Julia Kim’s Short Reflection
“Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away.” (PDF)
In Matthew 24:35-44,
“Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away.”
“But of that day and hour no one knows,
not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.”
Now we are living as if nothing would happen,
but we don’t know when and what we could be facing.
My family used to be very wealthy;
We had lots of money and a large house in Gwangju.
But, due to the Korean War, we became a pauper overnight.
When my mother lost all her family and was left alone with me,
to bring me up on her own with her empty hands, she struggled very much.

Until the day that Noah entered the ark, except Noah’s family,
people were eating and drinking, getting married,
did merry-making and everything else.
But as soon as Noah entered the ark, the flood began
as if the sky had holes, no matter how high people tried to go up,
it was useless. Nothing is impossible for God if He wills it.

Someone asked me before, “In the time of ‘Noah’s Deluge’
or ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’, or ‘the Tower of Babel’,
Although their sins didn’t overflow as much as this present time,
God chastised them.
But why doesn’t He chastise the world now?” So I answered,
“During that time, there was no Mother Mary.
But now, we have Our Mother Mary.
It is through Her intercession that He is withholding chastisement.
And He is holding back His chastisement because of the little souls.”
What was it like in the day of ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’?
As there were not even 10 righteous men, Abraham’s earnest entreaty
was not fulfilled, and the sulfurous fire was sent down on that area.

Dear everyone, we need to reflect on history.
We must learn through history.
But too many people remain complacent.
Since even the prelates are now also complacent,
most of the faithful are on their way to destruction.
So Jesus and Mother Mary have appeared and are present in Naju.
The Blessed Mother of Naju has shown us
many Signs and performed countless miracles until now.

So we are now enjoying in Naju the blessings
that even King Solomon did not have.
Dear all, by practicing the Five Spiritualities let us enjoy Heaven.