, and return to Him, He will not question them about their past but will bless them. No matter how much you have committed abortions or whatever other sins you have committed, if you open the door of your heart widely, accept Jesus and repent, He will come to you and set the fire of love and perform the miracle of love. (Amen!)

Now, please open the door of your heart widely. (Amen!) How can you open the door of your heart widely? Ah~ Not by opening your mouth or chest. But, by clearly realizing the simple truth that even feathers accumulated enough can sink a ship and if we totally lay down our lives to Jesus like a child, thus we will be opening our hearts widely. Only then can Jesus come to us. How can Jesus come and dwell in us if we are adult, not simple and child-like souls?

Dear pilgrims, have you been doing well with the martyrdom of your life in September, the month of martyrdom? (Yes!) Yes, I have also until today been offering up the martyrdom of my life and came to meet the Lord, the Blessed Mother, and you. We should live the life of martyrdom not only in September, the month of martyrdom, but also in every minute of every day. Instead of being beheaded, if we entrust ourselves to the Lord and the Blessed Mother with the martyrdom of daily life, we will surely enter Heaven on the last day. (Amen!)

What era are we in now? Now, on the threshing floor, the good grains and the empty heads of grain are being separated, and the chaff is being filtered out and blown away. (Now!) The Lord is selecting grains now. And you were all chosen as good grains and came here. (Amen!) Dear pilgrims! Let’s start anew now. (Amen!) No matter what the world says… What is our final purpose? It is to go to heaven. (Amen!) Right? (Yes!) So it’s not “In order to go to Heaven, I must do this job.” But if we truly follow the Lord and the Blessed Mother, we can go to Heaven.

On January 1, 1988, at 10:15 a.m., people told me that the Blessed Mother was shedding Tears of Blood, so I went to see. When I went and saw the Blessed Mother, She was bursting out like a flood with Her Tears of Blood. While I was praying and looking at Her, Her nose OPENED suddenly.

Think about it. If we look at the statue of Our Lady, the nose is covered. But I saw it OPENED. So I was so surprised to see it. Then, Her nose began to bleed a lot. It means that to save Her children in the world, the Blessed Mother shed not only Tears, but also Tears of Blood, and even more with Her nosebleeds. When it was not just flowing but pierced, I went speechless.

Seeing Her oozing Blood from Her nose, I cried a lot. While I was approaching the Blessed Mother in tears, I went into ecstasy. Even while I was in ecstasy, I saw that the Blessed Mother was shedding Tears of Blood and bleeding from Her nose a lot. And She said, “This nation is in need of unity but remains not. It is painful enough that it is divided between the South and the North....” That’s what our country is now. They detest each other, hate each other, and they’re fighting to get higher.

And that’s what She meant. I’m sure She felt so hurt that She spoke with Her bleeding nose. So I said, “What should I do, Mother?” “As I told you before, if you offer five more decades of rosary prayers for the unity of this country, it will be purified.”

Dear pilgrims, let’s not put down the rosary from our hands. When you’re doing work, you can’t pray rosary, but you can keep it wrapped around your hands. I’m in so much pain and this rosary is just too big for me, so I wear the bracelets on both my hands. So, when I’m lying down in pain and receiving therapy, I move it to that side when massaged here and then move it to this side when massaged there. Sometimes I drop it down. Then I take it from the other hand and keep praying the Rosary.

Like this, if we pray the rosary to the extent that we don’t let go of it, this country will be purified. We are having disputes like we were in 1988. So if we offer five more decades of rosary prayers, it’ll be purified a lot. The Blessed Mother always appears holding a rosary. She also doesn’t let go of it. She prays the rosary with us all the time.

So if we keep a rosary in our hands, keep offering rosary prayers as She does, and pray as often as we can, how pleased would the Blessed Mother be? That’s how we can give joy to the Lord and to the Blessed Mother, and the world may change. The devils surrender not only before love but also before the Rosary. So let’s not let the rosary out of our hands.

