Why does Our Lady weep?

Miracles in Naju

Meaning of
the signs in Naju

Basic questions 

Our Lady's war

Who is Julia Kim?

Julia's testimony

Julia's suffering
as a victim soul


 Julia Kim's testimony

during the first Saturday vigil on July 2, 2011.


Excerpts from Julia's testimony during the first Saturday prayer meeting.

(July 2,2011)

      bullet03_glitter.gif Praise be Jesus !  Praise be the Blessed Mother !

Jesus and the Blessed Mother are ardently appealing to all the children in the world to open the door of their hearts and receive Jesus at this very moment. All of you who are present here have already accepted Jesus and the Blessed Mother who came and are present here in Naju.

 By the way, isn't it difficult for us sometimes to receive Jesus even though we have offered the prayer of life and have armed ourselves with the five ways of Naju spirituality by removing all the bad things in our hearts ?

At this moment, Let us open our hearts widely for Jesus to be able to come into our hearts.  By removing even the tiny seed of evil in our hearts and arming ourselves with the prayer of life and five ways of Naju spirituality, we can have Jesus and Blessed Mother in our hearts.

Today, I would like to share with you about the spirit of Simplicity.We have to follow Jesus and the Blessed Mother in a simple way. It is difficult for those who think that just because they are following Jesus and the Blessed Mother they will go to heaven if they are not simple yet.

We could find the word simplicity over 20 times in the Messages of love given by the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

Without simple-mindedness, we can not become a little soul. Without becoming a little soul, it is hard to go to heaven.The person who becomes a little soul can be embraced in the bosom of the Blessed Mother.The Blessed Mother wants to embrace us and feed us her milk but she cannot embrace an inflated soul.

Let us today surely become simple little souls !   All the pilgrims responded with "Amen" !

According to the Bible –Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verse 29

This is all that I  have learned:God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated.

When these people becomes an adult and lose their simplicity, they make matters complicated instead.

Jesus and the Blessed Mother also spoke to us.

Do not weigh or judge even a trivial thing in a human way but offer up everything in your life by turning them into a prayer.Only little souls are able to be lifted into heaven along with me, your Mother.

We must become little souls, but instead we are trying to make a pretext and compromise when we make a mistake.  Then we end up telling a lie. I am not talking about you.

Anyway, then what does falsehood bring ? A falsehood carries another falsehood to make a compromise with lies and eventually leading to irrevocable consequences.

When we make a mistake, we will not try to make a compromise, instead we have to come closer to Jesus by repenting and asking for His forgiveness.

However, most people try to make a pretext and compromise instead of admitting and repenting of their sins. Furthermore, they entice other people to hide their own faults and also make many people commit a sin by listening to falsehood.

If they simply give an honest answer, no harm is done to others and nobody will commit the sin of rash judgement.  But because they try to make a compromise thus it brings many people to commit sin.

It is possible that the fruits on the tree of good deed may all fall down and be ruined if we cause many people to commit sins due to our fault that we are not simple-minded.

Dear Fellow pilgrims, we can make a new start in order for us not to lose the meritorious deeds that we have accumulated so far.

It is not too late. .Now we should renew our resolution.

I myself also make mistakes and commit faults and hurt the Hearts of Jesus and the Blessed Mother. But I immediately go to confession and repent of my sins and ask for forgiveness. I then just try to live well according to the will of the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

Let us all do not deceive ourselves, we can deceive people but the Lord and the Blessed Mother already know about us.The Lord and the Blessed Mother came and are present here in Naju and showed us numerous signs and showing us many signs even until now.

I heard that today also, the precious Blood came down at the 10th Station during the Way of the Cross and the sight of Blood falling down were witnessed by the pilgrims. Some of you have already received the Precious Blood.

It is difficult to go to heaven without becoming a simple child.God created us simple-minded, but greed makes people complicated. All our bad habits also are caused by much pride and by not being simple.

Our personality has become worst due to our wounds that we received since we were in the womb and up to now.On the other hand, if anyone asks something, just answer it simply without making any pretense and if we fail we immediately ask for forgiveness. 

In that case, who do we have to remember?

The one we have to remember is Maria Magdalena, who was supposed to be stoned to death. But simply, she tearfully repented of her sins, washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and wiped it with her hair and poured oil on his hair.

