The Blessed Mother of Naju-appealing us for 25 years with tears,  tears of blood and giving us fragrant oil by squeezing all of herself .


  It was July 01 on Thursday just after the Silver Jubliee of  the Blessed Mother's first weeping on Jun 30, the Blessed Mother of Naju shedding tears again and the Bishops and many foreign priests had witnessed the scene of shedding tears. coming soon


The stream of water of mercy cam down on the plastic box which was the place where the Host came down on Aug 27,1997.


In the morning of June 30, the stream of water of mercy came down on the plastic dome where Our Lord's Precious Blood are preserved

 On June 20, both Korean and foreign pilgrims heading for the Blessed  Mother's mountain to attend the Silber Jubilee of Our Lady's first weeping tears  in Naju, Korea.


At 3 p.m on June 30, pilgrims crowded on the Blessed Mother's mountain for doing the Way of the Cross. 

 His Excellency Bishop FX Prajasuta, His Excellency Bishop James Chan and other foreign priests humbly knelt before the 12th Station.

 Risen Jesus giving a blessings on the pilgrims, also the group of clergy simultaneously giving us who are called by Blessed Mother of Naju special blessing at the 15th Station.

 The group of clergy adored to the Jesus on the Cross at the  Mt.Calvary.


The procession of Our Lady of Naju into the main Altar for the Silver Jubilee of Our Lady's first weeping tears in Naju on June 30, 2010. The embles represents each prayer group of Mary's Ark of Salvation nationwide.

2 Bishops and 9 priets from abroad and 3 Korean priests joined the procession.

Thousands of crowds gathered in the Blessed Mother's Mountain to consul the Blessed Mother of Naju on the commeration of 25th anniversary of Our Lady's weeping tears in Naju,Korea.

Korean traditional dance performed by Christina Kim who has been                an honorary Ambassadar of the Blessed Moter of Naju.

 Julia Kim who has been severe sufferings for the conversion of sinners and even she offers up all the painful sufferings graciously and also atonement suffering for other's sins giving her testimony and the messages of love.

The Solemn Mass officiated by His Excellency Bishop FX Prajasuta from Indonesia and homily was said by Korean priest Aloysius Chang.

The Eucharistic benediction with Holy Eucharist that came down on the Altar of Mountain Chapel during the Holy Mass on April 16, 2005 and these Holy Hosts preserved  in the ciborium and the Eucharist exuded Blood bled on the 6th of May the same year. we are privillieged to receive the benediction from living Jesus in the Eucharist and personally came to all of us

Many of both pilgrims from abroad and at home filled with love of the Lord and the Blessed Mother of Naju who came to us personally here in Naju and they were all born again through this rare opportunity of Silver Jubilee of Our Lady's first weeping tears in Naju, Korea- JUNE 30, 2010.

   Children who have been called!  And all the children in the world!  Now, the night has grown deeper, thus signaling the approaching dawn.  That the new heaven and the new earth may be realized, I want you to hurriedly awake from sleep; respond to this inestimable, sublime love revealed through the signs that I and My Mother have continuously manifested in order to save the world; accept the messages of love which (I and My Mother) have been screaming until Our throats begin bleeding; and graciously offer up even the trivial things, without squandering even one of them or taking it lightly, by turning your lives into prayers.

Thus, if you rush to Me through My Mother humbly as little souls, I and My Mother will guard and protect you, whatever natural disaster may occur, and you will escape from the calamity of fire flaming up with justice and witness a new daybreak.

(Message of love from Jesus on Aug 15,2002)