It’s the holy month of the Rosary now. So let me tell you the importance of Rosary. In 1984, Even though I quit the charismatic movement, I prayed together with them. So we, the volunteers of the Gwangju Archdiocese, gathered and offered Holy Hour prayers from 10 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. When the rosary was over, one of the old volunteers from the charismatic movement, who seldom talked, and not a person who saw visions

suddenly she said “Julia, Julia.” “Yes?” “Oh, I’ve never seen any vision while I prayed before, but I saw the vision that while you were praying rosary, you kept spraying pollen before the Blessed Mother. And She walked along the way of it.

I think your patron saint is the Blessed Mother.” And she said that I should be called Maria Julia, not Julia.

I was so happy to hear that, as people said I was a woman who was crazy for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I had been hearing the Lord’s voice even when I didn’t know Him. Later I recognized that it was His voice all along.

Divine Mercy Jesus has appeared to me as well. Once at the mountain prayer meeting, He appeared before me and His Heart opened widely and Blood poured out. Sometimes His Heart was opened and the Blood clots were poured out. So every time I saw it, I cried and said, ‘Jesus, do you love this world that much? Who are these children in the world that you love so much?’ So I was called a woman crazy for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

My parish priest even gave me a rosary that he has used since he was a seminarian. I was so so happy to pray with that rosary. Then he gave me a necklace with the Sacred Heart of Jesus medal on it. ‘Wow, Jesus, You really came to me.’

‘Jesus really came to me now.’ When I wore it right here, I felt like my heart was really burning with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. So I loved Jesus that much, but I didn’t know about the Blessed Mother well. At the time I was running a beauty salon, so I couldn’t offer the Rosary during work, but whenever I had time, such as when riding in a car, doing the laundry, or while offering the Prayer of Life as well, I kept praying the Rosary.

Though I didn’t know about the Blessed Mother well, I didn’t let go of my rosary even while I was sleeping. I knew exactly where in the Rosary I prayed until before falling asleep. I fervently prayed the Rosary like that and I kept praying the rosary without knowing about the Blessed Mother. And that’s why I was so happy to hear that. ‘Oh, although I didn’t know about the Blessed Mother, but when I prayed rosary fervently, it was putting flowers in front of Her. I’ve been making the road of flowers for Her!’

And I said, “Blessed Mother, I still don’t know You well. I’m unworthy, trivial and lowly but if You use me, I’ll do anything.” And I offered up myself to Her.

However, at that moment, Jesus also spoke. “My baby, my beloved baby, my little soul.” He called me many times like this but these words are not only for me, but also for you if you do everything in accordance with the Will of the Lord. In order to deliver every word correctly to you, I would like to read out as written what Jesus said. “Yes, my lovely little soul. I have chosen you because of my Mother Mary’s request.” It was only then I realized that it was Mother Mary who asked to choose me.

“That was why you came to have such an ardent wish to have pious sentiments and be sanctified at every moment. Even when others spoke ill of you, criticizing and judging your pure love and deeds deeply rooted in your persevering faith in me, you were able to pray for them without losing peace by sublimating all those pains into joy and love.”

“My beloved little soul.” He has called you, not only me. Dear pilgrims, please listen as He said to you. “My beloved little soul! Look back at your life that you have led until now. Since the time when you were growing up to be mature, your life has been interspersed with tough and extreme sufferings where you have had to plow through a rough and thorny path by barefoot. It was, however, the path prepared by my Mother and me for these current times.”

Dear pilgrims, your path was prepared. Please, listen carefully. “As I have not left you just for a moment even during the time when you did not know me, you have been able to preserve your heart for seeking good, always living the life of ‘Semchigo’.” You can start anew now.

“Even when you were on your last legs by participating in the pain that I suffered, you sang a hymn in praise of martyrdom, saying ‘If Your kingdom comes all over the world and a terrestrial paradise is established on earth, I will want nothing.’ O my darling baby, my lovely little soul! My Mother Mary, Who is the Queen of the Universe, the Mother of Heaven and Earth, and the Co-Redemptrix, will make use of you in the not-too-distant future. Therefore, I wish you to imitate the complete humility of My Mother who said ‘I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done unto me according to your word.’ My Mother and I want you to follow without doubt our wish to work miracles of love by using you as an instrument despite your unworthiness.” Amen! (Amen!)