So, despite being a great sinner, she became a Saint who laid down the rest of her life being dissolved in Jesus completely.

By the way, in the past I ran into an old man ( “Hereafter called as "Bong grandfather") on my way home from the Legio Marie activities, and he said to me,  " Please help bring me some water. " It was when I was still running my own hair salon in the spring of 1983. So I really happily brought a bucket of water to him. Then I found that all the bowls in his kitchen were so dirty and stained with the foot prints of rats.

So I washed them and cleaned the kitchen and asked him " Are you living here alone ? " and he replied, " Yes and I am amaurotic. " (Amaurosis is loss of vision from disease of optic nerve, retina or brain without external change in the eye).  At first, I did not recognize that he was blind because when he opened his eyes it appeared normal.

Now, I am talking about the one who is called grandfather Bong Il-Dong. Our whole family started helping him since then.

I was a member of the Holy Spirit movement, but I quit due to disappointments and hurt when I saw their pride and also experienced that they are trying to rule over the parishioners.

They really could not understand that the principle of the coal briquette; to burn this black briquette and provide heat, it must humbly start burning itself from the bottom not from the top.

That's why I decided to stop and quit as a member of the Holy Spirit movement.

As you know, during the Lent of 1982, I prayed to Jesus, "How graciously and happily I receive sufferings so that my little offering though like specks of dust may contribute to the work of salvation by the Lord."   I offered my sufferings and prayed again," please withdraw all the gifts from me, then I will wash the dishes in some hidden place instead of giving a banquet and serving food to the people there. "

Back then I tried to ask Sister to allow me to quit as the leader of the Legio Marie activities, but Sister always rejected my request so I continue to lead the Legio in the spirit of obedience. I met pitiable blind Bong grandfather around that time.

Even though I asked withdrawal of the gifts before, but because of Bong grandfather,I prayed only for a one time gift of healing for him, but it wasn't granted. So I prayed again " Jesus! You heal him personally." but it also wasn't granted. Nothing happened, so do you know what I did for him?   I remembered Tobit, So imitating what he did, I caught a fish and tried to rub gall juice on the Bong grandfather’s eyes and also made him drink it.

I was so skinny then, my waist was only 24 inches and my weight was 53-54 kg only but I even carried him on my back to the Church and on foot.

(From the left,Julia's youngest son Philip,Bong grandfather and Julia kim)

& (Julia Kim, Bong grandfather and Rufino park,back row with yellow shirt)

It was really a busy and hard time for me then, because I had to run my hair salon, and be the leader of Legio Marie Activities as well as take care of Bong grandfather (I even bathe him) and also took him to church for his baptism.

(Annotation) -Tobit 6:3-9)

“ Now when the boy went down to wash his feet in the river, a large fish suddenly leaped out of the water and tried to swallow his foot. He shouted in alarm.But the angel said to him, "Take hold of the fish and its gall, heart, and liver, and keep them with you; but throw away the entrails. Its gall, heart, and liver make useful medicines." After the lad had cut the fish open, he put aside the gall, heart, and liver. Then he broiled and ate part of the fish; the rest he salted and kept for the journey.

Afterward they traveled on together till they were near Media. The boy asked the angel this question: "Brother Azariah, what medicinal value is there in the fish's heart, liver, and gall?"

He answered: "As regards the fish's heart and liver, if you burn them so that the smoke surrounds a man or a woman who is afflicted by a demon or evil spirit, the affliction will leave him completely, and no demons will ever return to him again.And as for the gall, if you rub it on the eyes of a man who has cataracts, blowing into his eyes right on the cataracts, his sight will be restored.”

Upon hearing that, one of choir members said to me," sister!   Didn’t you have any feeling as you bathe him and see his pepper? " ( Pepper is penis - Korean slang)

I replied, "It means nothing to me whether it's a pepper or a finger."  When bathing him. I just think of it as a finger and not a man's pepper, I explained to her…..  Am I right? - pilgrims laughing …… and said yes it is .... 

Eventually, I decided to take him to the Eye clinic because nothing happened to him even after I tried all things and prayed hard for him.

Therefore, I discussed my plan with the parish Sister and pastor.

They asked me what was I going to do now.  The man was 85 years old and blind with just few years left with his life.

