Our sorrows, agonies, conflicts, sufferings, hardships, physical pains, the many wounds in our souls, and all the things that cause us to suffer, let us entirely offer these up today. Our inner darkness will be gone and a bright new light will shine down from Heaven.
The Lord is truly alive and breathing in the Eucharist. He is present in His flesh, blood, soul and divinity. To assure many clergies and His children who claimed to know yet do not truly believe, the Lord has manifested Himself through the dozens of Eucharistic Miracles (in Naju). However, there are still only very few children who follow the Lord and Mother Mary. How heartbreaking it is.
Jesus, just as the Israelites who were freed from slavery in Egypt and crossed the Red Sea and entered the fertile land of Canaan, from now on, may we also depart from evil and practice the Messages of Love from the Lord and Mother Mary in perpetuating the Pascal Mystery of the Last Supper and the Pascal Mystery of the Resurrection.
For everyone to be saved, help us stay awake and turn our daily lives into prayers by displaying the power of love more vigorously and offering up our loyalty more heroically.
Just three days before Jesus was crucified, the crowds had merrily cheered Jesus, shouting “Hosanna!” Suddenly the same people turned screaming “He is a criminal who deserves to die! Kill him! Crucify him!” How painful it was.
That was not all. When the Lord’s beloved disciples, who had intended to follow the Lord wherever He might go, turned their faces away from Jesus, it was a bone-piercing pain. It was the pain from ingratitude and betrayal that became a sharp dagger, piercing His Heart deeply.
Jesus was scourged and His body was covered with blood from head to toes. He received all kinds of ridicules as He walked the terrible Way of the Cross to Calvary. He fell miserably with the Cross from exhaustion. It was a gruesome pain for Mother Mary. She could not look with Her eyes open.
That was not all! The sounds of a hammer nailing Jesus to the Cross gave Her pain in Her whole body, as if She was being hit with a hammer. The spear which pierced the side of the Lord while He hung on the Cross also pierced and crushed Her Heart.
Lord, as you said, “I will finish the work that I began”, please but hasten the recognition of Naju as soon as possible, so that numerous souls who are lost and wandering may be saved.
Jesus loves children who graciously offer up their numerous sufferings and take care of many tasks than those who dominate by sitting at the table only, and He takes them to Heaven. At least we who know this will wake up and take the lead courageously to save this world contaminated with evil.
Our Lord wants to save all His children, with the immeasurable merit from the crucifixion and the burning love of His Sacred Heart. Mother Mary also loves us so much boundlessly. When we embrace such love in our hearts entirely, every name that seeks the Lord and Mother Mary will be written in the Book of Life in Heaven.
If Naju, Korea, which bears many fruits of love, is officially approved, the Church will be reformed from the threat of heresies and the infection of errors. The clergy and religious will be sanctified, and it will become a place of salvation where sinners repent. Even the numerous souls who are walking toward hell will be saved.
So that Naju can be approved as soon as possible, we will display the power of love more vigorously and offer up our loyalty more heroically.
Let us always remember that even though the Lord can make us perfect, He allows us to make mistakes to be humble. May we not waste time with devils, but rather turn our daily lives into prayers with total faith and trust. Let us achieve unity in the Holy Trinity by relying on the divine source.
Mother Mary said that God, in one moment, can destroy iron pillars and bronze walls even though they were solidly built. But She also taught that God can raise them up as well.
Bearing this in mind, remain awake and pray in preparation so that we can receive the Lord, Our Redeemer and Mother Mary Who will come to us soon with reward and punishment.
When the Messages of Love given to us by the Lord and Blessed Mother have spread across the whole world, even the clergy who have fallen into error will repent.
They will become holier priests, become faithful to their vocation, and carry out well their work as the ministers of transfusion.
If all the clergy accept and put into practice the Messages of Love along with the Prayers of Life, they will amend their lives and the Church will be reformed from its corruption.
And the herds of numerous sheep who follow them will also repent, be liberated from the road to hell, and walk toward Heaven.
Then, God the Father’s just wrath will relent and the kingdom of God will come to this world. Then, we will sing of peace.
The Lord gave up all of Himself for our sake. He not only shed Blood 2,000 years ago, but even now, is squeezing all of Himself on the Cross for us.
He comes to us in the form of bread, hiding His divinity, and is consumed by us. If people knew this, they would not have joined forces with the devil.
This great ministry of the Blessed Sacrament, a Mystery of Salvation, was not given even to Cherubim and Seraphim, but was given to priests. Let us pray that many priests truly take this into great consideration, and come closer to the Lord and the Blessed Mother.
When we follow the Lord and Mother Mary, entrusting everything to Them, our union with God through His Incarnation will continue in the Mystery of the Eucharist. This union is unprecedented and beyond human description.
Now, we must leave the remainder of our lives to the Lord and the Blessed Mother in complete trust, pursuing the highest good. And we will walk the little person’s way of love toward You more humbly.
When the cup of wrath comes down, many will end up in perdition as many disasters will befall on them unexpectedly. However, may we who follow and make known the Lord and the Blessed Mother be led to Heaven without missing a single soul. We beseech the Lord most earnestly.
Please help us to practice the messages of love, which is the sure shortcut to Heaven, so that we receive the cup of blessing instead of the cup of wrath and will live in joy, love and peace. Help us, on the last day, to possess the tree of eternal life which Adam and Eve lost.
This unworthy sinner’s prayer is offered through the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother, in the name of Our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, hoping all of us to resurrect anew, I earnestly pray. Amen.