Day 1  Day 2   Day 3


Practing the gymnastics,so called "The Triune Gymnastics"


Second day of Holy mass

In-depth Study of the Messages of love


Watching DVD, titled of The passion of Christ"


The Stations of the Cross


Julia Kim also participated in the passion of Christ together with retreatants while she was offering the extreme sufferings for the sake of all of participants who were presented on the way of the Cross.



Julia Kim prayed  for the participants one by one.


Julia Kim received Precious Blood of Our Lord on her shirt 

while she was praying for the retreatants at Mt.Calvary.


Bright & colourful fragrant oil floating on the Naju water in the jar.

The Rosary procession holding the letter of intentions to the Blessed Mother.





Role-playing drama performed by each teams based on five ways of spirituality of Naju

   My little souls who have been chosen through My Mother!  At least you, remembering that only My Mother can turn God's wrath away from you, respond with Amen to My Mother's messages of love which she has earnestly given you, personally revealing her presence, love, and friendship with her tears, tears of blood, and fragrant oil; and, with total faith and trust, help all the herds of sheep, which have lost their way and are wandering, come aboard the Mary’s Ark of Salvation which My Mother has prepared and help them arrive at the heavenly harbor.

While making Me and My Mother known, you will also be persecuted in this world, but, in the next world, you will receive the power and privilege to pick and eat the fruits of the tree of eternal life, be given a share, receive a shiny royal crown, and sing Alleluia at the side of Me and My Mother, together with the Saints, surrounded and guarded by the Angels, and enwrapped in glory. (Message from Jesus on November 2,2000)

Day 1  Day 2   Day 3