
January 1, 1997- Let your souls become even smaller like the Baby Jesus.
January 18, 1997 -Cultivate well the seeds that the Lord has planted in you.
January 23, 1997 -Offer up small and large pains graciously.
March 30, 1997- Your tears and sighs will turn into joy.
April 1, 1997 -I will uphold you as a person who never yields his integrity even in
May 25, 1997- I cannot pray with you, when you pray for selfish intentions.
June 12, 1997 -Quench my thirst by complying with my earnest and anxious request.
June 30, 1997 (1)- I will embrace you all in my burning Immaculate Heart and nurture you afresh.
June 30, 1997 (2) -I will perform miracles of love through you, who are trusting and following me.
July 13, 1997- The signs that I am giving you in this small country, Korea!
August 15, 1997 -Hurriedly prepare my house where we can offer Mass together with priests.
August 27, 1997 -The Eucharist descends for the seventh time during Fr. Spies' visit.
August 28, 1997- I share your sorrows, anxieties and pains and am always
with you.
November 24, 1997 -Graciously offer up even the pains that cause bleeding within you.
Message on January 1, 1997
While suffering extreme pains since last night, I went to the Chapel at about 9 a.m. at the Blessed Mother's call. The Blessed Mother's statue, which had wept before, was in the Chapel. I was barely able to remain sitting up, supported by others, and offered up a candlelight and prayed for the Holy Father, the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio, the Archbishop, the Pastor, my spiritual director, and all other clergy and religious.
A while later, it became bright in front of me. The statue disappeared, and, instead, the live Blessed Mother appeared wearing a white dress and a blue mantle. She had a shining golden crown on her head and was holding the naked Baby Jesus in her left arm and an ivory-color rosary in her right hand. Their beauty was beyond description. While I was looking at Them dumbfounded, the Blessed Mother began speaking with a very kind, loving, and beautiful voice.
Daughter! My beloved daughter! At this beginning of the new year, looking at the Baby Jesus, your Redeemer, graciously offer up the sufferings that have been given to you and become more and more (like) an innocent child. I have allowed you more sufferings, because sacrifices by little souls are necessary to save this world which has fallen into a great degradation. Therefore, entrust this new year and the new days completely to the motherly love of this Mother of God, let your souls become even smaller like the Baby Jesus, and make a new beginning so that the dispersed flocks of sheep may return.
Even many of my close children who say they are making the Lord known eat, drink, dance, and enjoy themselves excessively at year-end parties and join forces with the devil, which does not lead to good results. That is why you are suffering pains in order to save them. Accept the pains gratefully. If you offer up prayers and pains with joy and love, united with the love of my Immaculate Heart, on the last day of the year and on the day the new year begins, the dispersed flock of sheep will return.
All my beloved children! Even today, I am waiting with my arms outstretched, earnestly wishing that the children, who have alienated themselves from the love of the Lord and me and become miserable slaves of their sins, will return to God. Because most of the children in this world are not awake, the devil lays traps and many souls are falling into his temptations and are rushing on the road of degradation. Because of this, the wrath of God has reached its extremity, and before long, the day will come when they will cry and wail. Therefore, wake up hurriedly and pray. If you keep in mind my words, with which I implore you shedding tears and tears of blood, and follow them, new buds will sprout even on the burnt ground. But many keep their hearts tightly closed. . .
The Blessed Mother was silent for a while and, then, continued.
You must wake up hurriedly and pray, because the flames of self-righteous egoism and intense hatred are about to burn and obliterate even the good works of the innocent people, and evil is spreading like a horrible cancer. This Mother in Heaven, who loves and comforts you, will let you, who are my lovable children, know about an amazing plan of salvation and let you penetrate it (=understand it clearly). Therefore, hurriedly and courageously unite with the Pope, who is the first son of my beloved Church and be embraced in my bosom of love which is broader than the universe. To all the children who come here seeking me and are comforting me, I will feed them spiritually with the milk that I gave to the Baby Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem, protect them in my mantle and let them enjoy peace. An-nyoug.
As she ended her words, the light disappeared and the Blessed Mother and the Baby Jesus became invisible. I realized that my whole body, which had been suffering from pains, was completely healed.
Lord! Glory and praise to you, Amen.
Message on January 18, 1997
There was a Marian
conference held in the cathedral in Saipan, during which I gave testimony to the
Blessed Mother's messages. Afterwards, there was a Mass concelebrated by His
Excellency (Bishop of Saipan) and other priests. While I was in meditation after
Holy Communion, I entered an ecstasy and a vision. I saw lots of steel wires
fastened together with padlocks. Then, I saw the angels come down and unlock
them with keys. Some of the padlocks remained locked. The padlocks that were
unlocked symbolized people who repented their sins, while those which remained
locked symbolized people who were not opening their hearts. At that moment, I
heard the beautiful, kind and loving voice of the Blessed Mother.
beloved children! Thank you for accepting my invitation. Now, open your hearts
widely and hurriedly enter the refuge of my burning Immaculate Heart which has
been prepared for you. A refuge where you can relax comfortably has been
prepared. Courageously and adhering to the Heritage of the Faith that has been
entrusted to you, unite with the Pope more humbly, following the messages of my
burning love.