Jesus said like this. It is also for you. “My beloved baby, my little soul.” It’s not only for me. I hope today you clearly realize it and please don’t forget that Jesus calls you in love. So, whenever we fervently pray the rosary, please don’t forget that the Blessed Mother is with you. So please offer up Rosary prayers fervently.

Now you are all praying with the rosary of Our Lady of Naju. Countless people have been healed of cancers through the power of the rosary of Our Lady of Naju and are still receiving healing through the religious holy items of Naju. With the scapulars also, the Blessed Mother and Jesus saved their lives even when they were situated in an extremely dangerous crisis and unable to do anything. There have been many such cases.

Dear pilgrims, when Our Lady appears, She appears with a scapular. That’s why She tells us to wear scapulars. What does She say about the scapular? It’s also called the Blessed Mother’s mini-religious habit. So, dear pilgrims, please wear your scapulars at all times and pray the Rosary fervently. Those who offer rosary prayers with all their hearts and souls, always receive grace.

There was a brother named Andrew Yang Seung-pan, in Nonsan, Chungnam. He suffered from liver sclerosis, diabetes and stomach ulcers. He had to spend a lot of hard days receiving treatment. One day, on the way back home after hanging out with friends, his stomach felt heavy. He said, “Oh, do I have acute indigestion?” His friends bought him a digestive medicine and he took it. But as soon as he went back home, he fell down at the porch and spilled a lot of blood while entering his house.

So even without going into the room, he went to B Hospital, in Nonsan. He vomited blood and received a blood transfusion, and these things continued for three days. Then he went to S Hospital, in Daejeon and underwent examination again. He was diagnosed with esophageal varices caused by liver cirrhosis.

They planned to put an endoscope in his throat for medical procedures, but it needed one week treatment before the procedures were performed with endoscopes. After a week, he was admitted to the endoscope room and the doctor began to put the endoscope in his throat. But the doctor pulled it out of his throat avoiding treatment.

Then what can he do? The doctor called his wife and said, “His inside is totally ruined. The esophagus is all worn out.” And he told him to continue treatment at home. It was not just wounded but completely worn out. So it was more difficult to cure than cancer. The doctor tried to treat him but couldn’t. There was nothing that could be done for him.

He couldn’t even eat anything. How hard it must have been for him! So he thought to himself, ‘Oh, they didn’t treat me but asked me to go home for treatment, which means that I have to prepare for my death at home.’ So he was sentenced to death. But being in the hospital is better than being at home since he can at least take painkillers. Therefore he tried to stay in the hospital. But he was pushed to leave there quickly. In the old days, they used to treat patients differently than today. This happened in 1992. So, he couldn’t help but follow the instructions to go home.

Since he was sentenced to death at the hospital and told to go home, ‘All I have to do is to die.’ And it was at this point that he was reminded of hell, and he prayed that the Lord may grant him a little more time to repent and be saved. He didn’t ask to spare his life since he was already dying. Then he began to pray the Rosary. He didn’t know any prayer.

He spent 40 years wasting time, seldom attending Mass, and violating the Ten Commandments. After living like that, he came to Naju and repented and started praying anew. Since he didn’t know any prayer, he learned how to pray the Rosary and he kept praying the Rosary whenever he had time. One day, his two sisters came to him after hearing that their brother was waiting for his last moment. They were eager pilgrims of Naju. (Amen!)

So they asked him to visit Naju. He initially said, “No, what if I die on my way to Naju?” The sisters said, “We can’t do anything about life and death. As human beings, we can’t control it. So let’s entrust everything to the Lord and go (to Naju).” They strongly recommended and took him here. It was the first Saturday of September, 1992. Although he was so sick which prevented him from eating, he began to feel very good here.

Although he was worried about dying on the way to Naju, he ended up feeling so comfortable in Naju Chapel even if it’s shabby. ‘Oh, it’s so good to be here.’ He said that “When the lady named ‘Julia Kim’ came and gave a talk, he was really surprised he was really surprised “Wow!” Even though it has been 40 years since he became a Catholic, it was at that moment when the word of God truly touched his heart. See, it is important how well we accept the Words.

