Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's Personal Testimony

Julia Kim's Inspiring
Spiritual Message

Julia's obedience

Five Spiritualities
of Naju

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul

House of love



The House of Love - Nursing home for the aged

        " I want all of you to stay in warm kindness to each other and in prayers of deep silence. Respect the dignity of humans and practice true love by helping those who have nothing instead of helping the lofty, and by finding and giving love to those who are poor, hungry and sick and becoming their friends. Prepare a place where you can welcome those who wander around and suffer; give clothes to those who have no clothes; give a warm and merciful parental care to the handicapped; and give comfort to those who have been hurt."  (The Messages of Love given by the Blessed Mother on Janurary 23,1993)

            A little soul, Julia Kim who has been chosen by the Lord and the Blessed Mother, lived the life of good deeds as she was young that willingly to take good care of begger with the spirit of charity for the poor people, even though she was not able to eat because of them. Therefore, her house was called and has a nick name as the house where the place of begger's rest and relaxation for a while. She used to bring such numerous homeless to clean them, feed them and take care of them at any time even after marriage, and before and after she knows the Lord.

         And the Blessed Mother's statue was weeping in the middle of working for the Blessed Mother, Julia Kim took care of grandfather Bong, Il-Dong. She even carried him on her back to the church for his baptism. He had been blind for 50 years from optic nerve disease (Amaurosis) and had no one to depend on. Because of Julia Kim’s extremely devoted prayers and sacrifices, he was able to regain his eyesight and lived 5 more years until his death at 90 years old.  Before he die, Bong grandfather eager to live with Julia Kim that was very good motive for her to start taking care of elderly lady first who were poor elderly, not able to live together with family due to disaccord and abuses by the family. (Nursing home in a private houses are not legalized at the time)

Julia Kim ,her motto :  " It would be much burden for me if I take care of children, because the compensation would be returned to me after they all grown. On the other hand, If I took care of elderly whom I could take care of them until they die without any compensation as Jesus came to us to serve but not to be served." Therefore, she has been doing this charitable work for the aged according to the power of the infinite love of Jesus.

 Various kinds of episodes .......


Julia Kim personally fed one of the elderly lady who was not able to eat by herself.

      A birthday celebration for the elderly who lived in the House of Love

The scene of the funeral of one of the grandmothers who lived in the House of Love. She had kept on saying, " For me, this place is Heaven"

Julia Kim brought the elderly lady who was deeply wounded and ill due to the neglect of her children and gave her private baptism.

Grandmother was bed-ridden for a long time due to dementia and passed away when she was 91 years old. She could not recognize anyone expect Julia Kim.


Julia Kim took care of grandfather Bong, Il-Dong . She even carried him on her back to the church for his baptism. He had been blind for 50 years from optic nerve disease (Amaurosis) and had no one to depend on. Because of Julia Kim’s extremely devoted prayers and sacrifices, he was able to regain his eyesight and lived 5 more years until his death at 90 years old.


   Julia Kim personally fixing one of the member’s (grandmothers) hair.

On the Lunar New Year’s day, Fr. Aloysius Chang, Julia , Julio and ? All the members of prayer group of life under the Order of Mary’s Ark of Salvation? paid a visit for New year and bowed to the elderly and shared love with one another.

Whenever I see you~ , I feel like running to be embraced, before I knew it , Mmm mmm, It is because of love ~ ~ ^^

All the members of prayer group of life under the Order of Mary’s Ark of Salvation? visited the House of Love and consoling and sharing the love for the elderly with singing.

Julia Kim visited the elderly in the midst of severe sufferings and the elderly were so happy and rejoicing by sharing the love with Julia Kim.


   Address : 388 Shingwang-Ri,Dashi-Myon,Naju-City,Jeonnam, Korea.