A scene of Holy Mass in the morning of Aug14.2010.



 Time for sign of peace, we emraced one another with a holy kiss.

Retreat participants were doing each programs in helping with aspirents and Sisters during the retreat conducted by the Society of Mary's Ark of Salvation.







 Beginning prayer of the Way of the Cross


The Way of the Cross on the Blessed Mother's mountain



 Retreat participants are removing the nail with a plier of love  and they were all crying by remembering that Jesus died on the Cross for the sake of us all and they  also realized that they had nailed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by committing a sins.




Julia Kim had suffered the pains from the Crown of Thorns during the Station of Cross





Julia Kim explaining the meaning of passion of Jesus and dying on the Cross's for   the sake of us.




A stream of water of mercy and fragrant oil poured down when Julia Kim touched her hand to the feet of Jesus on the Crucifix at the Mt. Calvary.



 The Rosary procession with candle-light.


Dedicating a letter and candles to the Blessed Mother. 





 Personal presentations and special time with Julia Kim




 Posed with Julia Kim, Father Chang , Julio Kim and Sister.

   My beloved children! Seek the highest good and love in your faith and carry all the   souls in the Mary’s Ark of Salvation, praying most fervently that they may never get off of   it again; and come to Me through My Mother. 

Whenever you come here seeking My Mother and Me and cry out earnestly with your whole hearts, I will bestow on you the light from My burning Sacred Heart and the light of My mercy, and My Mother will also bestow on you the light from her Immaculate Heart and streams of the water of mercy, letting you suck her milk to your hearts' content.  Then, all your thirst will be quenched; and you will be filled with graces and experience joy, love and peace.

Today, together with My Mother, who was conceived without original sin for the salvation of the world, I bestow heavenly blessings upon you.
(Message from Jesus on December 08,1999.)

