The Blessed Mother exuding
fragrant oil from her Statue
in Naju on Holy Thursday
(April 5, 2012)

The Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament of Our Lord's

The Procession of Our
Lady's Statue carried into the Chapel

Welcome greetings one another.

Priests blessing on who entered the prayer group of the
"I want all of you to become totally little
by the power of the Precious Blood of the Lord who loves you deeply and the
merit of this bleeding Mommy to be tightly embraced in my bosom of love like the
Baby Jesus. Thus, be nurtured by my little soul who is
always with me and make a new start." (Message
from the Blessed Mother on August 2nd,2008)

Julia Kim giving her testimony while she offering up
painful sufferings
caused by the sufferings of scourging on Good

The blessing of light.

The Mass for the Great Easter Vigil.

"The day when the Lord will finish the work which He, Who
is Love Itself, began is not far from now so that the groundless rumors and the
bloody pains of double deaths that my beloved daughter, a little soul specially
called, has been suffering until now may not be fruitless." (Message from the Blessed
Mother on December
31st,2005) |