Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

 Julia Kim’s Short Reflection

When we Offer Up our Whole daily lives
by Turning them into Prayers



By ‘Turning our daily lives into Prayers’, from the moment we wake up until the moment we fall asleep, we can offer prayer every moment of our lives.

From the very moment you wake up, do not think, ‘What am I going to do today?’ but immediately apply the Holy Water and pray by making the sign of the cross.

Always put the Holy Water next to you. As soon as we open our eyes, let’s apply the Holy Water and make the sign of the cross praying “Jesus! Today also, please stay with me, an unworthy one.”  We can also ask the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary to be with us.

Even though Jesus and Mother Mary want to be with us, if we do not care to ask, what can They do?  Many of you here are fathers and mothers.

If our children ask for something, we give to them. If they stay still, we wouldn’t give anything more. You do more for your child who asks for more, don’t you? Thinking of that, we must keep clinging on to the Lord.

By ‘Turning our daily lives into prayers’, when we wash our hands, wash our faces, bathe, shampoo or get a hair cut, we can pray while doing countless things like these. This is “the Prayers of Life.” When you see others light candles, you can Turn it into Prayers with a heart that also lights up.

A merit of ‘Prayers of Life’ is that you can also Turn what happened in the past into Prayers. What’s in the far past, and what you forgot to pray, you can also Turn into Prayers now. If you say out the prayers, it may take long, but if you pray in your thought, you can pray numerous times in just a short time. Amen!