If the Cardinals and many bishops and priests, whom God
Himself has chosen, pay more attention to the poor souls who are walking on the
road to hell, take care of the herds of sheep and nurture them so that they may
follow the road to Heaven, they will turn back to God and be saved with the
Eucharistic Bread . . . but how many of the clergy are truly accepting me?
However, the Bishop here has accepted me in this age when even the meaning
of the Sacrament of Confession is being forgotten. Thus, he has helped many
souls by inviting them to this banquet with me who am the Queen of the Heaven
and your Heavenly Mother so that they may repent (their sins) and come on board
the Mary's Ark of Salvation which I have prepared. I will help him so that he
may receive and wear the heavenly laurel crown.
As I will always be with you
at your side and help you as your Mother who is caring even in little details,
open your hearts widely and achieve victory over the devil. You do not realize
how critically important your responsibilities are, as this age is situated in
the midst of a grave danger of heresy. Cultivate well the seeds that the Lord
has planted in you and do your best to reap a hundred-fold harvest.
You will
experience many obstacles and personal difficulties in following me, but, if you
truly believe the messages of burning love from the Lord's Sacred Heart and my
Immaculate Heart, have trust in them, and follow them, you will surely obtain
Heaven. Today, together with the Lord Who has offered up all of Himself for you,
I bless all of you with my encouragement, consolation and love.
Message on January 23, 1997
While I was praying
in the Chapel together with people from a TV station in Japan and several other
pilgrims from the U.S.A. and Korea, very powerful light from the Seven Wounds of
Jesus on the Crucifix was shining upon us. At that moment, I heard the loving,
kind and beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother. I could not see her, but saw a
somewhat misty image of a royal crown enwrapped in light.
beloved children! Do not refuse the cross that has been given to you or complain
about it. You will experience pains while living on earth, but, if you do not
squander the small and large pains but offer them up graciously and follow me,
you will receive a royal crown in the next world because of the sufferings in
this world. Therefore, hurriedly open the door of your heart widely and rush
toward me, who is your Mother in Heaven. I will prepare a refuge where you can
relax comfortably.
Even before the
Blessed Mother finished speaking, the woman from Washington, D.C. began crying
loudly. She testified that she was cured of her heart disease when she received
the light from the Seven Wounds of Jesus. When the powerful light was shining
upon her, she was repenting (her sins) and received the grace of healing. Lord!
Glory and praise to You.
Message on March 30, 1997
I was praying and
crying in front of the Blessed Mother's statue in the Chapel thinking about the
sufferings that the Lord and the Blessed Mother are receiving because of my
shortcomings. Some time passed. Light was pouring down from the Crucifix above
the Blessed Mother's statue. As before, it was a very powerful light radiating
from the Seven Wounds of Jesus. At the moment the light was reaching me, I felt
sharp pains of the light penetrating seven places on my body. While I was
participating in the sufferings of Jesus, I heard the loving voice of Jesus.
little soul! Have I not told you that I love you even when you make mistakes by
misusing your free will? Two thousand years ago, I drank the Cup of Passion by
being crucified, when the children in the world were violating, abusing and
desecrating Me like violent winds and raging waves. However, I was not finished
by death but resurrected from the dead and, thus, promised a new life to all of
you. Therefore, do not have fear but come closer to Me.
During the hours
when I was passing from Death to Resurrection, you did not sleep but prayed
earnestly, weeping, and sought Me as a sinner. Remember that I came to this
world not to call the righteous but to call sinners and that I love you much who
are always seeking Me as a sinner, as I loved Mary Magdalene who confessed that
she was a sinner. Whenever you open your heart, remain awake and pray, your
tears and sighs will turn into joy.
As Jesus ended
speaking, light disappeared, too. My eyes had been swollen because of crying
during prayer. But they became normal and the pains and redness in my eyes were
gone, too. I could see everything clearly.
Message on April 1, 1997
I visited the Holy
See Embassy in Seoul together with Fr. Raymond Spies and several other people
and attended Mass there. The main celebrant was the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio. While
I was in meditation after receiving Holy Communion, I saw very powerful light
coming down from above. In the light were Jesus, Who was wearing an ivory-color
mantle and came close to the Crucifix, and the Blessed Mother, who was wearing a
blue mantle and holding a rosary on the right side of Jesus. The angels were
around Jesus and the Blessed Mother, guarding Them. At that moment, I heard the
kind, pleasant, loving and beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.
beloved sons! Do not be sad or disheartened over the different kinds of
difficulties that befell on you.
