Precious Blood came down in the Chapel floor

 Monstarance that has preserved a stone stained with Precious Blood moved

 Precious Blood on plastic dome in the Blessed Mother's mountain.

Precious Blood came down on the stones.

Golden color fragrant oil

Precious Blood was found on right foot of jesus on the Crucifix.



Bishop,many priests, pilgrims from korea and abraod doing the Way of the Stations of the Cross




 Pilgrims looking at the Sun that changing color and spining  

Our Lady entering the vinyl tented Chapel riding on the Mary's Ark of Salvation

The priest group joining in the procession


Holy Mass

Julia Kim and Miss Fatima is now greeting to pilgrims with joy together with Father Jerry Orbos.

Holy Mass that concelebrated by the Bishop and many priests from different country

Bishop preaching the Homily

Eucharistic Benediction.

Angel-like Dancing team's performance





During the Rosary suddenly Precious Blood came down and Bishop and priests witnessed on the spot

One of priest witnessed and pointed the Blood
on the plastic dome.