He was so touched that he prayed in joy. It’s been 40 years since he was baptized and he never had been to Naju before. He had a lot of money and enjoyed hunting, so he didn’t know how to pray even though he had been baptized 40 years ago. But when he came to Naju, he was so happy that he cried. What does crying signify? It means repentance. He realized that he had been living a wrong life.

But as he was a man, he felt embarrassed to shed tears, so he looked around. Everyone was also crying around him so he cried his heart out. He said, “Oh, I think I really have been healed.” During meeting session, I hugged him and prayed over his sick part even though I am not aware of him and his sickness. After the prayer, his feeling became so light, as if he was going to fly “I feel I am healed” (Amen!)

He was so happy. Before, he had a stomach ulcer, diarrhea and his esophagus was worn out, that he couldn’t eat. But after the meeting, he felt like he could fly and recovered completely. Since then, he has never suffered from diarrhea again. His stomach ulcer, which he suffered for many years, along with his esophageal varices, liver cirrhosis, and liver returned completely to normal. (Amen!) So he did not need to go the hospital. (Amen! Applause)

Of course, his sisters led him to Naju, but actually it was the Rosary which led him to Naju. The opportunity opened because he had fervently prayed the Rosary. After 5 months, he went to S hospital in Daejeon for a medical checkup. There he learned his condition was now perfectly normal. So the doctor who put an endoscope down his throat was so amazed, “Oh my! What happened to you?”

Before, doctors didn’t give him any treatment, thinking he was to die soon, so they told him to leave the hospital. But after 5 months, he became completely healed. How surprised were they, right? (Yes!) While they never prescribed medicine, he still was completely cured.

So he was extremely happy and began to attend prayer meetings on the first Saturday’s at Naju with his sisters. He was always looking forward to the first Saturday. While he, filled with joy, had regular pilgrimages to Naju, what happened in Gwangju Archdiocese? They issued the first declaration.

At the time, the room was fully packed with pilgrims. It so happened that the cancer patients had to lie down on top of other pilgrims. But God kept them safe. People who were lying underneath were kept okay because They didn’t feel the weight of the person on top of them. That’s how the Lord kept them safe. (Amen!)

However, because of the declaration, many people who had visited before couldn’t come again, then became miserable. How about these days? Due to false reports such as ‘PD Notebook’ and ‘Exploring Report Seven’ even the cancer patients who were healed by the Miraculous Water of Naju decided not to visit anymore. They believed the false reports that said there was many general bacteria in the water. On the other hand, another institute examined the Miraculous Water of Naju. Even though I heard that the permissible level of edible water is up to 200 general bacteria, not a single bacteria was detected from the Miraculous Water of Naju! (Amen! Applause)

You’ve heard a lot about the Miraculous Water of Naju which contains minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and sodium. When water has these nutrients, it can decay under normal temperatures. However, the Miraculous Water of Naju has never been affected. I still have the Miraculous Water of Naju that came from the first day I dug out the fountain. I have used the holy water since I was a catechumen. When I was in the hospital, my husband Julio brought me both the Miraculous Water I had kept and the holy water that he took from the parish church.

I did not use the Holy Water much as I was discharged earlier from the hospital and therefore I was able to conserve it. The holy water from the parish church had already decayed, on the contrary, the Miraculous Water of Naju, collected on August 27, 1992 when the Lord granted it to us, is still very clean even now although it has been outside, not kept in freezer. (Amen!)

Despite this fact, people still say Miraculous Water of Naju is filthy water. Yet we can’t do anything because even God would not do anything. People have their own free will. He allowed them to do so because now is the time to separate the good grains from the chaff. Now you are here as the chosen good grains.

Even though cancer patients were healed through the Miraculous Water of Naju, they were deceived by the false reports of ‘PD’s Notebook’ and ‘Exploring Report Seven’, and threw the containers of the Miraculous Water and broke it. By seeing this, how painful Jesus and the Blessed Mother must have felt? Right? (Yes.) But we can’t help it. You are here because you love the Blessed Mother of Naju so much, so please make Her known. (Amen!) As you see, there are so many spiritual fruits. You’ve been selected as good grains.