Order is already crumbling down in this
world which is mired in evil habits and degradation. In the resulting chaos, the
World of Mystery is being destroyed. However, I am comforted much, because you,
who have received the universal graces (which God makes available to all His
children) and have become little souls, are trying (to help me), feeling the
honor of being the helpers for me, who is your Heavenly Mother and is trying to
save the world. With hope, courage and greater humility, come closer to your
Lord Who wishes to save the world.
As I already allowed your meeting, you
must achieve unity with each other with chains of love, even when you are far
from each other. For the triumph of my burning Immaculate Heart, the chains must
remain unbroken. Therefore, hurriedly go forward with strenuous efforts.
beloved son whom I can put in my eyes without feeling any pain. The devil of
division will employ many different methods to afflict you, who are a son whom
God loves and whom I trust and love, but offer up your pains graciously. I will
send angels to look after you so that you may not fall and I, who am your
Heavenly Mother, will always be with you. When you are obedient to the Pope, who
is the first son of the Church, and achieve unity in my love, I will uphold you
as a person who never yields his integrity even in adversity.
Haven’t I
already said that, when you always trust this Mother's words and follow me in
response to the messages of love that I give you, new buds will sprout even on
the burnt ground, my Love will flame up on the ruins, and a cup of blessing from
God instead of a cup of His wrath will be bestowed upon you? I have also told
you that, when you renounce yourselves and spread the burning love from my
Immaculate Heart to the children in the whole world, you will experience pains,
but, if you achieve unity and follow me together, what you have lost in
following the world will turn into eternal joy by gaining me.
My beloved
children! As I have been chosen to be the Lord's Helper, all of you have been
chosen to be my helpers. Therefore, Heaven is truly yours.
Now, my beloved
children! Have trust in all the words that I have given you and hurriedly enter
the refuge which I have prepared for you to relax. Also, receive the boundless
blessings from the Lord, Who has given up all of Himself for your sake. Then,
An-nyoung (Good-bye).
When the Blessed
Mother finished her words, Jesus, Who was wearing an ivory-color mantle and was
filled with dignity but also looked so loving, raised His hands and blessed us.
Message on May 25,
Julia Kim of Naju, Korea visited Hong Kong and Macao from May 23
to May 29, 1997, giving testimonies to the signs and messages from Our Lady. On
May 25, Sunday, Julia and her companions attended Mass in the Chapel at the
Pastoral Care Center for the Disabled in Kowloon. During the Gospel reading,
Julia saw the Blessed Mother appearing behind the altar, between the Crucifix
and her statue and received a message from her.
Francis Su from Malaysia (center), Fr. Francis Elsinger from Hong Kong (left),
and Fr. Lam from Guam concelebrating Mass in the Chapel for the Disabled in Hong
After Mass, Julia returned to her hotel room and
began writing down the message. Soon, the devil came with a large army of his
subjects and began attacking Julia. He said, "How daring you are to come even
to this place! I have put in so much effort here, and the prey is almost ready
(for me to swallow). And now you come here and try to spoil it for me!" He
was so filled with anger. The devil and his subjects physically attacked Julia.
The fight was so fierce that Julia fell down on the floor and became
unconscious. Fr. Francis Elsinger of Hong Kong and Julia's interpreter were
notified by phone and rushed to Julia's room. Fr. Elsinger began praying over
Julia. About 15 minutes later, Julia opened her eyes and sat up. She said that
it was the devil's attack and also that the devil was repelled when Our Lord and
Our Lady appeared. She said that a powerful light then radiated from the two
hands of Our Lord and penetrated Julia's two hands. Fr. Elsinger and the
interpreter saw clear Stigmata on both of Julia's hands. Julia was asked if
there was much pain in her hands and answered, "Yes." The Stigmata on
Julia's hands lasted several days.
The following is Julia's
testimony: During a Mass at the Hong Kong Pastoral Care
Center for the Disabled, the Blessed Mother appeared as the Mother of Mercy,
wearing a blue mantle, holding a scapular in her left hand and an ivory-colored
rosary in her right hand, and with a bright light surrounding her head. Soon her
blue mantle turned into a white mantle. She stretched out her hands toward us,
who were attending the Mass, and then put her two hands together for prayer.
This happened during the Gospel reading from Matthew 28:16-20 about Our Lord,
just before the Ascension, giving the mission to His disciples to spread His
teachings to the ends of the world. The Blessed Mother was smiling beautifully and
lovingly and began speaking.
Dear children! Remember that I am always with you
wherever you may be in the world. Especially console the disabled by letting
them know that I love them very much. The devil is so active, employing all the
available means to topple you. However, remember that I am guarding and
protecting you who are following me and entrust yourselves totally to me with
faith and trust.
I also want you to practice my messages of love.
