Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

 Julia Kim’s Short Reflection - Happy 5

The prayer that fills up the abyss situating
between the Lord’s Greatness and our lowliness



It’s not late yet. Everything that we’ve done

wrong and every mistake so far,

these all lead us to humility.

So at least from now on, let us

stay awake and pray.


If we never made mistakes or never had wrongdoing,

we could become arrogant.


Jesus could have made us perfect, but He said

He allows us to make mistakes to be made humble.

So, for the rest of our lives,

let’s not criticize others, or judge others,

or look at others with evil eyes.


Indeed, by our becoming beautiful

Indeed, by our mouth becoming beautiful

let’s only compliment and say

only nice words about each other.

Criticizing and condemning destroy

all merits that would become virtues.


If you see everything with beautiful eyes, it will look beautiful.

However, many people in the world wear their own colored glasses.

If they’re wearing black glasses, things look black.


If they’re wearing blue glasses, things look blue.

If they’re wearing yellow glasses, things look yellow.


Let us look at the world and neighbors

with the beautiful eyes

given by the Lord and Mother Mary.


If you speak ill of or criticize others behind their back,

it destroys all merits that would become virtues.

so at least from now on, let us start building up merits.


With “Turning our daily lives into Prayers” that help us

reach perfection by giving birth to holy virtues,

we can save not only ourselves but also this world.


“Turning our daily lives into Prayers”

From the moment we wake up in the morning

to the moment we fall asleep,

we can offer up everything with it.

How good the Prayer is!

It is a very very good prayer that the Lord and

Mother Mary have taught us, who appeared and are present in Naju.

“Turning our daily lives into Prayers” is the

prayer that fills up the abyss situating

between Jesus, our majestic and dignified Lord,

and our lowliness, again and again.

With “Turning our daily lives into Prayers”,

we can also turn everything that occurred

in our past into a prayer, whenever we recall them.


I sometimes forget to practice as well.

I only make the effort. I have done nothing better than you.


So when there’re things you have forgotten

to pray occurs to your mind,  

‘I forgot to pray when I went to the bathroom earlier.’


You can pray, “Jesus, I threw away all the bad things

from my body at that time, so Jesus,

please remove everything that is useless from my heart

or anyone else’s souls and bodies.”

You can pray like this.

If we pray fervently, and arm ourselves

with “Turning our daily lives into Prayers”,


and are immersed and dissolved completely

into the Hearts of Jesus and Mother Mary,

the devil in us will surely run away.


Then, Jesus and Mother Mary will dwell in us. Amen!