However even if people are chosen as good grains, if they don’t respond to the Lord and misuse their free will, I cannot do anything about it. Dear pilgrims, I know you are always here no matter what people may say. (Amen!) Thus the Lord and the Blessed Mother are right beside you. (Amen!)

No matter what evils you have committed, if you say, “Daddy!” “Mom!” and rush to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, They will say, “Yes, My lovely little child!” and will pat you on the back. (Amen!) No matter what anyone else says, we have been chosen as the good grains, so don’t worry. We should enjoy the value of being a chosen grain on the last day. (Amen!) And we have to bring a lot of souls together with us. (Amen!)

So we should take many souls into ‘Mary’s Ark of Salvation’, right? (Amen!) There are many people who never came to Naju because they don’t know about it. After PD’s Notebook’s negative report, some first learned about Naju andsaid, “Oh, it’s so bad there!” But they began to get curious, ‘Would it be true?’ They searched for information about Naju, then, realized the report was untrue and came here and saw. It is true! So, they came to believe Naju.

Even if those who received countless graces and healed of incurable diseases here, would listen to people’s lies and decide to leave Naju, what can we do for him? Even the Lord, who has granted us freewill allow it, then what can we do? Dear pilgrims, don’t worry and let’s pray for them who are poor. ‘’

So, if you’re armed with the Five Spiritualities, accepting everything as ‘my fault’ and offering it up, (Amen!), we can enjoy joy, love, and peace in our lives. (Amen!) But when we don’t accept everything as ‘my fault’, we can’t offer it up. Then if just a cat or dog dies, people feel so sad, painful, and feel like going crazy or dying because they don’t even practice the Five Spiritualities. I understand how they feel though.

We can feel very sad even when a pet dies. And how much more sad are we if one of our family members or best friends die? So, let’s be good to one another while we’re still alive. (Amen!) Let’s love one another more while we’re alive. (Amen!) Then how glad the Lord and the Blessed Mother will be! (Amen!) This is how we make the Lord and the Blessed Mother happy, by displaying the power of love with heroic loyalty. (Amen!)

You should know that the Lord and the Blessed Mother rejoice when we love one another. (Amen!) But, recently many people (in Korea) are on demonstration, holding up the national flag or candles. What a pity. Let’s pray for them by keeping in mind that they also are trying to make our country better. More importantly, Jesus and the Blessed Mother have appeared and performed the miracles of love in Naju in our country which is Their youngest child. For that reason, hurrah Korea!

See how important ‘turning our daily lives into prayers’ is?!When we see the crowd in demonstration, ‘Ah~ we can turn that into prayers!’ So we see a large crowd of people holding up the national flag or candles for the protest. When they are holding a candle, pray, ‘Oh, Jesus, just as that candle burns itself, please burn away the bad things in their souls.’ (Amen!) How good ‘Turning our daily lives into Prayers’ is! Right?

Next, I’d like to talk about “It’s My Fault”. I’ve had a dog before, and it was twice I had pet dogs. One time a thief broke into my house, in 1972. Everything was stolen, including Julio’s clothes, my clothes, and even the meager little grains. So I thought, ‘Well, how much he must have needed it that he had to steal? Someone who needs it more than I do must have taken it.’ I offered it up for them.

Instead of saying ‘Gosh! The evil thieves took everything!’ There are many things like this in our lives. Let’s not blame them. If your things return to you by blaming the thieves, then go ahead, blame them a lot. But will the stolen items be returned to you? (No!) They won’t, right? (Right!) Then, let’s not blame them. (Amen!)

At that time, I laughed even though I was robbed. The landlady said she’s never before seen anyone laughing after being robbed. But what else can I do? Offering it up for the thieves with a conceding heart. I practiced Semchigo by considering it as if I never had those things, and that the Lord would give them to the thieves because they needed it. Back then I couldn’t even afford my clothes because I used to give them to beggars, so I lived on 4kg of rice for three months. I had to endure much hunger.