If you accept my words well and live them in union with each other, my messages
of love will spread to China also, they (=the people in China) will accept the
Lord, and their souls will change. Therefore, for the conversion of sinners and
for peace in the world, pray and make reparations and do penance without
Whenever you pray, I, your Heavenly Mother, pray
with you. However, I cannot pray with you, when you pray for selfish
My beloved children! Always remember that the door
of my Ark of Salvation, an Ark larger than the universe, remains open and that I
wish all the children in the world to come aboard the Ark and help me so that
not only you but also (other) sinners may repent and gain Heaven. If you all
live following my messages of love, the just anger of God the Father will be
softened and the Lord will be comforted. To all of you, I give a blessing in the
Lord's Love. An-nyoung (=Good-bye).
While the Blessed Mother was speaking, a powerful
light was radiating from above and shining upon everyone in the Mass.

Message on June 12, 1997
His Excellency Bishop Paul Chang-Yeol Kim, head of the Cheju(=Jeju)
Diocese in Korea, and Fr. Anthony Jung-Yong Kim, an elderly priest in the
Kwangju(=Gwangju) Archdiocese, came to the Blessed Mother's House. Bishop Kim and Father
Kim were conversing with Rufino and myself in front of the Blessed Mother's
statue. Bishop Kim said that the Sacred Hosts that had turned into visible Flesh
and Blood and the Sacred Hosts that had come down from above before should have
been preserved. He was expressing concern over the indifference in the
When the Bishop was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur
again, (the Sacred Hosts) must be preserved," light began radiating from the
Crucifix. Then, the Bishop said, "Let's pray together." At that moment, a
white object descended. I tried to receive it in my hands, but it was so sudden
that I could not receive it. The white object fell on the altar before the
Blessed Mother's statue making a clearly audible sound. The Bishop, the priest,
and others present heard the sound of the white object falling on the altar and
went closer to the Blessed Mother's statue. Rufino shouted, "Oh, the
Eucharist! The Eucharist!" The Bishop looked at the Sacred Host and knelt
immediately, saying, "Jesus Who is living!"
I knelt, too, unable to control my tears thanking the Lord for
giving a sign to the Bishop who was saying, "If Eucharistic miracles occur
again, (the Sacred Hosts) must be preserved." I continued weeping,
remembering how all of us who love the Blessed Mother were crying and feeling
pain when the seven Sacred Hosts that came down on June 30, 1995 could not be
preserved. Then, I heard the loving, kind and beautiful voice of the Blessed

My beloved daughter! Today is truly a joyful day. (This)
Bishop, who came to me saying "Amen" to the call of this Heavenly Mother,
understood my concern and gave me consolation. Therefore, God manifested, with a
special love, a sign of love by sending down the Eucharist personally, which is
a substantial presence of Jesus Christ. God promised an inheritance to Abraham,
not because he observed the laws well. God recognized him as a just man because
of his faith and bestowed graces even upon those who were his followers.
Likewise, all the souls who believe in the sign given to you today and follow it
will receive the same graces as you.
Beloved Bishop! My dear son whom I can put in my eyes without
even feeling any pain! Make it known in a hurry. Make known to everyone the
Mystery of the Eucharist, in which the Lord is truly present, and the burning
love of my Immaculate Heart and, thus, help the little soul whom I have chosen.
When you follow me, keeping in mind that helping her is helping me, I will mark
you with a seal of flames of the sublime and powerful love from my burning
Immaculate Heart. Therefore, do not avoid me or be hesitant because of the
desires of the corruptible body, face-saving and others?eyes.
In the Church, covering up one's own faults, having the spirit
of being critical of others, and being quick and thorough about finding fault in
others are what theorists do, not priests. That is because, even though
reasoning is necessary, one must not jump to an impatient judgment on the love
of the soul who is immersed in love.
Because even many of the clergy know with their brains and say
with their mouths that a pursuit of the world and the flesh will lead to
perdition and that a pursuit of the spiritual matters will lead to eternal
happiness but are not practicing it, I called the Bishop, who is following me,
in a special way and wish to spread the burning love of my Immaculate Heart.
Become littler. I invite you to Heaven where only little souls
can enter. Because the gate of Heaven is small and large souls cannot enter it,
you must become littler continuously and bring many souls to me so that they may
be nurtured with my spiritual milk of love and become little souls.
My babies who have been invited to become little souls! The cup
of God's wrath is overflowing, because the world has reached a saturation point
with sins and great degradation. Expedite your efforts, remembering that the
time of judgment is being delayed because of the little souls despite their
small number. When the number of the little souls increases, God's voice of
wrath and breath of anger will turn into blessing and this world will become the
Kingdom of the Lord.
It is now the very time of purification. Hurriedly hold my
hands and stay in the burning Sacred Heart of Jesus and the burning Immaculate
Heart of this Mother. And offer up yourselves totally and spread the Lord's love
according to the wish of this Mother, who is the Helper in Redemption, in order
to save this world which has become corrupt and polluted in great degradation.
