Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

 Julia Kim’s Short Reflection

Jesus will rebuild where Satan has destroyed



Jesus will rebuild where Satan has destroyed. The many large-scale disasters that occur in the sky, on the ground, and in the sea, the frequent earthquakes and tidal waves, heavy rains and typhoons, heavy snowfalls and forest fires, famines and diseases, wars and murders, confrontations and conflicts between nations and between races, dissolution of families, and murders among close relatives.

Let us never complacently think that these are just natural disasters or accidental occurrences. This world is now in darkness. The materialistic civilization has advanced to a high degree, but, our inner states are completely turning to darkness.


As the time of Noah’s Deluge and the Tower of Babel were destroyed, in the time of Abraham when there were not even 10 righteous, despite Abraham’s earnest desire, the sulfurous fire was sent down. Now, this world is even more wicked than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

God saved many of the Israelites in the wilderness by lifting up high the bronze serpent through Moses. Now, in this age situated in danger, Our Lord intends to save many people with the Love of His Sacred Burning Heart, through this place where you pray for the conversion of sinners offering up your utmost devotion by meditating on the Lord’s Passion on this Holy Mountain of the Blessed Mother.

Through our help, Our Lord and Mother Mary, will rebuild the place where Satan has destroyed, will heal what Satan has hurt, and will achieve victory on the very place where Satan seems to have won.

Our Lord and Blessed Mother will keep and protect us from all dangers through Their invisible presence in helping us while we believe and follow Them.

Now we have Our Lord Jesus and the Blessed Mother, contrary to the Old Testament era. So, if we practice the Messages of Love that the Lord and Mother Mary taught us, we will surely enjoy Heaven.

Before long, the Lord and the Blessed Mother in repayment to each one of us, according to what each person has done, will come bringing reward and fire.


In this age when empty heads of grain are swarming, the Lord and the Blessed Mother allowed our meeting. Therefore, encourage one another with sincere hearts, in infinite and complete unity, with steadfast relationship and fully-open and generous love, to demolish the human walls that keep our hearts closed.

Now, so that you may learn from one another, learn what is good and welcome advice that can help correct your shortcomings. Open your hearts widely and come closer and closer to the Lord and Mother Mary.

Even the most fertile soil turns into a wilderness, if neglected. Likewise, we who at least understand that still water in a puddle decays, remembering also that as a new birth comes nearer, pains will intensify, should remove the stones from our hearts and pull out all the weeds from there, so that the Lord and the Blessed Mother can be pleased to dwell within us.

For doing so, let us arm ourselves with conversion, prayers, and the Word. Thus, let us enjoy Heaven.