The Truth about  Naju

Report by MBC TV's PD Notebook : True or False ? ( PDF ).
 written by Albino Dong-Myoung Kim in December of 2007



   - Introduction - A response to MBC TV' s negative report on Naju
(this video lasts about 8minutes)



 Julia's visits to Ruteng, Indonesia March and June, 2007(running time - about 7minutes)



 The Water from the Blessed Mother's Spring in Naju (running time - about 4 minutes)



Pheonomena in Julia's Body Fluid (running time - about 6 minutes)



Is Julia seeking wealth? (running time - about 4minutes)



 Miraculous Descents of the Eucharist (running time - about 8minutes)



The Eucharistic Miracle in the Vatican (running time - about 6minutes)



 Miracles of fragrant oil and fragrance of roses in Naju (running time - about 6minutes)


 The Kwangju Archbishop's Decree and the True Meaning of obedience
(running time - about 10minutes)