Then, even the souls who are rushing on the road to hell may return to the bosom
of the Church through you who think that you are unqualified.
My beloved little souls! My Son Jesus saved numerous souls with
His cruel and terrible sacrifices. But numerous children continue offending Him
and are not responding to the sublime love in (His) sacrifices. But the burning
Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart are waiting for the return of all
the children by leaving the door widely open and wish that this obstinate and
wicked world will repent hurriedly and that the Kingdom of the Lord will be
My dear souls who have responded to my anxious calls! I already
said, "Those souls who carry their crosses following the Lord, spread and
practice the Gospel, and accept my messages of burning love will be saved and
enjoy eternal life." However, numerous souls implore me for help as
if hanging on to a life buoy only when they are in pains and, after they receive
the graces they have been asking for, they return to their miserable lives
instead of reforming their lives and practicing my messages of love because of
the preposterous false rumors and their pride. That is why my Heart is hurting
so much that I make a request to the Bishop who came to me today. Help prepare a
tabernacle beside me and celebrate Mass. Consult with the Bishop (of this
diocese) and the Pastor so that Masses may be celebrated (in the Chapel). Quench
my thirst by complying with my earnest and anxious request. That way, prepare
wholesome opportunities to present the joy of love and repentance to those souls
who have become so infected with sins that they have even lost their sense of
direction and are wandering about.
Now, consecrate your souls to the cause that is precious to me
and become dissolved in the divine virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity in a holy
and universal way. As I will always be beside you who are following me, do not
have fear of anything but spread (my messages). Those who are now opposing and
criticizing you will beat their chests and repent later, making the number of
the people on your side increase. The reason why I speak often and repeat my
request is that many of the clergy, religious and (lay) children do not
understand my words. Who will be responsible, if the herds of sheep which have
become lost get dispersed and fall into hell?
The subjects of Satan are dazzling many souls even by secretly employing
spiritualism. Therefore, hurriedly discern them and spread my messages of love
solidly to the whole world. Thus, let us enjoy eternal happiness together with
the Lord Who is truly present in the Eucharist. You, who are following me and
working for me, will surely stand by my side and see the glory.
Message on June 30, 1997 (1) (about 2:40
More than 30 priests from different countries came to Naju and
concelebrated Mass in commemoration of the 12th anniversary of the
Blessed Mother's first weeping in Naju. While I was in meditation after
Communion, I saw a vision of the world turning into darkness without any light.
From the darkness, I heard the sounds of many people screaming, even though I
could not see them. I cried out aloud, "Lord! Have mercy." I felt a
heart-breaking pain thinking about these children of God who were unable to find
their way, wandering and screaming in the darkness.
I cried out again, "Let us repent. Repentance is the
shortcut to salvation. God will save us without asking questions about our past,
if we pray, asking God to forgive our mistakes and accepting everything as our
own fault instead of others?" Then, many people's sighs and wailing turned
into a weeping of repentance and prayer. At that moment, bright light began
radiating from a point in the sky and the beautiful Mother of Mercy, wearing a
blue mantle and carrying the Baby Jesus, appeared, surrounded by the angels. As
she was coming toward us, the light continued spreading making the whole world
bright. Numerous people who had been crying saw the light and stood up and
cheered the Blessed Mother. However, there also were many who were not paying
any attention and not responding. At that moment, the Blessed Mother began
speaking in a loving and gentle way.
Daughter! Did you see that? The majority of the shepherds in
the Church are not accepting me even now. Because of this, the world is covered
with a terrible darkness and is about to sink into a deep chasm of darkness. The
darkness in the world has become so dense that the world now stands at the
crossroads. (This crisis) manifests itself in the Church as a deepening division
and apostasy, which is found even among priests. Numerous clergy and children
are not only refusing to accept my invitation but are showing an outright
defiance to it, cruelly nailing my Son Jesus to the Cross again.
However, you came from many places around the world to
commemorate my tears and tears of blood, responding to my invitation with
"Amen." Therefore, I will embrace you all in my burning Immaculate Heart
and nurture you afresh.
My beloved priests! My lovable sons whom I can put in my eyes
without feeling any pain! Upon the priests who accepted the invitation to my
banquet, I will bestow special graces. They may appear weak now, but, as I know
that they will believe in, accept, and practice my words well, I will help them
take many herds of sheep to Heaven and enter it. As God recognized Abraham as a
just man for his firm faith, I will recognize you who are following me and
making me known and will put laurel crowns on you and let you stand by my side
at the time of the Last Judgment.
However, children, do not be unwatchful and complacent. The
devil knows well about the graces you have received and will try to cut you off
from my love by wickedly and cruelly making you follow your own self-will and
thereby become scattered and proud. Therefore, always remain awake and pray with
me. This Mother's Heart is hurting so much because of the priests and numerous
children who are like the Pharisees, who were filled with curiosity, chasing
after miracles instead of comforting me, who am imploring you with tears and
tears of blood even at this time.