I gave away my food to beggars by foregoing my meals. How joyful it is! Even though we skip meals, we become fuller when we prepare foods for others and see them enjoy it. Let us become reborn in love like this. (Amen!) I am not boasting about myself, dear pilgrims. Because the Lord said, “Let your life be known to people.”, I let this be known to you.

So, after I was robbed, my mother brought me a puppy from the countryside. The dog grew up to be so pretty. However, to financially support the fifth brother-in-law for law school, I had to work a lot on furniture accessories made with mother of pearls. The dog was so cute but I couldn’t spare my time playing with it. I could only give love to the dog when I fed it.

One day, the owner of a small shop in front of my house, called me urgently. I thought, ‘What’s going on?’ And I ran there with my second baby on my back. I had to run because I had to work fast to give financial support to my mother-in-law and brothers-in-law. I supported three brothers-in-law who were studying in college. I paid off two of my brothers-in law’s student loan plus interest charged.

The other one went to law-school at Seoul National University. That’s why I had to work hard to support them all. When I went to the shop with my baby on my back, I found they prepared lots of food for me as they missed me but they knew I wouldn’t come just for food. (That’s why they asked me to come for an urgency.) Anyway, I ate quickly and went back home, carrying my baby.

But then, a man began to follow me. He tried to talk to me, but I walked forward without making any eye contact. Hurriedly, like this. But he kept following me. When I walked faster, he did likewise.

Oh, my belly has recovered a little bit, but not completely. I think it is because you still need to repent more. A while ago, I was not able to take even one step with the pain on the soles of my feet, but now I can! Give thanks for healing! (Amen!) Also, give thanks if there is no healing! (because we can offer our suffering for the sake of the Lord) (Back to the story) So, the man kept following me. I went into my house quickly, sweating profusely. Then I locked the door and entered the room.

He started banging on the door but I remained inside. I couldn’t resume my work because I was scared and shivering. However, my dog kept barking. Then my dog started barking in a fright. The man must have jumped over the fence. At the time, my dog was already big.

I started work with furniture accessories. I continuously worked through the whole night. I made a lot of furniture accessories that night. The next morning, when I went out to prepare breakfast, I found my dog was dead lying toward my room door. I was so surprised and saw the three lumps of pork were left on the ground. I assumed the man tried to harm me, but he couldn’t break in because of my dog, so he tried to kill him (by feeding with poisonous meat).

My dog was so smart ever since she was a puppy. At that time, the house owner would sleep during the day, and go to work at night. My kids couldn’t leave their room, even with soft sounds, because he would scold them if they did. And whenever the dog barked, he used to say, “I will kill it.” One time when he had a visitor, he even kicked the dog.

I named the dog ‘Pretty’. I said to the dog, “Pretty, the house owner sleeps during the day and he goes work in the evening. Please don’t bark for his daytime is night to him.” The dog stopped barking from then on, really!

I also said, “Don’t bark at our guests or the house owner’s. But if thieves or bad people come, bark at them.” She truly followed my instructions. When a thief or a stranger came in, she barked. But another time, two of my aunts visited me and he liked them wagging his tail. They said, “What a silly dog to wag your tail to strangers?”

I said, “I educated it to do so. It understands my instruction well.” “What are you talking about? How can a dog understand people?” I said, “Oh, yes, it does. I told it not to bark at guests or the house owner but to bark at thieves or bad people. It truly follows my instruction!”

They were doubtful, “Um, it seems unbelievable.” Suddenly, a beggar came and the dog barked, “Arf! Arf!” “I see. He really does listen!” Then I told them, “If a guest of the house owner comes, the dog doesn’t bark. However, it doesn’t wag its tail for him. However, when there is a guest of mine, she starts to wag her tail as soon as the door is open and they come in.” They said, “Wow, that’s really amazing.” My mother also said, “It is an insignificant animal but how can it differentiate people better than a human being?” It was very surprising.

That dog died. So I said, “Oh, Pretty, I’m sorry. Oh, my! It’s my fault. You’re dead because of me.” Why is it my fault? Because I didn’t tell it not to eat any food unless it’s given by me, and so it died because I did not train it not to eat food offered by other people. Therefore, it’s my fault.