What can such an old man do after his sight is restored?

But, I was begging Sister, "I don't have any other wish as it is enough for me if he lives only for one day with good eyesight."

But she said to me, "If you have money, use it for young people instead."

So I replied, "Yes, Sister please bring me young blind people. I promise to help get surgery for them, but please just allow me to take Bong grandfather to the hospital." Then, she was forced to answer me," Okay, alright!  you are unstoppable .  You'd better do whatever you want to do! "

I got the permission on condition that I help with the surgery for the young blind people then, I took Bong grandfather to Hong's eye Clinic which was the most famous in Kwangju City at that time.

In the middle of waiting for our turn, I saw young man who was crying and  overheard the doctor telling him that it was not possible to operate on his mother's eye because at 75 years she was too old to undergo cataract surgery.

Do you think that it is possible for them to operate on an 85 years old?

In addition, the result of the examination revealed that his optic nerve was seriously damaged and at once they rejected surgery for him on the spot.

I just knelt down and begged the doctor, "Dear doctor!  just operate on his eyes." I just kept on eagerly begging and imploring the doctor telling him that the result doesn't matter to me, if he gains his eye sight or not but just operate on him..

The doctor ( Director of Clinic) replied,  “Hey  !  Ahjumma (Mrs) ,(Ahjim-dialect in this region) you are now asking me to make what is 100 % impossible possible, I am suppose to accept what you’re asking me and operate on him even when there's only 0.0001 % possibility of success..”

Therefore, please take him back and don't bother me anymore! "So I replied, "doctor ! The result doesn't matter to me, you just operate on his eyes. I just entrust him to  God who is leading us to turn what is impossible into what is possible, and I will pray during the operation in the back.

Doctor! This old man is not my relative, nor benefactor nor an acquaintance. My only wish is for him to live with eye sight and see the light even only for one single day because I knew he had been living his life stained with deep wounds confined in the darkness.

It is okay if he couldn't see after an operation, however, I will never forget all your favors all my life if you accept my earnest request.

Doctor ! You know, as an old proverb says, "Even a deceased person's wishes are granted. "

Then, the doctor saying that I was unstoppable scheduled the date of operation and I heard the confirmation of the surgery.

I gave thanks to the Lord and while I was entrusting everything to Him,

I heard the voice of Jesus, "Oh ! my little soul !  I will turn the impossible into the possible in the heart of the infinite love I have for you who offers all her priceless sacrifices and reparation graciously."

When I went to Hong‘s Eye Clinic at that time, I put him on my back and rode the bus which was always fully packed like sardines ("a Jar growing bean sprouts" in Korean expression)

I could make money then at 1,500 won (one and half dollars) in 5-10 minutes by cutting hair.

It was not impossible that I could take a taxi for 200 won only( about 20 cents). But  I went to the bus terminal by carrying  him on my back and on foot and got to the Kwangju terminal. (one hour distance from Naju) I also carried him on my back again and on foot went to the Hong's Eye clinic.

It was not easy for me to go straight to the clinic, so I would stop and proceed again  towards the clinic. So Bong grandfather said to me "Ahjim, is there no direct way here? " Yes, there's a non-stop car available but I wanted to offer my sacrifices because I believe that these sacrifices will obtain the restoration of your eyesight. "I replied.

I firmly believed that God can heal him directly, but I offered my sacrifices with anticipation that God will perform the miracle through human means, through the hands of the doctor. It was really simple faith!

I did not have any doubt that it was possible through the doctor. I just left it to the Lord and I did my best doing my duty by giving thanksgiving to the Lord irrespective of the result- whether he gains his eye-sight or not without any calculating.

Furthermore, I sold my hair salon to make him gain his eye-sight. Someone had to take care of him while he was in the hospital because surgery of both eyes required 4 weeks of hospital stay. So I hurriedly cleared out the hair salon and cared for him day and night. I even cleaned him after he defecated.

Eventually, the day to remove the eye-bandages came. I was praying," Please reveal your glory to us !" You could heal him through me, but I believe the Lord has granted healing grace through the hands of the doctor." Then I heard him say,  "Ah ! I can see, I can see", happily saying it over again and again.

Another eye was also operated on. I did not worry about the other eye. I just responded with Amen with a simple faith that the Lord will also grant us His healing grace again.