When the Blessed Mother said this, tears flowed down from her
eyes. She resumed speaking anxiously but lovingly.
Not only the children who do not know me but even the clergy
are not recognizing my anxious pleas that I am making, shedding tears and tears
of blood, and are preparing useless schemes and getting caught in their own
traps. . . They are not only refusing to listen to my words but are also
refusing to find out about facts, filled with curiosity and rejecting me with no
fear of God and with a distorted mind. I am overcome with sorrows.
The Blessed Mother continued weeping.
My beloved children! I will let the light, love and grace from
my Immaculate Heart overflow in all of you who came despite the long distance,
seeking me, who has been imploring (you) with tears. In this dangerous,
extremely dangerous age, you will surely see new buds sprouting even on the
burnt ground, when you realize that this Mother is needed for all of you and
follow me. Upon all of you who have been invited to my great banquet, I bestow
my love combined with God's blessing. Now, receive the Lord's blessing.
At that moment, I made the Sign of the Cross and came out of
the ecstasy hearing the priest giving the blessing at the end of the Mass. I saw
Jesus giving the blessing together with the priest, standing behind him.
Message on June 30, 1997 (2)
During the Overnight Prayer Meeting
Four to five thousand people including Korean and foreign priests
gathered and prayed in the Naju Gymnasium in commemoration of the
12th anniversary of the Blessed Mother's first weeping in Naju. The
Blessed Mother's statue, which had wept, was placed in the Gymnasium. I heard
the Blessed Mother's beautiful voice from her statue.

My beloved sons, priests, and my children! There are so many
crowds of people who betray this Mother like Judas everyday, but thank you who
are taking part in my great banquet to comfort me. Even those who did not have
the intention to comfort me also came here at my invitation. Therefore, I will
embrace you all in the streams of my mercy and in the light from my Immaculate
Heart and will nurture you and make you breathe in the refuge of my Immaculate
Heart. In whatever distress, adversity, and destitution you may be, abandon
curiosity and have complete trust. Even if it seems that sins are approaching
the saturation point and darkness is covering up everything, I will perform
miracles of love through you, who are trusting and following me.
My dear, lovable babies! Too many souls, who are not abandoning
curiosity and are loitering around, are fascinated by false prophets and become
unable to discern because of the devil's temptation. Therefore, I ask that you
faithfully practice my messages of love hurriedly and that you do not look at
this Mother with human eyes or judge her with human thoughts. If you entrust
yourselves to me totally with trust and confidence instead of reasoning and
logic, respond to me with "Amen," and make me known, my efforts will soon
become victorious thanks to your help; you will be laughing at the big liars who
distrust me, the Mother; and you will soon see the day when you will know what a
great happiness it is to trust and follow the Heavenly Mother despite the
accompanying pains. I bestow blessings on all of you who are gathered here,
together with the Love of my Son Jesus Whom I love extremely.
Message on July 13, 1997
A monsignor from
Rome visited the Blessed Mother's House (the Chapel) in Naju. While he was
praying before the Blessed Mother's statue and looking at photographs and
conversing with others about the Blessed Mother, a Eucharist descended from
above and a bright light radiated from the Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's
statue, which had wept, upon all those who were present.
Worship and totally accept the omnipotent Lord Who was in the past,
is now and will come to you in the future; and be totally loyal to the Pope in a
heroic way, displaying the power of love. My beloved Pope, who is the first son
of the Church and the successor of Peter, is exhausted and undergoing a death
agony now not only internally but also physically. Therefore, I want you to pray
for him as his real children. Always remember that the center of your prayer
should be my Son Jesus, Who is truly present in the Eucharist, and become more
absorbed (in Him).
Sons who have been called by me! My beloved sons and
daughters! Listen well. The signs that I am giving you in this small country,
Korea, which is my youngest child, are the signs for the Church in the whole
world. Help me in saving this world which is covered with darkness. (Do you want
to ask) how you can help?
(What I want is) that my messages of love, which I
have been screaming to you until my throat begins bleeding and which I have been
pleading with you (to accept) shedding tears and tears of blood and squeezing
fragrant oil out of all of my body, be accepted by the Church as soon as
possible; that numerous herds of sheep that have been scattered return; and that
Masses be celebrated in the Basilica of the Mary's Ark of Salvation. There,
priests, who are my beloved sons, will become sanctified in the combined love
from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my burning Immaculate Heart and will take
many herds of sheep on the shortcut to Heaven.
My lovely sons and daughters!