Dear pilgrims, whatever happens, if we look for what “my Fault” is and take it solely as “my Fault”, we can offer up everything graciously. How can I hate the man who followed me if I instead consider it as my fault? I completely forgave him with love. I don’t hate him.  Because I didn’t teach my dog the right instructions beforehand, I felt sorry to my dog. “I’m sorry, Pretty. You sacrificed yourself to protect your master. Please rest in peace.” Afterward, I buried it in a place under the sun on Mt. Geumseong.

We must think about “my fault”. When Jesus was crucified on the Cross, was it because He had done wrong? No, right? (No~) You know that, don’t you? (Yes~) But, what did Jesus say? “Father, they don’t know what they’re doing. Please forgive them.” We always have to keep this in mind.

So we should not hate anyone. We should be considerate towards others so that we can take the lead on being good examples in everything we do. By doing so, when we accept the Love of Jesus and the Blessed Mother as it is, we will enjoy eternal happiness in Heaven on the last day. While you are living in the world, every time you arm everything with the Five Spiritualities and practice it, your name will be written in the book of Life. The fruits of the Tree of Life will begin to grow in clusters.

Even if we’ve made mistakes which cause our accumulated merits to collapse, or even if all the fruits of the tree of eternal life have fallen, we can still start anew and the tree will bear the fruits fully again. (Amen!) Dear pilgrims, let’s make a new start now. (Amen!)

We have been specially called by the Lord and the Blessed Mother. With dignity as people who have been called and are transcendent, let us start anew. If we live the life of resurrection, which becomes the glory to the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and which is our unceasing thanksgiving, then this is heaven. (Amen!) We go to heaven not only after we die but also while we live in the world. Let us enjoy heaven on this earth. Thank you. Let us meditate on the Messages of Love from Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

This is the Message of Love from Jesus on October 16, 2006.

“My beloved little souls! There is no time to hesitate or procrastinate. If Naju is approved, numerous souls who have been walking on the way to hell will sincerely repent, and the number of souls who turn their lives around saying as sinners, ‘It has been my fault,’ will increase. Therefore, make active (your) saintly virtues and invite the numerous neighbors in the world to the banquet table in Heaven and help them possess the tree of eternal life.” Amen! (Amen!)

This is the Message of Love from the Blessed Mother on October 7, 2006.

“My beloved children who answered my call saying Amen and rushed here to pray! I love you all regardless of the condition of your mind as you came here. Also, believe without doubt that many merits will accumulate in Heaven when you gather and pray together. As my messages are based on love, if anyone repents and puts them into practice, mercy and love will overflow in his soul and he will inherit eternal happiness in Heaven on the last day.” Amen! (Amen!)

I wish that the Messages of Love of Jesus and the Blessed Mother will be realized to all of you.

Please put your hands on your chest and let’s approach Jesus and the Blessed Mother. How much I have practiced the Five Spiritualities so far, how much I have accepted the Words from Jesus and the Blessed Mother with Amen, how much I have beat my chest with “It’s My Fault”, how much I have offered up the prayers of life, and how much I have offered up everything in every moment of my life? Let’s meditate on them. And if we have done wrong, we can ask the Lord for forgiveness and make a new start.

It’s important to start anew. Even if we have done wrong, let’s make a new start and let’s entrust ourselves to the Lord and the Blessed Mother so that we may be completely immersed and dissolved in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and the Blessed Mother, and offer up our family, relatives, and all the people we can think of.

Beloved brothers and sisters,
let us practice the Five Spiritualities
Practicing Five Spiritualities is a joy to the Heavenly throne
Let us offer up all our sorrows to the Lord
and be comforted and saved
Let us enjoy eternal life

Even in this world of resentment and hatred,
miracles of love will occur through our practicing Five Spiritualities,
By doing so, our souls and bodies that are sick
and weary will live the life of resurrection
By doing so, our sick and weary souls and bodies
will live the life of resurrection

If a loveless family practice Five Spiritualities,
Our Lord will fill their restless family with love
Despite all our sorrow, let us practice
‘Turning our daily lives into Prayers’ and offer up with “It’s My Fault”
Let us practice the Five Spiritualities Amen.