A week later, they removed the eye-bandage and it was also successful.  Both eyes regained the eye-sight that they said was 100 % impossible."The Lord said that I will turn the impossible into the possible."

His wish was that he can die after he has looked even once at my face. He was astonished seeing me as soon as he opened his eyes and said," Oh my! ,  Gee !   how pretty you are !  I had thought you are pretty just by hearing your voice only."

Then,anyway he was discharged from the hospital and I brought him back to his home.

On the first day of the outpatient treatment after his discharge, the pastor especially took us by there by van.  After he gained his eye sight, I still took him to the clinic by bus.

Anyway, on our back home together with the pastor,

I asked him. "What color is that car? "  "Black", he said.

I asked again, "What color is that house?  "Red, he answered.

"How about that car? " I asked. "Blue" was his correct reply without any mistake. 

He recognized everything and suddenly tears flowed from my eyes because of so much joy.It was an unimaginable miracle that was performed by the Lord. This is what we call simple faith which obtained a cure for him by the Lord.

Bong grandfather really wanted to give his house to me, but I rejected because all that I have done for him was from my love that I wanted to share with him without cost.

But he kept insisting on me for a nominal transfer. Whenever I visited his house he would say to me, Ahjim, this house will be taken by one living behind me after I die. Therefore, you should transfer this house to your name He always tried to convince me of this. This was because the person living in the back of his house was really greedy and trying to take Bong grandfather's house after his death.

Even the pastor wanted me to inherit that house and later donate to the church but I did not feel like doing that. If I was greedy for the money, I could have taken it after his death because he didn't have any one to inherit it.

My heart was simple that I just only wanted to share love with him, so there was not a scintilla of desire on my part to take his house.. If I really wanted some reward, why did I not take that house?

He lived 5 more years since he gained his eye-sight. My wish was that he may live even only one single day but he lived 5 more years. I don't know why but I cried my heart out because of unfinished love of him …..

You are selected as a good grain in this time of separation of the empty grain and the good grain. We will be saved if we do not look back, nor look sideways but follow the Lord and the Blessed who personally came and are present here in Naju to show us Their immeasurable, sublime and purest love through the unprecedented and numerous signs that have never ever been shown in any other places in the world.

All of us now got on board the Mary's Ark of Salvation and have the dignity of the people who have been saved and so do not be discouraged. On the contrary, no matter who speaks ill of us or blame us, we just hold tightly the hands of the Blessed Mother who is the string that ties heaven and earth together.

Dear fellow pilgrims!

I love you so exceedingly. I am not able to leave you because of my deep love for you.     I was thinking that I would discontinue this work, even if the world would be ruined.However, I can not stop what I'm doing because I fully understand the Hearts of Jesus and the Blessed Mother.

Where should I go without all of you who with love are overcoming all the persecutions and severe difficulties in order to come to Naju. Some, to protect Our Lady of Naju for over 20 years were even kicked out of their parish church.

Thank you Jesus and the Blessed Mother who granted us the grace to attain heaven.  Please protect our every move and take care of us , lead us, watch over us so that we live the life of the Resurrection filled with joy, peace and love by gaining victory against the devil of division which has filled  the sky and earth.  Keep us awake and to pray, arming ourselves by turning our daily lives into prayer even if we are unworthy.

While we work for the Glory of the Lord and the Triumph of Immaculate heart of Mary for the rest of our lives, may we receive through the Holy Spirit health on every part of our bodies and on the last day be granted the grace to enjoy eternal happiness beside Jesus and the Blessed Mother in Heaven.

May Jesus and the Blessed Mother bestow graces fully upon all of you today. If you were ready to receive it you have already received it.  Please believe without any doubt.  Have you received fully of the Holy Spirit?  The pilgrims responded," Yes we have!

I, unworthy sinner eagerly pray in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord  through the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the  intentions of physical and spiritual healings for your families. I pray in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ who wants us to gain the victory of the Resurrection.Amen ~

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.

Thank you very much.



(Photo-Julia Kim praying before outside Altar on Jul 23,2001)

 "No matter how unworthy I am and continuously groaning from the sufferings caused by illnesses, how graciously and happily I receive the sufferings so that my little offering though like specks of dust may contribute to the work of salvation by the Lord." Amen !