Numerous children who are covered with darkness say that they believe in God but
are joining forces with the devil. Thereby, they even lose their sense of
direction and are defenselessly rocking like a drifting boat. Therefore,
hurriedly respond to this Mother's pleas in unity to prevent a disaster.
some priests listen to false rumors and ignore and mistreat this Mother. They
are elated and triumphant as if they were veterans of many battles, provoking
the terrible wrath of God. With their tongues, they speak falsehood; from their
lips flows poison; and their throats are like open graves. Unless they repent,
they will face the consequences like Saul's end. If they continue refusing to
repent and to accept my words, what more can I do, when even God cannot do
anything more, as He allowed humans free will? You know what Saul's end was
like? God took away His Love from Saul, but will not take away His Love from
you, who are making me known. Instead, He will bestow immense blessings on you.
As I will be your real Mother, I want you to work in unity as the real
children of this Mother.
When the Blessed
Mother ended speaking, the light disappeared also.
Message on August 15, 1997
A special overnight
prayer service was held in the gymnasium at the Jeonnam Provincial Center for
the Disabled, as the Chapel was too small to accommodate the large number of
people coming to the prayer service. The Blessed Mother's original statue, which
had wept, was placed in the gymnasium. At about 10:30 p.m., while we were
praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Blessed Mother appeared,
radiating light from Heaven, wearing a blue mantle, and surrounded by angels.
She was holding a rosary in her right hand and a scapular in her left. She began
speaking with a very sorrowful voice, shedding tears.
beloved children! Until when do I have to move from one place to another?
Hurriedly prepare my house where we can offer Mass together with priests, who
are ministers of my beloved Son Jesus. That is because I want the poor children,
who have alienated themselves from Jesus and me, are engulfed in a great storm
and pushed to the edge of the hell and are placed in the midst of a danger, may
return to the refuge of my Immaculate Heart, be guided to the road of repentance
and penance, and be saved. Together with my Son Jesus, I bless all of you who
are gathered here under my name. An-nyoung.
When she ended
speaking, the Blessed Mother, the angels and the light became invisible.
Miracle and message on August 27,
At about 11:40 a.m., while I was praying before
the Blessed Mother's statue in the Chapel together with Fr. Raymond Spies and
other pilgrims, I saw beautiful light radiating like the sunlight from the
Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's statue. When we were praying the Third
Glorious Mystery of the rosary, the Holy Eucharist came down from above. It was
approximately 12 noon.
At about 6 p.m., I was again praying before the
Blessed Mother's statue, worshipping and praying to the Sacred Host placed in
front of the Blessed Mother's statue. At about 6:40 p.m., the Crucifix and the
Blessed Mother's statue became bright and the Blessed Mother began speaking
through her statue with a very sorrowful voice.
My beloved daughter! Even those who say that they
know me are spiritually blind and deaf and cannot see or understand. This
Mother's Heart is being so overwhelmed with sorrows that it is
My Son Jesus, Who is divine, deserves all the
power, honor, glory and worship, but comes to you in person in the form of
bread, hiding all of His Power, Dignity, Divinity and Humanity in order to save
the children who have gotten lost and are wandering. However, (some people who)
have seen so many Signs of Love until now think that the Holy Eucharist, which
is the Substance of Jesus, Who is alive, is breathing and wants to be with you,
is just a host, and they judge . . .
Ah! I am sad. The number of the children who
understand the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, truly accept it, and make the Real
Presence in the Holy Eucharist known is extremely small.
The Blessed Mother wept so sorrowfully, as if her
Heart was being torn apart. A while later, she resumed speaking with a sorrowful
and anxious voice.
My beloved children! My Son Jesus, Who has become
covered with Blood on the Cross and is wearing the crown of thorns instead of a
royal crown, comes to you because of His Love in order to save even those who
are most wicked. The Lord, Who is your Savior, loves all the children in the
world so much that He comes to you in the form of bread. However, (people) are
wasting time uttering useless words instead of thanking Him and worshipping Him
with fervent love and a devoted heart. Hurriedly worship and pray to the Holy
Eucharist, which is the Bread of Life, with a most sublime heart, and, thus, do
reparations for the insults that my Son Jesus, Who is truly present in the Holy
Eucharist, has received and give consolation to Him.
Children! My beloved children! There is no time to
pause or hesitate. Hurriedly spread the messages of my Immaculate Heart that is
burning with love to the children in the world and, thus, help the poor and
pitiful children, who are mired in sins, gain a new life and be
Many children in the world have lost their sense
of direction in the middle of a whirlpool of confusion, are unable to discern,
are spiritually confused and unstable, and are trying to follow false prophets
like the people who have become so weak that they are reduced to skin and bones.
The devils must be overjoyed.
Therefore, wake up from sleep hurriedly and
respond to this Mother's pleas, which she makes to you shedding tears and tears
of blood, and turn your lives into prayers. Cry out to the children in the world
so that the devils, who have been afflicting you, may be finished off and you
may gain Heaven.
