Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

 Julia Kim’s Short Reflection

What if we sing of peaceful and secure times
while witnessing the disasters in the world?



In the Letter of Jude 1:5-7,

Joshua (the Lord) once saved the Israelites from the land of Egypt,

but later when they turned from their faith, the Lord destroyed them.


We have to remember this fact.

The angels too, who did not keep to their own domain

but deserted their proper dwelling,


God has kept in eternal chains,

in gloom, for the judgment of the great day.


Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah,

and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they,

indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice,

serve as an example for future generations by

undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

It was at the time of Old Testament.


But now, there are Jesus and Mother Mary

who do not want even one single soul to be deserted.

They don’t condemn sinners.


She comes to us weeping

Tears and Tears of Blood and


by cleanly washing and wiping away

all our mistakes and filthy dirt and opening what has been

clogged to save our sick souls.

Mother Mary gave Her Words pleading with

Tears and Tears of Blood.


If all the children in the world do not accept

but despise it, and sing of peaceful and secure times,

destruction will befall them like a thief at night.


So, at least we, who say that we know

the Lord and Mother Mary, should remain awake

and pray, not compromising with the world,

but following the words of Mother Mary,

to change evil into good.


Let us repair and console

Her torn Heart  with our sacrifices and reparations.

Mother Mary can’t help but

shed Tears and Tears of Blood for us.

let us wipe them away with our lives so that

She may live in our everyday lives.  


By doing so, we can help prepare

a place for Jesus to reside,

Who will be coming to us in glory.


That is also a cooperation to prepare

the worthy place  for Jesus to reside, Who will be

coming to us again in glory.


The closer one approaches a new birth,

pains will intensify. We must remember that.


It is for us to transform

our dirty stains and even sins to repentance

so that He will cleanly wash them away

and transfuse His Blood.


This is the testimony

of intense Love of the Lord and Mother Mary

for all of us, and is the Blood of the Covenant.

Therefore, from now on let’s depart from

the evil like the Israelites who became free

from slavery in Egypt, crossed the Red Sea and

entered the fertile land of Canaan.


And let us get aboard Mary’s Ark of Salvation,

practicing the Messages of Love from the Lord and Mother Mary,

and love one another generously with a stronger and warmer heart,

by tearing down human walls.


If we do so, even where it appears

that everything is hopeless, we, with the delight of

being in harmony with the Saints at every moment,

will enjoy Heaven. Amen!