All of you, whom I have chosen, must unite with
each other with a greater love and must soften the just anger of God as little
souls. You must realize that God can make you successful and prosperous, but He
can also exterminate you and sweep you away. I want all of you to wake up
hurriedly and be saved, offering up fervent prayers and practicing
When the Blessed Mother ended speaking, the light
disappeared and it became quiet.

Message on August 28, 1997
I had been in extreme pains, but went to the
Chapel, supported by others, and began praying together with three priests and
other pilgrims in front of the Blessed Mother's statue. My mind was full of
thoughts about the Holy Eucharist that had come down on the previous day. Tears
were pouring out of my eyes, when I meditated that Jesus came to this world not
to be served but to serve and, therefore, lowered Himself repeatedly even to the
extent of descending to the floor, which is under our feet. Jesus (in the
Eucharist) first descended to the hands of this unworthy sinner; then, to the
bottom of the Blessed Mother's statue; then, to the raised floor in the Chapel;
and, now to the lower floor. He seemed to be saying, "As I did, you must all
become lower and become humble, little persons."
Some time passed. Suddenly it became bright in
front of me. I saw the light radiating from the Crucifix and the Blessed
Mother's statue and shining upon us. Then, I heard the extremely beautiful,
loving and kind voice of the Blessed Mother, which also sounded
My beloved children who have been called! This
Heavenly Mother's Heart is hurting so much, because the night in this world is
becoming darker and the windows of the souls remain tightly closed despite the
pleas by my Son Jesus and me to accept Us. This Mother's Heart is being torn
apart into pieces, because those mistaken people do not see the plank in their
own eyes but are trying to remove specks from others?with a hypocrisy that
makes them criticize and judge others and concern themselves with external
appearances only.
Because of the devil's schemes, division in the
Church is becoming more severe and many souls are falling into a swamp and are
struggling in it. But even many of the shepherds are incapable of discernment
and are blaming others instead of rescuing them. I am so anxious.
My beloved children! Pray for them. Pray and pray
for those who cannot see or hear, because they are blind and deaf. How can a
blind person be a guide for other blind people? The sheep which follow a blind
guide will all fall into a pit. Therefore, hurriedly open your eyes and ears and
follow this Mother who has been imploring you with tears.
How overjoyed the devils will be, if those who
have been given the task of feeding and taking care of others with the Word of
God cannot hold on to the Heritage of Faith that has been entrusted to them? ?
Their responsibility before God is extremely heavy.
Know that my birth into this world was the signal
that announced the fulfillment of all the covenants of the Old Testament; and
the arrival of a new era of all the graces and salvation in Christ. And practice
the messages of love that I am giving you and be united to the Love of the Lord
Who wills to save the world.
As the hands of a clock keep moving without a
pause, this world as well as passion will all pass away. But God's Commandments
will never change. Therefore, have no fear, anxiety or despair, but entrust
yourselves totally to this Mama who is bringing you up and cares about you. Do
not forget that I, who share your sorrows, pains, anxieties and pains, am always
with you. And more energetically and more courageously, make known to the whole
world the Love that is flaming up in my Heart.
The days when the little souls gather, breathe and
live in my Immaculate Heart are the days that are interspersed with my immense
and powerful presence. Therefore, Satan, my enemy, may appear victorious now,
but my Immaculate Heart will surely triumph with the help from you who look
powerless and unworthy.
Therefore, all the children in the world! Stand up in a hurry
and make a new start by combining your strength. When you work heroically with a
total loyalty and displaying the power of love, I will help you, comfort you and
become not only your laurel crown in Heaven but your floral crown even while you
live in the world. An-nyoung.
Message on November 24, 1997
In commemoration of
the fifth anniversary of the first exuding of the fragrant oil from the Blessed
Mother's statue and also the third anniversary of the first descent of the Holy
Eucharist to the Chapel, Fr. Raymond Spies and other pilgrims were praying the
rosary together in front of the Blessed Mother's statue in the Chapel. While we
were praying the Third Sorrowful Mystery, I saw powerful light radiating from
the Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's statue and heard the loving, kind and
beautiful voice of the Blessed Mother.
beloved daughter! My beloved children who have responded to my call! Remember
that God, Who loves you extremely, can destroy iron pillars and brass walls in a
moment, however solidly they may have been built, and can also raise them up.
Spread the Lord's and this Mother's messages of love without losing hope but
courageously and hurriedly so that numerous children who have lost their way and
are wandering in this urgent time may be saved.
Even if the world fails to
repent and thus becomes seas of fire as in the age of Sodom and Gomorrah, and
violently raging waves threaten to sweep you away as during the Great Deluge in
the time of Noah, I will protect you, who are following me with trust and faith
and are making the burning love in my Immaculate Heart known. I will sustain you
like a person who never yields his integrity even in adversity and lead you to
the Heavenly Garden. Therefore, graciously offer up even the pains that cause
bleeding within you for the conversion of sinners. An-nyoung!